Page 127 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 127
Sisters for Justice and Women's History Month also information about The Sis- women's By PAMELA BARRY BIIS;ne.HMwwxu ters for Justtce group at the table s he I t e r . After a bit of a slow start last and it was manned by members of Donations semester, The Sisters for Justice the group from 11 a.rn. to approxi- will also be has picked up momentum. At mately 4:30 p.m. accepted their last meeting, on Wednesday, Later the same afternoon throughout February 22, the group dis- there was be a meeting in the month cussed their plans for the month· McDaniel Lounge that focused and can be of March, Women's History around a self-defense demon- brought to Month. stration for women. This se!f- D The meeting, run efficiently, defense class was be open 10 all Christiana did not seem to have one specific women, free of charge, and be Leahy's of- leader or person in charge. But taught by an instructor of Tae fice in Me- this was not necessary. With Kwon Do. The meeting will be- moriallOI. few exceptions, everyone spoke gan at 4:30 p.m. in McDaniel o " out without reservation and the Lounge. Monday, atmosphere in the room made ev- Also on the agenda is a March 13, eryone feel at ease. The meeting dance sponsored by The Sisters there will Larrick, Anna Hrybyk, Carla DeSalvo, Kate Fago, Bekah Velazquez, Deanne Lyon was started by Carla DeSalvo and for Justice. It is scheduled to be a (front L to R) Dr. Isabel Valiela, Sonia Stoy, Carrie Bergonia, Jennifer Fleming, Susan the discussion focused on the take place in the Dining Porch speaker by Alvin, Carleen Alves, Naida Zecivic, Dr. Christiana Leahy. events that the group wished to on Friday, March 10, beginning a former sponsor to celebrate Women's at 9 p.m. The dance wi\! feature merchant of Westminster, Pam in McDaniel Lounge beginning one who wishes to contribute History Month. music from women artists-cuny- Davis. Many students are famil- at 7 p.m. All members of the col- any work 10 call her at extension The group decided to begin one wishing to loan music for the iar with her former store, Libera- lege community are welcome to 8324 no later than March 17. the celebration of the month of dance is encouraged to do so. tions, which used to be located in attend. Anyone wishing to help March with a table, on Wednes- Snacks and refreshments will be the Westminster Shopping Cen- Also, during the month of plan this month's activities or day, the lst, located at the top of provided, and the dance will be ter, before it was shut down by the March, there will be a women's an join the group should attend the the stairs in Decker, that provided free of charge. Those attending police. Ms. Davis now owns a show in Ensor Lounge. Bekah weekly meetings, held Wednes- information for and about women are asked to bring canned food or new store, located in Baltimore. Velazquez is, again this year, or- days at 4:30 p.m. in McDaniel to anyone interested There was clothing 10 be donated to a local The talk is scheduled to take place ganizing the show and asks any- Lounge. Campus Safety Blotter Editor's note: We apologize for the property valued at $100.00 from the Campus Safety responds to aharass- son. Campus Safety and Westminster pus Safety responds 10 a noise delay in providing this information. room. ment complaint. Police respond. investigation is pend- complaint. Offenders asked to mg. One delay is due to Campus Safety On 1/3 at 8:39 a.m. in MCD Campus On 1(3 Iat 10:01 p.m. Campus Safety quiet down. and one Blotter was omitted due to Safety observed damage to a window. transports student from Gazebo area On 2f} at I:30 a.m. in Campus Safety On2/12at 11:16a.m. in Whiteford space needs. On 1/13 at 12:17 p.m. in Harrison lot toCCGH for treatment of a pellet gun Student cited for phone harassment. Campus Safety EMT responds to student reported theft of auto accesso- shot. On 2/9 at 5:44 p.m. in Rouzer student unresponsive student. Student On 12!8 at 5:03 p.m. in ANW a stu- ries valued at $525.00. On 1(J1 at 10;04 in Blanche Campus reports theft of$4O.00 from unlocked transported to CCGH by ambu- dent reponed theft of property valued On 1/13 at 1:34 p.m. in PELC lot stu- Safety and other Student Affairs per- and unattended room. lance. at$ 87.00 from a room. dent reported auernpted theft of auto. sonnel search the room where a stu- On 2/9 at 1:55 p.m. in Whiteford par- On 2/12 at 10:00 p.m. in Campus On 12/11 at 1:45 a.m. in \Vhiteford a On 1/15 at 2:00 a.m. in GA lot Cam- dent was shot from and discover pel- ent anonymously reports possible drug Safety alumni becomes disorderly student was transported by a Campus pus Safety responded to and quieted a let guns and drugs with parapherna- use and distribution. Campus Safety and abusive after being cited for Safety EMT Carroll County General fight between two students. lia. CiIY police are involved in the in- and Westminster Police investigate. parking violation (fire lane). Hospital (CCGH) for an allergic-re- On 1/16 at 7:25 p.m. in Blanche road- vestigation. On2/10alll:54a.m.inANWlot On 2/13 at 2:0 I p.m. in Rouzer action. way a student backed into the fence at On 2/1 at 8:00 a.m. employee reports student repons vehicle damaged on Campus Safety and Residence Life On J 2/11 at II:28 a.m. in Decker the Pederson Hall consruccon. theft of College property discovered 2/4 possibly during snow removal investigate possible drug abuse by Centerastudentworlcerre]Xlrtedtheft On 1/15 at 2:00 a.m. in GA Campus in Rouzer. operanons. student. Westminster Police re- of$208.00 in currency. Safety EMf treated a student injured On 2/2 at 9:00 a.m. in Rouzer Cam- On 2/10 at 11:50 p.m. in Blanche spond, however, no action taken. On 12/14 at 3: 15 a.m. a student re- during a fight. Student transported to pus Safety cites student for conduct Campus Safety and Residence Life On 2/13 at 9:56 p.m. in Harrison ported numerous harassing phone CCGH by ambulance. violation (false identification). cite a student for conduct violations lot Campus Safety discovers theft calls. The students responsible were On 1/19 at 7:30 am. in Baker Memo- On 2!2 at 12:40 p.m. in Decker stu- (furnishing false information, dis- of tire and whee! from auto valued identified by Campus Safety rial Chapel Housekeeping reports dam- dent reports theft of college club prop- orderly conduct, and failing to al$125.00 On 12/14at 1:16p.m.CampusSafety age to door. erry. Students involved identified. comply) On 2/13 at 10:03 p.m. in PELC lot EMT treated a student for an overdose On 1/21 at 4:22 p.m Physical Plant On 2/6 at 12:25 p.m. in Blanche stu- On 2/12 at 12:00 a.m. in Rouzer student report theft of tire and of prescribed medications, student Campus Safety discovers fire. Dam- dent transported by CCGH by ambu- lot student cited for conduct viola- wheel valued at $250.00 from auto. was transported to CCGH by ambu- age limited to smoke. lance for back injury after slip and fall. tion by Campus Safety (failing to Campus Safety and Westminster lance. On 1/21 at 10:29p.m.inBlancheCam- On 2/6 at 12:30 p.m. in Rouzer stu- comply). Police respond On 12/16 at 1:30 a.m. in Blanche pus Safety observes a student attempt- dent reports theft of personal propeny On2/12at3: 18a.m. inANWCam- See "es Blotter," p.ll Campus Safety and Residence Life ing to break in. Jeft in hallway. cited a student for an alcohol viola- On 1/24 at 8:08 p.m. in GA Campus On 2/6 at 1:50 p.m. in McLea and RAZZMATAZZ uon. Safety and Residence Life observe a ANW students report solicitation. On 12/16 at 1:30 a.m. in Blanche non student guest of a student climb in Campus Safety identifies solicitors and '-& HAIR STUDIO IAI Campus Safety and Residence Life via a window. issues trespass warnings. h COO" W Frisco i'()IJI"r cited a student for excessive noise. On 1/24 at 8:08 p.m. in GA Campus On 2/6 at 4:30 p.m. in McDaniel stu- Pob) On l2J21 at 1:15a.m.ResidenceLife Safety and Residence Life cite a stu- dent reponed theft ofapprox. $800.00 staff member reported vandalism 10 dent for an alcohol violation. injewelry. Campus Safety and West- Blanche. On 1/24al 7:09p.m. in Lewis OUllpUS minster Police investigate, student IJ .&tt('l't('iSP[CIAl On 1/5 at 1I:20 a.m. in Lewis lot a Safety observes a student in an area identified and approx. $600.00 recov- Collegeowned vehicle malfunctioned without authorization. ered. while parked and rolled into another On 1/25 at I 1:20 a.m. in Decker Cam- On 2{7 at about 6:00 p.m. in Decker auto. pus Safely EMTevalualesstudentwith employee reports being threatened by c/'ueSday--cut, wash & blowdry $10 (reg. $15417) On 1/12 at 9:35 p.m. Non student allergic reaction and transports to Smith student. Student identified by Cam- all other times·-cul, wash & blowdry 10% off (wi student ID) damaged her auto when she drove into HOllie. pus Safety. everyday--basic manicure only $7 (wi student ID) thedumpster in front of Alumni Hall. On l/25atll:3Oa.m.inRouzerhouse- On 2[7 at 8;30 p.m. inANW lot stu- HOURS: M 10-5, T-F 9:30-8, S 8:30-5 VISA, MC, DISC On 1/3 at 1:25 p.m. in ANW a stu- keeper reports vandalism to hall wall. dent attacked apparently without rea- 876-0654 walk - ins welcome dent reponed the theft of personal On 1{30 at 11:42 p.m. in Whiteford
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