Page 91 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News March 9, 1993Page 3 A Chinese Trick Sledding fast and bumpy and if you're not it's still dangerous. careful, Page 1 From range is "a Nevertheless, Min knows coverage, of $10 to $20 million Classifieds: So their policy By ELISABETH BIDEAUD that Chinese government will fairly standard amount." Ctassuieds are only 7 cents a SO>jfWn'"" Joan Hoff, the Head Nurse in maintain its repression of any the emergency room at Carrol word with pre-payment. Call democratic movement as long ext. 8600 for more information. Here at Western Maryland County General Hospital, as it judges that the people are College, democracy is an ideal seemed to think that policy just ·EXTRA INCOME "93". nol ready for political freedom. that almost all of us fight for, might be needed. "Every winter "Political reforms take time; Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing and we would not consider giv- we gel accidents from that hill ' 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For ing up. you can't give freedom sud- said Hoff. She said that in re- more information send self Spring of 1989. denly," Min said. According to cent past there haven't been too adressed stamped envelope to' Tiananmen Square massacre .... him, Chinese government many really bad injuries but in Travel INC .. P.O. Box 2530, should undertake it step-by- MiamiFl33161 Chinese Communist Party vio- the past there were some very community. My discussion step in order 10 avoid the chaos EARN UP TO $101hr lently repressing the student ~ith him changed my pcrspec- that is going on in eastern Eu- bad ones. "It's a very bad hill. movement for democracy and !I.ves and my understanding of rope and in the former- Soviet . some of them (patients) have Are you looking for new and great hours? Great $$$? and A great rights of self-expression. Do his culture in a drastic way. Union. "I don't want my coun- multiple trauma - head and in- experience? Don't took any you remember? Why bother re- First, Min said that the stu- try to become as messy as east- ternal injuries for example." further. MArket for FORTUNE membering? What does China dent leaders involved in the ern Europe," he said. According to the Carrol County 500 Companies! CALL NOW!! have to do with us, Western movement were" initialized by China has certainly under- Times, there was a student ad- 1-800-950-1037, Ext. 17 Maryland students? corruption." He meant that the mitted, just recently to the emer- SPRING BREAK '93 My first answer would sim- taken changes. "From a western gency room for a broken collar Jamaica from $429, Cancun-$419 ply be the fact that we, as stu- General Secretary of State, perspective, it might not be ob- bone. And of course there was KcyWcst-$229, and Panama City dents, have the right to demon- Z~ao Zhi Yang, who disagreed vious, but we are actually con- Louderback last Sunday. Hoff Beach -$99. SELL TRIPS, EARN With Xtaopings government, stantly trying to open up," Min CASH AND GO FREE!!! CALL strate ~n~ manifest OUf angers, said that sometimes the hill's STS @800-6484849 our pnonues and our concerns used the students to operate a said. According to him, China too packed down and icy "and subversive change so that he is trying different approaches to SPRING RREAK as reactions to what we think is that makes for bad conditions." would gain more power. "He reach its economical goals and CANCUN, NASSAU FROM right or wrong. For instance, Charles Simpson, the Emer- $299 Organize a small group for thought it would be easier to then, in a final stage, political last year, many students on gency Medical Services Captain FREE trip campus got involved in a dem- start a revolution by brainwash- freedom. at the Westminster Fire Depart- Call 1(800) GET-SUN-l ing students with words like .. Deng Xiaoping says: If a onstration to end racism due to ment, said they've transported ADOPTION 'freedom' and 'human rights'." cat can catch a mouse. it doesn't the outcome of the court case about two or three this year al- Lovin.s childle~ couple wishes to It is hard to tell whether maller whether the cat is black concerning Rodney King. No- Yang's purpose was to gain or white. As long as what you ready and that in his opinion, the adopt infant. Will pay medical an body sent Tanks from the mili- personal political power or to do for your country is good, il accidents were generally not too Jegal expenses Let's heelp each other. Call Jeffery and Susan tary 10 stop you from demand- give China democracy. Nobody doesn't malta whether il is bad on the surface. He said he (301) 469- 6980 (Collect) ing more equality. We should, really knows. called communism or capital- mostly sees sprains of ankles ADOPTION therefore, be aware of this tre- and backs. Although, "there Childless,happy.fmaciallysecure mendous difference that places However, Min said that ism," Min said. Is China for- have been some very serious in- married couple. seeks white us on the opposite side of from a chinese perspective, saking Mao's ideology, then? juries in the past," commented newborn or twins to adopt. Lots China: democracy. We in fact mere are things more urgent to No, leaders still claim to be Simpson. For him serious inju- I of love. country home, setting of accomplish dem~craric ;han see this difference as an advan- freedom. Asked why, he said communist and do not see any- ries include head traumas and arts, sports, literature, best of schools. Winter and summer thing wrong with it. tage which we cherish and wish that Chinese believe that eco- Min said that China has broken bones. family trips. All expenses paid. to preserve. nomical changes will give them stopped arguing whether some- lbere have been rumors around all Adam or Freddye Lea collec tf studems iry 10 keep up with campus of someone dying on that 410-477-6220 the world news , YOII might better lives. "People, right now, thing is capitalist or not. "If it's hill but Dr. James Lightner, the ADOPTION really they don', care whether ~nefiCiaI to us, we want to keep know that on February 18, can democratize the govern- It," he said. amature historian of the school said Ldu.s love.your baby. Happily chinese government released ment; they'd rather have good "We are trying to learn from the only sledding death he ever married childless couple wish to State adopt white infant. the most prominent student lives, entertainment and the West, and we hope that one heard about must have occured certified. Call collect leaders of the 1989 democracy wealth," he said. day, when we become strong, back in the 20'sand it wason Main 410-378-5674 movement, This happened in Min explained that one rea- the West will learn from us," Street where the student was sled- spite of the fact that their sen- son for this is the fact (hat Chi- Min said. ding. Dr.Olshmentionedthatlhere tences had not yet ended. Is China going to repeat the are rumors that Joe Carter, a part GREEI(S & CLUBS Is this, then, a step on the nese people have been obeying time employee here on campus, way to political freedom as their emperor's will for centu- Japanese experience? SinceJa- eco- when he was here, back in the sev- RAISE A COOL pan became a prominent chinese leaders themselves pro- ries, and that they do not really enties as a student, some of his fra- $1000 claim it? If so, why is it taking question it. Moreover, "ifChi- nomic power, the western ternity buddies went and got the IN JUST ONE WEEKI nese think that politics is not world has attempted to under- the government so long to give hoIXI ofacarand sled down the hill PLUS 51000 FOR TIlE their affairs, they don't really stand and learn from Japanese its people the rights of self-ex- on that. One guy injured his knees want 10 know whether they have culture and customs. That MEMBER WHO CALLSI pression that they were asking so badly, he couldn't play football freedom of speech or not." he might happen with China one No obligation. No cost. for? As I pondered this, I de- again. said. day. And it does not matter if And ,FREE cided that I would try to get an- These days you're more likely The few people who do be- .by then, it has achieved its po- IGLOO COOLER swers from my Chinese friend to see Otar trays, or inner tubes lieve in the idea of democracy litical freedom or not. ifyouquaUfy. Call on campus, Min Tan, a senior racing down the hill then a hood are still hoping to see a change. l-IIO().932-OS28, Ext. 65 majoring in Physics and Math- off of a car. But the hill is still To them, and to Min as well ematics. wa~ ..····o·b~i·;~~I;·:·~h~~~·~~~·id·;·~ "the student movement Min is from Shanghai, and good in the sense that it told the lot more to say about all this. he was there when the 1989 government what the people However, since you have the movement was making its im- needed." great opportunity to have class- FANS pression on the international mates from ail over the world, and an international club which Rape Myth #14 is open to all, if you happen to @ be interested in what is going on MYfH: "Flashers" and "Peeping Toms" are generally harmless beyond your frontiers, go and and should be ignored. talk to them. It is a terrific way FACT: Many convicted rapists began as flashers and urred to rape to learn about at I countries and CHINESE RESTAURANT " Cantonese" S-zec.;huan ar~dsexual essaultas thethrill th~y gained from peeping wore get different perspectives on 59 West Main sr., Westminster, A'merican MD 21157 olf. Incidents relating to flashing or peeping should be re- what the media is telling us. ported to tbe police, as ."peepers" are unlikely to scekhetp If you have any questions, Telephone: without police mtcrvcnuon. for help gr more in/ormation, call the Rape Crisis Intervention ideas or comments, fecI free to (301) 848-0919· (301) 876-3166 write to the International Col- umn in care of The Phoenix. Hotline X:;7-7122 ()lllll"X"7-WJOO
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