Page 119 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 119
On The Hill Friday, February 17,1995, Page 3 MSO concerts "The Quick and the Dead" blend American and REVIEW IIV PACO FRISUELOS KROMER genre are (High present during the lately, As it is becoming usual Noon, ~, etc.) the Hollywood Sla/JlVriler when 1991, Old-World Costner Since reached Dances Kevin whole It is movie. easy to guess that megasrars their are deciding from ro pro- the own in order a resounding films duce Raimi was a fan of the western success With with to control the project way compositions Wolves, Hollywood seems that to be in his his fascination the with guns he as beginning. In this case, Sharon youth by interested shows Stone, the sex symbol of the 199Os, in a genre had disappeared than practically (never from more beautiful tum her sexy image into a serious The Maryland Symphony Music. Nelson was the first mu- the screen in the 1970s and has become a producer trying to Orchestra's February 18 and 19 sician to be awarded the Roy the 1980s: the western. have ap- The career. Thus, Stone appears far Several examples concerts in the Maryland Theatre Acuff Chair of Excellence in the from her usual glamour, perform- offer an audience-pleasing mix- Creative Arts. peared since then, showing the western ...has ing a tough and scared woman. ture of Old World masterpieces The weekend concerts begin rebirth of the American genre Unfortunately, women char- per excellence. From the his- again become acters in the western have always and the colorful music of two 20th at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 18, t orica l western, ~, been quite unimportant, usually a century American composers. and at 3 p.m. Sunday, February a very popular and the parodies, Maverick and reward for the cowboys. Here, The program's centerpieces 19. are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Prior to the Sunday mati- ~,tothe follower of kind of movie, "Ellen," Stone's character, is basi- "Concerto in C Major for Flute nee, MSQ patrons are invited the classical tradition, cally a male character. She is a and Harp" and Ludwig van to "Meet the Maestro" at 1:30 ~ !l.iIJ..i, or the feminist Bad able to get the woman who acts like a man. This Beethoven's "Symphony No.8 in p.m. Sponsored by the MSO it has again become a is something that is becoming ha- F Minor." Guild, this is a free concert very popular kind of movie, interest of the bitual in Hollywood, when the able to get the interest of the main role is lead by an actress like The form of the Mozart con- preview by Maestro Tuckwell. certo is an innovating blending of Focused on the music to be per- public and, of course, to make public, Sigourney Weaver in A.!.i..e.ns. or two instruments, likened in 1787 formed, these have been a II lot of money. And and ...makea Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. plot of The Quick The musical dictionary to "two popular addition the season's Finally, I must talk about the The Dead is nothing new. The presence of Gene Hackman, who, schoolboys competing to see who programs. lot of money. can climb the ladder better." The MSO's final concert of story is about a woman who up to a point, repeats his perfor- The MSO performance fea-. the 13th scas o n will be on was forced. by a former outlaw, mance in his movie, Unforeiven. tures two of its own talented mu- March 18 and [9 and the Mary- who is now the most powerful they are In this movie) or some And, who, as usual, offers a great sicians, principal flutist Frances land Theatre and will feature man in town, to kill her father stereotypes of the genre that the performance as the villain of the Lapp Averitt and principal harp- Mr. Tuckwell in the guest art- when she was a child. director doesn't mind including story. ist Alicia Romeo, in dual solo is t role, playing Mozart's Fortunately, Sam Raimi, a in the film, such as the coffin The Quick And The Dead is roles. "Horn Concerto No.2.) director known for his B-rated maker. not a great movie. It is a pure The re latively short Tickets to Maryland Sym- terror 'movies, who filmed One of the biggest contri- amusement made for people who Beethoven symphony has been phony Orchestra concerts may Darkman for a major film stu- butions of Raimi to the movie like cartoons, who are interested dio several years ago, was in is the black hum.or of some in the western genre but are not charge 'of the project: .. Raimi scenes. Sometimes it borders very strict and, specially, for '1~'3l~£~::r~~r\~t;'fI~;'fg~n~rt ':':~'!~~~u~~~~::~edt f;'~~c~h~a~;~~ has made a film closer to a car- on the macabre. due, doubtless, those who want to have a good auons." Row, Monday through Friday, toon than to a western, in which to the past of the director in the time in the company of Ms. Maestro Marry Tuckwel l 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone or- will open the February concerts ders (301-797-4000) may be homage to some classics of the making of gore movies. Stone. with the shimmering musical charged (0 Visa or Mastercard. picture of "The White Peacock," On concert days, tickets may written in [915 by Charles be purchased at the Maryland Griffes, a promising New York' Theatre box office, 21 South composer who died five y.ears Potomac Street. Box office later. For its concluding work, hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 6 the orchestra plays "Savannah p.m. to showtime on concert Sat- River Holiday," bright. energetic urdays and 12 noon to show time music written in 1952 by Ron on concert Sundays. The box Nelson while he was still a stu- office phone is 30 [-790-2000 or dent at the Eastman School of 1-800-34-SHOWS. HOUSE OF LIQUORS "Everything ill Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, WESTMINSTER, MD (Rt. [40 and Englar Rd.) 848-1314 OVERSTUfFED 1,r SUBS OVERSTUFfED SANDWICHES Lotio & Lotto Headquarters TURKEY CLUB $550 HAM $).lS FINE WINE & SPIRITS * THE PERFECT SALE! 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