Page 98 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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cArts & Entertainment March 9, 1993 Page 10 Student Created Soap Opera Hits Uplink Screen will be something they can follow easily, "My work was written with the intent wilh the camera." too." to be fast paced," says Felton. "My ex- Felton feels that the Cliffhanger at the Felton says he has loved writing since perience with soap operas now is that end of the 7 show season will be surpris- he was six years old. The major work be there is not enough creativeness ... the ing. Time permitting, he would like to During the fall semester, UPLINK, has produced so far is a script for a soap stories can be too dragged out." air a end-of-the-season movie. Hope- the campus cable station. gained enor- opera he wrote during high school. He Felton explains that the plot of T&T fully, he says, with good reviews, the mous popularity with student produced wrote the script of Trials and Tribula- begins with a crime, and as the shows crew will be able to further continue the shows like the Grant and Reid! Reid and tions in the fall semester, and based progress, "the scenes will explode with series into the next semester. Grant Wing It Live, the Bob Frivor many of his ideas with this program on social issues." The scenes take place on "The measure of success will be de- Show, and the Sal and Nae Workout what he had written before he entered the campus of the ficuous Lloyd College, tennined by the number of viewers," Way. During winter break, Demet.ri college. He reveals that his biggest where there arc six major characters, adds Lambros. Lambros (president of UPLINK) contin- dream has been to send his work to Fox played by Demetri himself, Brian Irons, Currently, Felton is busy with his ued to seek fresh ideas for new student T.V. Sarah Kipp, Chad McGowan, Todd course schedule and his pledging activi- programs, and as the spring semester "That is my dream," Felton says ex- Robinson, S. A. Sommer, and Christine ties. He is a Psychology major with a drew near, he found a new opportunity to pressively. "Every show they air is very Winkel voss. Special quest stars include specialization in deafness. His future expand the interest of the UPLTNK view- successful!" Michael Webster of campus safety, and career goal is to council the deaf, though ers- - producing a soap opera about stu- Last year at this time, Felton had Dr. Chambers. There is also the cast of he also feels that his experience in dent life on a typical COllege campus. some more of his work performed, only thousands- -the many student extras fill- broadcasting has been most enjoyable. The new program is very conveniently it was on stage. In honor of Black His- ing in the parts as needed. Eric Byrd has As for a future career in this field, he called Trials and Tribulations, and deals tory Month, the Drama Fest in Feb. 1992 composed the musical interludes for says, "If it was that one-in-a-rnillion some serious social issues that are not included Who am I? and I Wish 1 Could T&T, while Ginger Sisson has been the chance that offers financial security, I'll often approached by the average T.V. Write a Letter to David Duke. Both of assistant director. do it!" soap operas that are broadcasted every these scripts were one act dialogues writ- Demetri has practically made my Trials and Tribulations is scheduled 10 afternoon across the country. ten by Felton. On Feb. 28, 1993, the dream come true," adds Felton. "I re- air every other monday evening at 7:30 "A lot of COllege students watch Drama Fest included another piece com- member being on the golf course last beginning on March I. The program is 20 soaps," explains James Felton, ajunior at posed by Felton, entitled The Transfor- week in all the snow ... wow! It must to 30 minutes, and Demetri Lambros en- WMC who wrote the script of T& T. mation. As for his latest endeavor, have been 20 below. 1 remember when courages any students who arc interested "This show should give them something Felton is confident that the viewers will he showed me how he was going to make in participating to come out to fill the that doesn't take too much time, and it appreciate his efforts. what Ienvisioned in my writing a reality many parts available as extras. Two Students Unveil Artwork in Gallery One By LORI SHUPE not pass up. Since coming to Western SIqQ"Wri'" Maryland, Miss Lundberg has received many awards, including the faculty Western Maryland'sGallery One pre- award to the most talented student in sented an intercultural experience on 1989, and has participated in several ex- campus when the artwork of two interna- hibitions. tional students was unveiled on Tuesday, For Nick Kostin, born in Kiev, March 2. Ukraine, coming to the states was also an The works of Sara Lundberg of Swe- opportunity he greeted with enthusiasm. den and Nick Kosun of Ukraine opened Being a sophomore at the Maryland in- with a special reception from 7 to 9 p.m. stitute College of Art, Kostm finds the that evening. artistic freedom to be both new and ex- Lundberg is a junior at Western citing. Despite having graduated from Maryland College, and is pursuing a de- high school during the limes of a freedom in combining mediums such as oil gree in theater/art. She was inspired to perestroika and glasnost, he still felt his paint, charcoal, pastel, and watercolor. Miss study in the states at an early age, and at art was confined by the standards of his Lundberg is well accomplished in watercol- the age of 18, she became an exchange old world teachers whom he called, "a ors, many of which she will exhibit. student studying in Schenectady, New mirror of a screwed up Soviet system." The dual exhibition will be on display York. While there, she sent an applica- Having heard of the Maryland Institute through Friday, March 26. Located in tion to the Swedish-American Founda- of Art through his father, who traveled Hoover Library, the gallery's hours are 10 lion, and within a few months, Lundberg abroad, Mr. Kosun decided to apply. He am. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The show is coen was offered a full tuition scholarship to gave his application and slides of his art- and free to the public. Western Maryland College. With one work to a family friend to take to the Upcoming events for the 1992-93season week to reply and no information on states, since it probably would not get include two 001er shows: the Art Hooors WMC (not even a school catalog!), she there otherwise. A few months later he A1urrmi Invitational ftx graduates of the Carroll decided it was an opportunity she could was awarded the David Jacob's Interna- County Art Program (Mar. JO.Apr. 16), and the tional Scholarship for the Arts, and in KH. Wentz Show fer WMC Art majors (Apr . ...------------, August 1991, he arrived in Balli- 27-May14). CROSSWORD PUZZLE Fo- mtiooal inforrna1ioo contact the De- partmen cf Anam Art History, en, 599.
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