Page 120 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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-~-----~----------------_-.-- News Friday, February 17, 1995 Page 4 WMC Food Service Committee is working hard for students shrimp creole, grilled cheese, pit roast By MARY L. ROLOFF Dinill/< Service.I' beef, chicken cordon bleu, broccoli cheese GLAR is now offering: Towards the end of the first semester, quiche, special events and theme meals. the Food Committee inconjunction with the Least favorite menu entrees include: Dining Service distributed a survey to 50- vegetarian tacos, Chinese dishes, bland licit feedback on your dining experiences casseroles, chicken wings, sausage sub, Pizza Bar Every day for lunch and learn how we may serve you better. hot dogs, pasta sauce, seafood, veal dishes, Deli Bar Mcn-Fri for lunch, every Tues, Thurs, & Sun dinner The results have caused great changes beef stew, noodles Romanoff, seafood Fajita Bar Every Wednesday during dinner in what your Dining Service will offer you nuggets, rice casseroles, stuffed cod, Healthy Option Daily during the spring semester. greasy food, pork and red meat products, rr=="'==;;:=====~==i:==~===;]egg roles, bean enchilada, wIReduced Fat --All cream based soups will be prepared with skim Survey Results: and the wok bat milk to reduce the fat content Suggestions included: =Shepherd's pie and tacos will be prepared with responded on meal plans 'fu more pizza, deli open 1/2 ground beef and 1/2 ground turkey freshmen 108 325 33% more often for dinner, --During lunch plain pasta, rice or baked potato sophomore 65 215 30% Fajita bar, less grease in offered junior 56 187 29.9% the food, more baked po- -vCharcoal tato bars or an equivalent grill some meat entrees senior 34 155 21.9% healthier selection, om- Omelette Bar Every Monday and Friday during dinner elette bar, grilled sand- Grilled Sandwiches Every Tuesday and Thursday during dinner 195 -- Are aware of our Student Food Service wiches for dinner, pasta (In addition to offerings at lunch) casserole on the pasta bar, Committee Pasta Casserole Every Monday and Wednesday during dinner 45 __Are not aware that it exists orange juice at every meal, Vegetarian Incorporated new tastier selections. Vegetarian item 26 _- Have elected to-join for second semester :~:~c:~geIS and quicker at each meal 97 -- Have decided not to join Thanks to your input, Orange Juice Offered at all meals l!================'J our spring semester Carved to Order Favorite menu entrees include: pizza, menus have been tailored 10 suit your Ever Monday during dinner a carved meat item Burgers Every day for lunch Fajita's, potatoes in any form, stromboli, needs. pasta, grilled sandwiches, chicken patties, This encompasses the basic changes and Hot Dogs tenders, cheese soup, cheeseburgers, rib- and additions to our menu. You can con- a-ques, turkey, lasagna, vegetable tostatos, tinue to pro v ide ongoing feedback chicken stuffed with broccoli, tacos, stir through a Foodservice Committee Rep- Let US fry, steak, shepherds pie, pierogies, om- resentative or with the use of our Nap- elene, cheesesteak, macaroni and cheese, kin Comment Board located in Glar. combine all your debts into one Student Food Service Committee Members: easy-to-manage payment. Jeremy "Pugs" Osteen Chairperson Faculty members: credit no problem. All accepted based on ability to pay. Jonathon Shacat Secretary Barry Bosley FAST HE.... Is JusT A PHoIIE CALL _YI Andrea Romich Dawn Schiavone Mary Roloff Barry Wyche Byrom Druzgal Alan Dolid Call day ornlght 1-305-537-3617, m HR RECORDING) Ingrid Carlson James Felton Eileen Major FREE APPUCATION orwrite: Jessica Hall Micah Humbert Erv Fisher • BOX 645. HOll Y\lOOD. FL Julie Ruprecht Sherrie Bermel Bennie Bosley Community Bulletin Board The ANTIETAM REVIEW is now ac- First place--$300, second place-$200, third ject and any style, to the National Library of Po- County. cepting photography submissions for its 1995 place--$IOO. Entry fee: $5 (total cost) for up to etry, 11419 Cronridge Dr., P.O. Box 704-1933, umal. Each photographer may submit up to five poems. Owings Mills, MD 21117. The poem should be EIGHTH ANNUAL "RITE OF five black and white photographs for consider- ACTION: 2,500 words or less. First place- no more than 20 lines, and the poet's name and SPRING" ation. They should be no larger than II x 14 but $300, second place-$200, third place-$IOO. address should appear on the topofthe page. &1- The grounds of the Maryvale Prepara- can be smaller. Special attention is paid to the Entry fee: $5 (total cost) for up to two entries. tries must be postmarked by March31, 1995. A tory School will look like a sea of runners qualiry of the pnnt. 'Thedeadline for entries is March 15, 1995. Win- new contest opens April I, 1995. on Sunday, March 12, 1995. The photographer's name, address, phone ners will be notified, through the mail, by March The National Library of Poetry, founded in Runners, young and old, will converge on number, and title of the photograph should ap- 31, 1995. For complete infonnation, please send 1982, is the largest poetry organization in the the school at 9 a.m. for the eighth annual "Rite pear on the back of each photograph. Please SASE to: world. of Spring." This fun family event, cosponsored include a brief biography that covers your back- Sagebrush-C'i-a by Kennedy Krieger Institute and Maryvale Pre- ground as a photographer and an SASE for re- P.O. Box 300805 TV STATION ANNOUNCFS SUMMER IN- paratory School consisrsor aSK Race,3K Walk, turn of photographs. Denver, CO 80203 TERNSHIPS and a 1.5K Fun Race. ANTIETAM REVIEW is an annual lit- All winning entries will be published in our fall Montgomery Community Television, Inc. Numerous prizes will be awarded and all erary joumal published each spring by the Wash- 1995 journal. (MCT) has announced that summer internships entrants will receive a long sleeve T-shirt. ington County Arts Council. It features short are available for college undergraduates and This event promised to be fun for the entire stories, poetry, and black and white photographs. ATI'ENTION POETS! graduates. family. For runners there isa flat, out and back o submit, you must be from Maryland, Vir- The National Library of Poetry has an- MCT offers volunteer internship posi- 5K course which starts and ends at Maryvale. ginia,We.<;tVirginia, Pennsylvania, orWashing- nounced that $24,(0) in prizes will be awarded tions in the areas of news, operation, pro- For walkers there is a 3K Walk, and for families ton D.C. Sample copies are available; $5 for this year to over 250 poets in the North American duction, programming, and public relations, with kids, there is a 15K Fun Race within school current issue, $3 for back issues, postage in- Open Poetry Contest. The deadline for the con- Academic credit may be earned. To receive property . cluded. test is March 31,1995. The contest is open to a brochure with application information, call .Preregistration costs are $12 for adults and Formore information, call the Washington anyone and entry is FREE. MCT's Marketing Department at (30 I) 424- $7 for children; race day registration is $15. For County Arts Council at (30 I) 791-3132. The Any poet, whether previously published or 1730. further infonnation, pleasecontact Dace Cooley deadline for submissions March 20, 1995. not, can be a winner. Every poem entered also Montgomery Community Television, at (410) 377-8882. has a chance to be published in a deluxe, Inc. is the independent, nonprofit organiza- All proceeds benefit Kennedy Krieger in- POETRY AND F1CTION CONTFSf! hardbound anthology. tion that was established in 1984 to operate stitute and the Maryvale Student Scholarship POETRY: any subject or style, 40 lines or less. To enter, send ONEoriginai poem, any sub- community television in Montgomery Fund.
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