Page 126 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 126
The Phoenix Has our safety gone to the dogs? Editor-in-Chief Hv Lisa T. Hill '97 LISA I. HILL & STEWART A. Perhaps the problem lies in what ber of employees, DoCS cannot be ev- BITTEL Campus Safety decides is most pertinent erywhere at once. However, instead of Advertising Manager EdilorĀ·inĀ·Chie!& SlaffWriler to the safety of the students. Instead of being the "fun police," breaking up David Weigelt '95 Is Campus Safety living up to their racking up alcohol violations, they harmless parties, they should concen- name? Because as of late, two female 'should concentrate on thwarting racial trate on increasing patrols around the Business Manager students have found out that the cam- crimes and late night attacks. campus to prevent any of the afore men- Pamela Barry '96 pus is not as safe as one might think. We realize that due to a limited num- tioned crimes. Granted, sometimes the parties on this campus News Editor tend to get out of hand, Michelle Hamilton '98 some a little more than others. However, major problems at these par- On The Hill Editor Jenny Daino '95 ties that require more attention than the R.A On The Hill Assistant Editor on duty can provide are Jonathon Shacat '98 the exception, not the rule. And those prob- Photography Editor lems that do occur can Aden Mages '97 be stopped before they get really serious, Sports Editor whereas for a lone stu- Jay Hilbert '95 dent who is attacked, little help is available Distribution Manager until it is too late Amy Weigelt '96 Crime is on the rise, and every student General Staff is directly affected. Discouraging this Aaron Alhburn '97, Paco Frisuelos crime wave should be Kromer, Jill Marron '97, Chrissy Pardew '97, Ross Hollebon '97, Josh oneofthe top priorities Foster '96, John Manard '96, Stewart of the school. Reason Bitlel '95, Bill Bower '95, James being, if the campus is Riggins '98 deemed unsafe and ra- cially incorrect, no- body will want to at- Layout Staff Pamela Barry '96, Lisa Hill '97, tend WMC-, and the James Riggins '98 problems will snow- ball from there. The bottom Faculty Advisor Terry Dalton line is, no, we are not saying that underage drinking and dope- smoking should be ig- nored, because they ARE illegal. How- The Phoenix is published bi- ever, it seems that this weekly. The opinions expressed do not year, DoCS and Resi- necessarily represent those of The Phoe- dent Life have become nix staff, the faculty, or the administra- almost fanatical about torsofWMC. catching students in The paper welcomes free-lance these situations, submissions on Macintosh disks in most which although illegal, are not as harm- word processor formats. The editor re- Have any comments ful as being brutally attacked by masked serves the right to edit for clarity, length, assailants. and libel and 10 publish as space permits. If there were no attacks or reports All submissions (excluding self-ad- or complaints you of racial crimes, then the concentration dressed diskettes) become the property on underage drinking and substance of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. abuse would be reasonable. Until that Please include a name and time, DoCS and Residence Life should phone number for verification. Names want to voice to the get their priorities straight and make this will be withheld only by the discretion campus safer. of the Editor-in-Chief. Instead of spending the money to The Phoenix does not discrimi- renovate buildings, perhaps the school nate based on age, race, religion, gen- entire community? should spend more money on hiring der, sexual orientation, national origin, more DoCS officers .. Because if this condition of handicap, or marital status. campus is deemed as unsafe, and enroll- Send a letter to the ment does go down, then there will be Mail 10: no students to enjoy these new facilities, and The Phoenix what is a college without students? WMC,2 College Hill WMC is our college, our home. Up to Westminster, MD 21157 Phoenix! now, students thought nothing of just walking across the campus at any hour. And why not? (410) 751-8600 We feel safe walking around our own homes (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 and in our own backyards, so why can't we do call x8600 or send through campus mail
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