Page 93 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Editorials/L~eUers March 9, 1993 Page 5 HALLWAY Affirmative Action Committee Expresses Support By l\IlJCIIAL HALL Slb.ffW",,, "J like to watch:' What film and who said it? If you know, Dear Editor: among its membership that we cosmopolitan intellectual and "We strive to place students drop me a note. I'll publish the As members of the Affmna- "oppose all acts of negative social environment wherein all at the center of a humane envi- answer and names of any COf- live Action Committee we wish comments, discrimination, ha- community members might ronment so that they may see rect respondents, next time. to respond to the statement from rassmcru, and violence towards grow in sophistication and mu- and work towards their personal 1 do like to Walch, every- the Social Work Club, which each other." while thing. The art of observation is was disseminated in the fall of We would like to respond by tual understanding. of our efforts goals sharing respecting others for The success and responsibility one that, done correctly, needs 1992 and reprinted in the Jan. reminding the campus of the depends upon the serious coop- the common good." to be developed and crafted. In 22, 1993 edition of The statement of commitment and eration and commitment of us Since some of the WMC my campus observations rye Phoenix. policy of Affirmative Action all. Working together, we shall community may not know we noticed something quite pecu- The statement expressed within the WMC comm unity. liar. On the average more concern for the effect of in- guarantee that our campus re- exist, we would like to take this prejudice, people, while traversing the stances of violence, harassment, In particular, we would like to mains free of narrow regardless of opportunity to introduce our- quote two short sections a welcome of the home many thoroughfares of WMC, and negative Comments on vari- Affirmative Action Manuel: one's age, creed, race, sex, selves by signing Ihis letter as tilt their heads downward, as if ous members of the WMC com- "Our wish-in addition to handicap, religious persuasion, individual members of the com- strategically placed vertebrae munity. Included in the state- assuring that [employment] or national origin. The result mittee. Any of us can be con- campus have been removed. Maybe this ment was a request that every searches are comprehensive, will be a far better community tacted through or concerns mail re- with questions is out of respect for the fellow group and organization on cam- systemauc, and non-discnmina- for us all." co-eds, like some sort of East em lated to setbacks or progress in pus make a public statement tory-iS to build and sustain a As a committee charged with working towards Affirmative symbol of respect. (I think not) supporting the development and Action Goals. Maybe it's because they all are Attn.: WMC Men maintenance of an institution Velva Cooper, Phil Sayre rehearsing the pari of where hiring and retention of Cnrtsnanna Nichols Leahy Quasimodo in The Hunchback faculty and staff is accom- Rodney Joyner of Notre Dame. (Doubtful.) Or Dear WMC-men: sexist, or racist comments made plished through applying Affir- Lucy Moran (chair) maybe it's because they forgot by yourself, me, professors, or mative Action guidelines, we Maureen Meloche to fill out Ihis year's FAF and "Be a man! Kill someone! Kill others you sec, Demand, like feel committed to achieving a Pat Reed, leRoy Panek they are sad, yourself! Be a man" - Sex Pis- the anonymous woman from the goal established in the College's Blair Cunningham Are they afraid to look up? I tols, "Belsen Was a Gas" last issue, the use of gender-in- with respect want to scream, "AT WHAT clusive language and material in first principles population as well: to Tom Steback our student ARE YOU LOOKING?" It re- Does tbis mean anything to courses and school activities. Martine Motard-Noar minds me of the phenomenon of you? Does it? Probably not, if 4. FIND OUT ABOUT and seeing someone staring sky- like most men, you are prone to consider supporting Making A Moment in History campus ward and then other people are suck up emotion and feeling groups (People compelled to stop and look sky- into a violent, athletic, or ratio- Changes, Sisters of Diversity, ward, to search for what U!u nal act of machismo until you Gay and Lesbian Alliance From WMC's First Student Newspaper find so interesting. You can't die a stressed outlife of pent-up among others) and individuals help but look for what to them rage and pain. Well, i'm writing that are working on women's Irving Literary Gazette mately prove the successful seems important. What is more this to scream out that i and ev- (and thereby human) issues. Vol. 1 Westminster, Md., man. While the former may be important than diverting atten- ery other man needs to WAKE Consider starting a Men's group January 1881 No. 10. an accomplished scholar, and tion lO the ground or the sky is UP and challenge sexism and its to target sexism and our own thoroughly instructed in all that the people that pass of which violence everywhere we can be- needs (if you do, let me know), The Literary Society as a pertains to his COllegiate course, they take no notice. cause to end sexism, is to move 5, EDUCATE YOURSELF. Means of Education the latter is, in addition, fur- We don't attend this campus 10 end the strong-willed, duty- Read books written by women That (he literary society, nished with the experience and to count the number of leaves filled macho prison in which we (Living by the Word by Alice when wisely organized and practical culture which is de- that have fallen to the ground or each live. A few recent events Walker, Backlash by Susan properly conducted, is of great rived from voluntary participa- to watch the trickle of water (the offensive comments made Faludi, Gynecology by Mary advantage ro the student while tion with his classmates in this caused by melting snow. We by a few men in a recent show- Daly, and anything by Audre at school as well as in the after extra means of improvement. come to be a part of a commu- ing of a Spanish film; the letter Lorde arc good places to start). life, is a patent fact-a truth The former is a mere lesson nity. We come to enrich our in the last Phoenix demanding Take courses on women's his- which he who runs it may read. learner, who receives all things lives through experiences, the use of gender inclusive lan- tory. Such an organization, I re- upon the ipse dixit of the book hopefully inclusive of the hu- guage, and the moves many 6. REFLECT ON your pain, peal, is useful, not only to the or teacher; the latter is, as well, manity that surrounds us. women are making for your interactions with women, fanner, mechanic, merchant an active thinker who gives his Granted, the nature and struc- Women's History Month) have and the ways in which you and professional man, as a personal attention and inquiry to ture of which we arc surrounded made me aware of the level of might perpetuate sexism. It means of self-improvement, any position before accepting it lends to important introspec- sexism that still exists and the may be helpful to start from the but also to the school-boy and as a truth. The former may run tion, but withdrawing too need for men to get it together. basis that you're sexist and school-girl, as an efficient aux- rapidly and successfully deeply may cause you to get Here are a few tips for men who hctero-sextst and then try to find iliary to school inspection. In through his course; far outstrip- lost. Breath in the air of life but want to address sexism. way to change that situation. all institutions of learning, ping his fellow students in the also the air of experience. Chal- I. LISTEN to Women. In Finally, remember that the those are seen to be best schol- race, and gaining, it may be, the lenge yourself lO hold you head classes, listen to what women behavior you carry with you is ars who are most ready and first honors of his class; but if erect and maybe say hi to at are saying. Listen to the impor- part of a larger social structure zealous workers in the society. this is all-if his exertions are least one not-yet-met friend, per tant women in your life (moth- built on exploitation and that The truth of this assertion is not confined exclusively too the day. "Practice random acts of ers, sisters, friends, partners, little will fundamentally change only based upon grounds of school room, and end with the kindness and senseless beauty." etc.). Women don't exist to until we address our economic, reason but is confirmed by the reception of his diploma, he will (Thanks C.K.) gossip, bash men, or reproduce. political, and social institutions, experience of every teacher. be but an example of that fre- This is something thai They, like you and me, want to To adequately deal with oppres- Let us take, [or example, quent character-the young doesn't cost a cc-u and that you be heard, respected, and loved sion issues, seems to me to de- two students of equal parts and man who has finished his edu- can do whenever you please. It as part of the human commu- mand, a life-long challenge to industry; the one a clever, in- cation. In short, his graduation can't hurt you and there are no ruty. change things or die trying. teurgcnt and industrious will be nothing more nor less side effects. Let you creativity 2. REFUSE to fund the sexual Well, thanks for reading and i scholar, whose study and labor than a welcome discharge from show. Think of it as guerilla objectification of women (pin- would appreciate criticisms, is confined entirely to the a species of involuntary servi- kindness. College is the place to ups, videos, Playboy, etc.). Ob- new insights, anger, anything course prescribed by his col- tude, While the latter, having rebel and test yourself, do it jectified images of women are that shows that you are willing lege curriculum; the other, as acquired habits of self-improve- with a purpose! one more step to sexual vio- to gel up and demand to be well an active and diligent ca- ment, will continue his studies Do you know the secret of lence. So, if you've got {he tat- heard. If you want to talk to me reer, as a zealous participant in in after life, and be the better The Crying Game? If you do, est Sports Illustrated pin-up on directly, you can call ext. 8300. the voluntary exercises of the prepared to intelligently dis- don't tell anyone. If you don't, your wall, take it down. PEACE,JOYLOVERAGE, Literary Society; and it is charge his duties, which, in this do go see the film! 3. CONFRONT sexist, hetero- jered ebenreck plainly to be seen at a glance day, so soon devolve upon us .. which of the two will ulti-
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