Page 122 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 122
On The Hill Friday, February 17, 1995, Page 6 WeUn~ Daymakescomebackat WMC Come Join Us For: By PAMELA HARRY stress, a drawing for a free bike helmet, and, BIl,,';ne.u Manaxer Bonnie's favorite, a radio controlled road 5 Minute Massage Most of the students on campus prob- rally competition. The races will be held ably don't remember a Wellness Day or have every 15 minutes and can have four corues- Nutritional Analysis any idea what it might be. It's been four years tants per race. since the Western Maryland campus has rec- Students, faculty and staff are encour- Hearing & Vision Screening ognized National College Health and aged 12-compete and Bonnie will personally Wellness Week, the week of March 5-11, and issue challenges from students to any mem- Blood Pressure Screening Bonnie Bosley, Medical Services Coordina- ber of the faculty or staff Just give her a Radio Controlled Road Racers tor at Smith House, intends on making this call at extension 700 if you would like to comeback a memorable one. issue a challenge and Bonnie will take care Bubble Blowers wellness Day will be held from II :30 of informing the targeted faculty or staff a.m. 10 I :30 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, in member. Her objective for the activities in Health Alternatives various places of Decker Center. There will the Forum is to try to provide, "total stress be booths outside Glar that will feature Paul relief." Tai-Chi-Chuan Demo Welliver, a registered massage therapist, a Along with the Forum stress releasers, Health Department booth to test vision, hear- there will also be an opportunity for students, Thursday, March 9, 1995 ing, and blood pressure, a BACCHUS booth faculty and staff to receive a 5 minute mas- about alcohol awareness and responsible sage from Paul Welliver at the massage 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. driving, a registered dietician, and a Rape booth; he will be bringing three portable, Crisis table. vibrating chairs to help people relax. Even Glar will be recognizing While all this is going on, there will also Decker College Center Wellness Day by providing a healthy lunch be several presentations in Ensor Lounge at a reduced rate to faculty, staff and students from 12:00 p.m. 10 I :30 p.m. who are not on the meal plan. The menu First, Dr. Wu will be presenting a Tai More Information Contract will be: Hot turkey sandwich with low fat Chi Chuan demonstration from 12:00 p.m. Health Services Ext. 700 gravy on the side, vegetable spaghetti, sea- until 12:30 p.m. He describes Tai Chi as "an food gumbo with steamed rice, baked po- ancient Chinese meditation exercise which And the final presentation, held from [:00 doing a skit about Aids Awareness. tato, steamed vegetables, and angel food cake include calisthenics, breathing, dance, mar- p.m. until I :30 p.m. will be by A.S.A.P., Aids All activities and services will be provided and fresh fruit salad for dessert. tial arts, prayer and meditation." His pre- Support Awareness and Prevention. They, un- free of charge and are open to all members of Along with the information provided at sentation will include some basic informa- the booths, there will be opportunities for tion and a few examples ofTai Chi. der the direction of Bonnie Bosley, will be the college community. students, faculty and staff to participate in , From 12:30 to 1:00 p.m., James Tho- some much needed stress releasing activi- mas, a registered licensed acupuncturist from ties. the Center for Heating Ans, will provide in- In the Forum, there will be a bubble fonnation about and the history of acupunc- blowing area, a questionnaire to "measure" ture and healing herbs. fJ«4t r/'8a 01 r/rMee... 4f1~S~ What advice do you have for people to prevent them from slipping on the Lightning Scan Pro 256 scanner. Only a condition Excellent few years old. Asking $150 or best offer. Call ext. 8600 ice during bad weather? and ask for Pam or Dave. I. "Wear old golf shoes or old baseball grip."-Fat Pic '9? spikes, but preferably the golf shoes be- [0. "Put your helmet on."-Doug Yarroll cause they are warmer."-Three Toed- '98 Sloth '96 !I. "Don't lift your feet off the ground,just Join the all new 2. "If you can't tell the difference between slide across the ice."-Rob Lauver '95 the iee and the sidewalk, don't walk!"- 12. "Wear boots with good traction."-Wil- Shannon Gantt '97 liam Futch '95 3. "Walk slow, wear boots.und follow the 13. "Don't walk on the ice."-George salt"-Calvin Lineberger '97 Vassiliades '96 Phoenix! 4. "Plant your feel down and don't go 14. "Walk slowly, don't let drunk people against the grain of the ice, I was taught pick you up."-Bryanne Price '95 that at the post office."-Keith D. Ander- 15. "If you can't avoid the ice then become son, A.M. Beverage Director one with it. If you don't fear the ice then 5. "Gel shoes that have the proper tread, you won't slip, it is all in the mind."-Dave Weekly walk slowly, and walk in pairs in case you Ryker '97 fall."-Mimi Wolde '95 6. "Step slowly and walk where it is least I am not exactly the authority for slick. If you see something that looks like advice on the proper way to walk water, watch out because it may be ice."- without slipping on an icy patch in meetings: Gabriela Flores '95 the college community. It seems that 7. "Avoid the ice, if you have to walk on it then walk slow. But the best thing to do is every time I am not paying attention not go out at all."-Deon Wansel '97 to the ice on the ground, J manage to 8. "Get drunk and stay in your roomv--. J think that the best thing to do is to Mondays, 6 p.m. lose my footing and nearly fall down. Pat Young '95 9. "Take a walk around 3rd floor Rouzer walk very slowly and be careful.- north side and collect that sticky stuff on the floor, as a result you'll have plenty of J.D.S.
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