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,News March 9, 1993 Page 2 Assualt community educator at Rape and the police work together. In addition to Smith House junior political science ma- From Page 1 Crisis Intervention Services of "We will report that an incident and Campus Safety, survivors jor. Carroll County. occured if the survivor gives us can confidentially go to an RA College officials believe "Our national justice system If the survivor prosecutes on permission," said Lamas. The or a member of the Sexual As- in letting the survivor make makes it very difficult for rapes campus, the case comes before survivor does have the choice of sault Infonnation Team, con- the decisions. "I can assure to be reported and convicted. the Honor and Conduct Board, prosecuting or not. Whatever sisting of three faculty members you that wedo everything pos- The situation is" absurd. The which follows the regulations in decision is made, Lamas be- and four students. "Usually sible to support the survivor and survivors are leaving, but (he the Student Guide and lieves that an open-line of com- someone is in a state of panic, or to try to get them to prosecute," offenders are still here." Datebook, said Lamas. "If the munication is needed between fear. We calm lhem down, not said Lamas. Goldwater added: To understand this disturb- alleged assailant was found the police and the college. counsel them, but give referral "We will not force anyone to do ing reality, one must understand guilty, minimally, I would ex- Communication is also im- sources," said Blue Taylor, a thing, because they have al wbat the survivor is going pect suspension for a year ... a portant in the recovery process. student on the team. All a team anyready been forced to do through. "Students want to be likely sanction would be expul- After determining whether the member has to do is notify something they didn't want to accepted and are trying to form sion," Webster-said. survivor is medically all right, Glore that someone approached do." their identity," said Goldwater. However, prosecuting is not counseling begins for those who them, explained the junior biol- To help solve the problem of Consequently the nature of the easy for the survivor. "Survi- ogy major. not reporting, college officials crime itself is a major reason vors will self-investigate and Additionally, two RLC's feel several areas need to be ad- why many cases aren't pros- irrunediately go into guilt," said and two Campus Safety em- dressed. Goldwater recom- ecuted. Step ling. "They come up short ployees have been trained as mends that faculty get more in- So if they Webster pointed out that the most of the time. of it them- "Date rape rape counselors. "It is a lot bet- volved to help students connect nature of date repe makes it hard can't make sense ter being a trained counselor the real world to the classroom. for the survivor to come for- selves, how can they feel they rather than just another Campus "We have to let the students ward because of the stigma that can make others understand?" is a private Safety officer," said Ruth know they aren't in a vacuum," is attached. Also, the survivor Glore understands the stigma Barbour, a Campus Safety su- she said. knowing matter..." may feel that she has to protect survivors feel. "The stigmatism pervisor. "We can relate to the Other ideas include making the offender because of a prior is the worse thing - survivor and comfort them," she freshmen women more aware of relationship. "Survivors some- that not many win in prosecu- Mike Webster explained. the issue, having the staff do how blame themselves for al- tion because they don't have College officials are com- more quality programming, and lowing it to happen through ac- good enough facts," she ex- forted to know that people are educating males. "Social, or cepting a date or through drink- plained. aware of the sexual assault Greek organizations should ing alcohol," said Webster. The college uses preponder- want it. "I'H go through their problem on campus. "It is more have some informational train- Although the survivor may ance of the evidence as a stan- feelings and emotions to let prevalent than it's being re- ing sessions on date rape, gang not have been in control during dard of proof, or a 51 percent them know that they are in a ported, and anyone rape, and social situations," the assault, she has ultimate probability that the rape oc- process, and that their feelings who says it isn't happening is an urged Stepling. control over the decision to curred. However, a sexual as- are normal, ,. said Glore. ostrich because they are burying To effectively address the is- prosecute. "We must re-estab- sault case in the courts is a Glore encourages the survi- their head in the sand," said sue, Glore stresses education to lish the survivor" s sense of con- criminal offense requiring proof vor to come back for therapy Goldwater. change behaviors and attitudes. trol over her life," said webster. beyond a reasonable doubt. during the recovery. "It is apro- However, just because "Puning more lights on campus In reality, however, the sur- "We have higher expecta- cess where they can go and not people are aware does not makes it more safe, but date rape behind closed happens doors," vivor does not feel control over tions of the conduct of people be judged," she said. The idea solve the problem. '·Al- she pointed out. her situation. "The offender on campus than societal stan- of blame i~ on their minds. "A though statistics show it is Although educational and generally knows the same dards," said Lamas. "We go to lot of silent survivors keep more prevalent than it is re- awareness programming will people as the survivor, so in face great lengths to ensure that both blaming themselves and they ported, unless the women re- preach on sexual assault, it is up of everyone hearing the rumors, the survivor and the individual aren't seeking out the resources port it, it is a problem that each individual to address the is- it is the survivor who usually accused receive fair treatment." on campus and in the commu- will not solve itself," ex- sue. "No means no, and yes leaves," said Diana Stepling, Although separate, WMC nity," said Goldwater. plained Morgan Klotz, a means yes. Don't play games," urged Goldwater. WMC Book Store Gets New Manager don't know what to expect from done" in the bookstore, but the derstand and this The work environment is less By KAREN DOWNS day today." stressful." C"",,;bUl;ngWr;,,, new manager does see one area way things can run more This is finally something that needs improvement-text- smoothly. Zoe Patton, assistant man- permanent for her. She has been book ordering. ·'1 want to sim- ager of the bookstore, shares the Just as students were starting Another lhing Eichmuller the spring semester, the em- jumping people around and a lot, filling in plify it. The current system is feels could use improvement is cmployeesvsenuments. "She's for explaining ployees in the bookstore were Barnes and Nobel policy and too confusing and some people the clothing. She said she wants very understanding, hard work- ing, and sending their new boss a couple procedures at colleges such as to see different types of clothing of red roses, a balloon that said Goucher, Johns Hopkins, and more various colors. "You concerned about the employ- "CONGRATULATIONS",and Northern Virginia Community really don't see people in basic ees," said Patton. "She takes a card. College, and Temple Univer- colors anymore," she said. care in her work." Beverly Eichmuller, who Also, she says she would like One way Eichmuller is try- bad been filling in at the end of sity. At the WMC bookstore her to see more college personal- ing to take care of things in the last semester, was asked to stay ized materials like paper, enve- bookstore is working with the permanently on February I by duties are scheduling the em- lopes, and pens. bookstore committee to produce books, and the ployees, ordering Barnes and Nobel Regional One thing Eichmuller says a flyer for faculty, staff, and ad- Manager Lorraine Pazzotare. general running of the store. doesn't need improvement is ministration to evaluate the Bookstore employees say they "Basically I'm responsible for the staff she has working for bookstore. couldn't be happier. everything. I have to make sure her. "I actually have employees Eventually, she would like to The general consensus is the things get done," added who are willing to work and have a different Ilyer for employees like the new man- Eichmuller. The employees have a good altitude. They're students to evaluate the book- ager. "She does an excellent job seem to feci rnorc is getting reliable and interested in what store. "The needs of the stu- and she's much more competent done. they're doing," she said. ." dents are different from the fac- than the last manager," said se- "Beverly [Eichmuller] is haven't had this at the other ulty, staff, and administration, nior Andrea Mack. very competent and knows what stores I've worked at." As far so two different bases for evalu- Eichmuller also couldn't be she's doing," noted junior ation are needed," concluded Recent Marielle happier about staying at WMC. graduate, Ainsworth. Richardson '::T:""h,-n-,-w-'B-oO-k-S-'o-,-, M-an-____Jl;: ~O~:i~;Pf~;~i~~~~~:~~;;ead~ Eichmuller. she's away from Kevin When "The faculty and students are added, "The productivity level ager. easy task. WMC Eichmuller spends time nice and the bookstore staff is "She's fun to be around," re- fun," said Eichmuller. "You has increased incredibly since don't understand the forms we marked junior Damon Lewis. with her two daughters. Her know the mood of the store she got here." use," said Eichmuller. ·'1 just Richardson added, "She's good other interests include listening when you get in that day. You Things may be "getting want a system everyone can un- with people and very adaptable. to jazz or watching sports, espe- cially basketball.
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