Page 129 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 129
Students delveinto thrills,chillsat Alumni Hall New phone system to trations," says Ed Milliner, also who is the real monster, Elizabeth or By SARA BETH KEYBURN Contrihll1i/lgWriter known as Dr. Frankenstein. "I the society that rejects her? be installed for fall '95 Dr. Frankenstein's Dracula get to yell at people Iknow. [Be- One viewer of the play, Linda opened last weekend to eager cause the play is mostly impro- Walton, said, "I liked it. It was dif- Easierforentire campus, according to Ernie Ogle crowds in the understage of visation] I will feel more accom- ferent from what I expected. The Alumni Hall. As an innovative plishment if it goes well and controversy in it makes it all the more By STEWART A HITTEL increase in the credit limit for the workshop project, it incorporates more responsibility if it doesn't fun and interesting." Staf[Writer student's bills, form $75 to $100. audience participation with actor because you put so much of Other viewers also said that they Starting in the fall of '95, every The line service for the Baltimore improvisation. yourself into it. Ilike it because liked it but that it was too overdone student on campus will have phones line will be also increased to a Under the direction of Ira instead of making the characters and that instead of audience partici- automatically installed in their greater distance, making it easier Domser, the cast discussed ques- . fit the script we make the script pation they would have preferred to rooms and will be billed accordingly. for students who live in the Balti- tions concerning the-popularity of fit the characters." sit down and watch the play. View- This will cost $100 a semester for a more area. This will still be an horror stories) such as Mary At times the play is compa- ers should be aware that the audience single and $125 for a double. added charge, along with the use Shelley's Frankenstein and Bram rable to the Rocky Horror Pic- participation is supposed to make There will only be phones in the of the Data phones. Stoker's Dracula. These ideas ture Show and is intended to be each person feel as though they arc bedrooms only. Making the apart- Since every room will have were then developed into a play a spoof of horror stories. This part ofthe society that is responsible ments and suites not having phones a phone, the numbers of the that combines the plots of Fran- mockery is intended to make the for and fascinated by the story that In the common rooms or kitchens. phones will increase in the order kenstein and Dracula and invites audience laugh at the actors, at unfolds on stage. The cost will be cheaper for those of the rooms. So if your number the audience to participate in ex- the story, and at themselves in Along with O'Donnell and Mil- students that already have phones is 8000, your neighbor'S will be ploring the fascination of these sto- order to consider the deeper el- liner, the cast also includes Jackie this year, and that is 83% of the cam- 8001. And these numbers will ries. The most important themes ement of the play. For instance, Brilliant as a little girl, Shane pus. The percentage of phones used stay the same, so if you wanted became the script and the further in a much overlydone scene, Burdick as Dracula, Jennifer Hess as by students per building as of this your room back next year, you details were left to improvisation. Dracula is compared to Jesus a rustic, Mark Resch as the magician, fall is as follows: Rouzer 93%, would have the same telephone Katryn O'Donnell, who plays Christ as being a source of eter- Melissa Slaughter as the author and Whiteford 97%, ANW 73%, Blanche number. the role of Elizabeth, said, "It's a nallife. This scene is soon ex- magician's assistant, Amy Dreibelbis 94%, DMC 85%, Garden Apart- Also the phones will be in- difficult play for actors because ac- plained by an interruption of the as a little boy, and John Bradford as ments 51 % Elderdice 87% and stalled in the summer by mail re- tors just like to be fed lines and we action that leads to an argument Jesus. Dr. Frankenstein's Dracula McDaniel 85%. sponse set up by Ogle, which will have to use talent instead of just about whether the play is sacri- continues its run March 2, 3, and 4, According to the Telecommuni- eliminate one less line for stu- lines." lege, pornography, or art. The at 8pm in the understage of Alumni cations Manger, Ernie Ogle this will dents 10 sit in when they come "It's a fun way to vent frus- lay also raises the cuesnon. Hall. make it easier for everyone to get back to school in the fall. Accord- Rich's Review: Megadeth endures, campus wide messages, floors or build- ing to Ogle, "Every year we run out or just mes- of phones and have to order more." sages to particular ings. It will also allow students to The Director of Financial Ser- kicks out another great album get personal messages without hav- vices, Art Wisner, believes that ing others who share the phone hear the improvement of technology By RICHARD IHOMAS "Reckoning Day" is followed by Megadeth pull this pull this off with them. "The college is working towards tdutic Critic "Train Of Consequences," which enough musical force. Another change will the com- used by students, and this is a first Megadeth: Youthanasia moves along at asteady rolling pace The lyrics can sometimes be nn- pared cost tQATI, which will be 10% step. "-He then went on to say:"And Produced by Max Norman and as ifitwcrea train. Thehannonica imaginative, as anyone who has listened cheaper. compared to the 5% expe- if it works better for the students, it Dave Mustaine work embellishes instead of mak- toMegadethcanattest,butMustainecon- rienced now. There will also be an works better for Emie." Release'd! tly Capitol Records ing theinscument seemoutotplace, tinues to improve on the lyrical quality Rating: ***1/2 Most of the songs have this type of while not sacrificing the musical aspect, speed, with slower songs and few which was somewhat a mistake behind Hey Matt! Long before grunge bands such moments oflcicking into overdrive "Countdown To Extinction." While asNirvanaandSoundgardencombined being the exception. One of the Mustainerunsmostbftheshow,theother heavy metal (such as Black Sabbath) other great songs on the album band members contribute, as shown by with punk:(such as the Sex Pistols) and ''Family Tree," is a tale about child Menza's drumming, which is restrained slowed things down, there was a type molestation. Mustainedcesnot sen- but great throughout. of music that combined metal and punk sationalize the subject and spell it Also, Friedman's guitar works to combine a genre in metal in which out but uses imagery instead, like supplements Mustaine's while breaking the songs went at the speed of a jet "Forgonen things remembered/The into leading whichaddanotherdimcnsion fighter going out of control at Mach tigers eat their young," while being to the songs. Slow and restrained in one Seven. supplemented by almost fast-paced song and frantically soloing in another, One of the more enduring bands riffing while Mustaine can barely Friedman has masreredbcavy-mctajgui- roemergeoutoffhatsceoe is.Megadeh, hold his contempt at the atrocity on tar playing. Also. bassist and founding whose fronunan, singer mill guitarist hand. member David Effelson holds things to- Dave Mustaine, was a founder of The songs are consistently gether with Menza while putting out Metallica but was kicked out during great even though the album can bass lines in the foreground to make Metallica's early days. However, drag on a little without variety. "The the guitars center around. This is the Mustaine formed his own band, weakest song OIl the album, 'The same bassist whose into-riff to "Peace Megadeth, which recently released Killing Ro.w,"disruptSthcalienmed Seils" (an early Megadethsong) is used their sixth album. Youthanasia. tone of the rest of the album. This on MTV News. song is yet another tunc about We Upon listening tothis, one notices The musicianship is good through- the absence of excessive sound effects oruhe road.makingmezilliorubone out, making for a stellar album. on "Countdown To Extinction," (and that's only counting the ones Mustaine seems to be writing songs "Youth'''s pre:dece~sor.)!his ,i~a wel- by heavy metal bands). Despite the more for structure and lyrical content come relief because the albums' idnc ofdisenfranchisemeht, there is and less for the sake of a riff. The riffs strength lies on consistency. While a glimmer of hope at the end with are also excellent. While this is not a Megadeth no longer jam like a "Victory." Quoting many past heavy metal classic, Mustaine and thrashtest. they are still the opposite of Megadeth song and album titles, company will probably achieve that what could be callcdv'wuss music." Mustaine documents his recovery well-deserved status if they continue "The song "Reckoning Day" starts the from alcohol and drug problems. to improve and expand upon the aIbumoffprettywellwithNickMenza The chorus which is: "Had fingers progress they have made over the pounding the drums like a drill as in my eyes! Had needles in my years. With a presently stable lineup Mustaine's and Marty Friedrnan's gui- veins? A knife right through my that has lasted three albums so far, tar riffs kick in along with Mustaine's heart/ I am a victory," gives a tone Megadeth continue to bang out the trademark sneering. This song is one of triumph in the darkest hour (man, songs. of tbe best rracks.whichmakeaoneof ta!kingaboutthesonghasgo11enme .While.tris album is not the the.strongestwaystostartoffanalbum. cranking out those Megadeth song ~ heavieSt, ii..still.'kicks the bun of any However thincsdonotstonthere. titles. While this may seem la "rock" bands around.
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