Page 128 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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News New groups will keep students informed; employ "the art oflistening" from page 1 February 14 at 7pm in the campus Coffee to Webster. More tips are available in By JANET BAKER COnlribulil!,~ IVriler House, which is located in the basement of the Personal Safety Handbook and the There is a new group on campus called Daniel MacLea. The discussion was based booklet Working Together for a Safe the Progressive Students. on establishing the group. A reading of the Campus, both distributed by DoCS. This group was formed in response to constitution and its clarification was the Three fellow students, sophomores students' outrage in recent months about the main agenda. Ryan John, Randy Rytter and Byron lack of information the administration pro- Future meetings will touch on search Druzgal, are organizing a campus crime videsthem. and seizure procedures on campus, an at- watch program. John has agreed to act The new group's aim is to keep the stu- tempt to analyze the school budget, Cuban as a contact point for any student inter- dents informed; informed not only of cam- issues, and solidarity of students around the ested in participating as a crime watch pus events and problems but issues or the world. member or volunteer escort. He can be state, nation, and world. Group leader Steven Monk says that reached at ext. 8149. The group is aiming to meet weekly and "the art of listening" will be a major pari of . The purpose of the program will be discuss, in an open forum style, issues that the group. This to make sure that everyone's to educate other students about campus affect us all: ones of race, political, eco- views are respected and heard. crime, prevention, and what to do if they nomic, and legislative policy. Another grassroots group on campus is witness suspicious activity on campus. Its founders are Steven Monk and the Sisters for Justice. This group discusses The program is being modeled after Gerard Millan, who are well prepared to similar issues; however, its focus is how the neighborhood watch programs normally stick to an already formed constitution. issues affect the females of today. used in cities and suburbs. This document's main intent is to make The Progressive Students group plans "We thought it was important to let sure that members know what the group is to keep the Western Maryland community people know this kind of stuff goes on about, along with keeping their purpose aware of their meeting times and topics even on a nice, quiet campus like this," clear and precise. through bulletins around campus and voice said John. The group's first meeting took place on mail. John, Rytter, and Druzgal are cur- rently recruiting supporters and other The Crucible ofF ate offers volunteers the program will probably not community, from the college although officially begin until next semester. An new perspective on opera organizational meeting next few planned is being in the weeks. for sometime More information will be forthcoming, Westminster, Md.-Never been to the themes of family turmoil. star-crossed love, according to John. opera? Then OpernSpecnves' production of revenge and salvation are timeless. "Remember, in a community, each The Crucible of Fate on Sunday, March 5 at OperaSpectives is now in its second sea- member is responsible for all the rest," 4:30 p.m. at Alumni Hall gave members of son as a professional opera cooperative pro- said Webster. "The Department of Cam- the college community the chance to expe- ducing imaginatively staged opera productions pus Safety will work with students to rience it firsthand. that are easily understood by the novice. maximize safety on campus, but we need The "audience-friendly" production of The Crucible of Fate is two hours long each other's help." Giuseppe Verdi's epic masterpiece focuses and uses spoken English dialogue and narra- ing ~~:nt~~~~.a;a~~~;s;~:,~~, ~~~ :~~~~ baseball camp -- Baseball knowledge on the four main characters who believe that tion to explain the drama and inner feelings of events happen in their lives because of fate. the characters. With piano accompaniment, the ing, anything could happen," said John. welcome but not necessary -- Camps held The commentator of the opera disagrees and arias.and ensembles are performed in the origi- "I don't think things are going to get on area ~:7~~~-;;~~316l3484-3467 the audience is left to judge. The drama is nallanguage. worse. I'm confident in the ability off ~~~~~~~~~~~~ hard-hilling. the sets are simple and power- Most who attended gave rave reviews of campus safety," he added. Ir ful and the voices are superb. The story's the performance. You are cordially invited to WMC's 1st On Campus Semi-Fonnal: The SecretGarden Date: Saturday, March 11, 1995 Time: 9 p.m, Place: The Western Maryland College Dining Porch Price: single ticket $8 or couple ticket $14 C';P~S:-(;R~'-~x-2206QS,-H;._-;_ ;..~~, - Fl330ii - YES! IwantVlS,WMASTERCARJ)eCn!d1l Irrune(Uatc~, tOO~ QUARANTEEDI VlSA@IIand Mastr:rCarde the credit cards you dese~an:r~~n:iO~:~~~"r:!~:r~NAME ------------- EMERGEOCY CASH-TICKETS-RESTA.tJRANT5.- ADDRESS HOTElS-MCITElS-GAS-CAR RENrALS- REPAJRS-M01O BUIlD YOURCREDITRAnNGI CrIY SfATE_ZlP _ .... lIe.-"o fto turn d..... s! PHONE ---- 55." ------ _ _ ••,,~~ 5lGNATIJRE _ _:.. credit cheds! ~"' ..."~~O\'l~ . No security deoostt! NOIE:Ma$Ine.Jd.,. ... ltm!tft,., .... rfld~n:lI ..."' IOnalII"lC. G'I:::'D"'-'t. ~~~~~~""~i_ ~~~~==~~~~t COUPON TODAY •. I Vr.IS.~"'
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