Page 125 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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Spring Sports Schedule p.IO Ash burn to retire at HonorBoardrulesonstudentsinvolved end of semester inshooting; criminalchargespending ing this student's comments. he said, By MICHELLI': HAMILTON room from which the shooting fercnt views in response to the in- Dr I RAU:V BARNES came and other procedures were cident and the Honor and Con- Cf)lllr;I)Ulj"f!.\v,.ilel "In one's final year, one feels academic NI!....JEdiIQr A vast bodyofknowledgeandex freedom and strays off the beaten path The Honor & Conduct Board followed, permission to search the duct Board's decision. Junior Jen pcrience is leaving Western Maryland to keep things interesting." released its decision about the two room was granted by Dean Sayre. Nash was standing next to the vic- College forever following the 1994-95 Jenny Gent has been Dr. WMC students who were involved While searching the room for the tim when the victim was shot. school year. Ashburn's department secretary for 19 with the shooting of a female resi- weapons, officers of campus safety She commented on how WMC is Dr. Frank!inAshbum is an ROTC years. According toGent and Ashburn, dent with an air pistol inviting this type of behavior be- WMC graduate of 1953 who. is retir- they work well together because they The Honor & Conduct Board, cause the "sanctions taken against ing a~ a teacher and thechairofthe So- have compatible personalities. according to the release in the them [the two males] weren't ciologyDepanmemafter 1995. He be- Gent said, "Our kids are the same weekly "WMC In brief," found the harsh at all." She alluded that came a pennanent teacher in 1971, edu- age so we have a closer relationship first student "responsible for know- WMC is "lax towards people who cating students is criminology, sociol- than the normal one between a boss and ingly falsifying information to "[The situation] definitely are prominent" on campus. Nash ogy, pena!ogy, complex organizations, his secretary." campus officials, possession of il- also added that "we shouldn't feel and juvenile delinquency. He also When asked to describe him as a legal drugs and possession of an air ~ould have been avoided." unsafe on our own campus." graduated from North Carolina Stale teacher, she said, "He supplied good pistol. The sanction was conduct --Brian Kaywork Brian Kaywork, junior and with a masters in psychology. advice, was fair, and he reallytookcare probation through May 1996, drug fraternity brother of the two ac- His past is frull of diversity and of his students." counseling and removal from the also found evidence of drug use cused, also expressed his views experience. He was a Baltimore P> Dr.Tate has been a sociology col- residence halls through May 1995." and distribution. Immediately the on the matter. "[The situation] lice officer when he started teaching at league of Ashburn's for approximately The other student involved city police were contacted, and the definitely could have been WMC, a social worker in Baltimore, a 20 years. When asked of any impact was found "responsible for know- search continued with the city po- avoided," he said. Although membcroftheAnnySccurityAgency, thatAshbum made, he proclaims, "Dr. ingly falsifying information to lice present. Weapons recovered Kaywork "saw [the Conduct and acriminology professor at the Uni- Ashburn improved and initiated the campus officials, possession of an were two CO,-powered BB guns, Board's decision] as lenient," he versity of Philippines 30 years ago. criminal justice concentration and pro- air pistol, -and endangering the cartridges. and ammunition. emphasized that the two males As the third department chair since vided the department with good chair health and safety of others. The "When interviewed initially, "still have an education. Their in- its origination in 1938, Ashburn feels leadership." sanction was disciplinary probation they attempted to lie to Dean Sayre tentions were not to hurt anyone, proud in contributing to the sociology Two things Ashburn said he will through May 1996, and educa- and Campus Safety Department. and Ithink the Honor Board knew department's history. He became de- miss are ''thecameraderie with his col- tional project and removal from the Later the guest of the room con- that." But Kaywork added that he partment head in 1986, succeeding Dr. leagues and the interesting student char- residence halls through may 1995." fessed to the shooting. The oc- "also feels [the two males] are Jarnes Earp and Dr. Ensor. acters." The incident occurred on cupant was charged of being in wrong." Whcnaskedabouthisteachingex- Tate said no person has been ac- January 31. 1995 at 10:01 p.m. possession of drugs and weap- Mike Webster emphasized perience at WMC, he smiled and said, cepted yet to replace Ashburn. The de- when a student from Blanche Ward ons," reponed Webster. The two that this incident was handled "I get a big kick out of seeing them [stu- partment will advertise and conduct a Hall fired a BB gun into a group of males were arrested and brought with just the two individuals. He dents] become successful." He has search, reducing possible candidates to students standing in the area of the up on charges to the Honor & assured that there was "no evi- taught WMC students for approxi- three. Then, interviews will be held. gazebo. One female was shot in Conduct Board. No one was dence of fraternity involvement." mately23 years. Ashburn was married 35 years the nose and "suffered a moderate charged by the police for the pos- Criminal charges are pending Amy Newell, a senior was in Dr. ago. He and his wife have two grown to severe laceration," according to session of the BB gun since it is and a trial date has been set. More Ashburn's criminology and complex daughters: Linda Marie (30) and Kim- Campus Safety Director Mike not illegal. It is against WMC information will be available organizations classes. When asked of berlyAnn(28). Webster. policy, however. when released by the Westminster she would miss him, she looked down Another immediate family mem- After students identified the Students have expressed dif- City Police. and said, "Yes, I like Dr. Ashburn be- ber is Charlie. According to Ashburn, novel, Second attack prompts student crime watch cause he'd do anything for his students. "Charlie isa3·year-oldspaniel who he His great weith of knowledge and ex- named after John Steinbeck's perience helped me to learn." 'Travels with Charlie." Another senior ,student, Eric When asked what he would do A female student crossing Red fitting the description of the as- rather than approach suspicious Whitehair, is taking criminology this after retiring he, "First Iam going to Square at 1:30 a.rn. on Feb. 24 sailant or who has any informa- people. year with Ashburn and said. "His per- sleep late in the morning. Then Imay was attacked by a while male tion to contact DoCS at ext. In addition, DoCS will pro- sonal stories are sometimes intorma- gotoChina inSeptemberorstudy Japa- who fled the scene when the 202. "Given the high volume of vide an escort on campus to rive, sometimes not, and when they nese Netsukes [an fonn sculptures). victim screamed. pedestrian traffic in this well lit anyone who feels unsafe. Es- aren't, they are distracting." Basically, Iwant to pursue unknown The victim was grabbed area at about the time of the in- corts can be reached by dialing When asked how he felt regard pursuits." around the neck by a man of cident, we are asking all mem- ext. 202. medium height and build, wear- bers of the community 10 pro- DoCS urges students -to What's Inside: ing dark pants, a bright red coat, vide any information," be a detail protect themselves simple their and said neighbors by using pre- Webster. stu- The female "It may and a ski mask. dent was not injured, nothing which you think is unimportant cautions such as locking room CS Blotter. . .. p.3 was taken, and there is no ap- that has significant value when doors, not propping residence Sisters for Justice & Women's History Month .. p.3 parent motive. combined with other details." hall doors, walking with others The Westminster Police He added that anonymous infor- when moving around the cam- Big Changes at WMC: have been involved since the mation will be accepted. pus, and avoiding lightly trav- New Phone System . . p.5 incident was reported to the DoCS reminds members of eled or poorly lit areas . hints valid are suspicious that Registration ... , , .. .p.8 Department of Campus Safety the community be reported im- mailer These where a person is and are no should activity (DoCS), Housing ... .p.8 Director of Campus Safety mediately. Community mem- just a few common sense tips to Movie Review: "Boys on the Side" . .... p.7 Mike Webster is urging anyone bers should not a detailed de- help protect oneself, according who may have seen someone scription and contact DoCS See" Crime watch," p.4
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