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Featu,es March 9, 1993 Page 8 Bacchus Plans for a Safe Spring Break Week By PAUL E. PAWLOWSKI on campus that care and want Kathleen 'Blue Taylor and pm at the college pool on Finally, the week will be 5"lO'1I',,'" them to come back in one piece BACCHUS President, Brenda March 9. Music and various capped off with Hard Mock regardless of what they're do- Dorsch. Students participating games will highlight the night Cafe "Hawaiian Night" be- BACCHUS will hold their ing over Spring Break," says will have tear drops marked on of fun in the water. tween the hours of 9 pm -12 am annual Safe Spring Break Amanda Thompson, their cheek and wear buttons Then, on March 10, at the Dining Porch on March Week with activities planned BACCHUS co-advisor. that display the new statistic: BACCHUS will host their ver- 11. Students are asked to come for each day of the week from The WMC chapter, over 20 one person dies every 22 min- sion of the popular game show, dressed in their favorite Hawai- March 8th - 11th. years in existence, will be cel- utes due 10 drunk driving acci- "The Hollywood Squares," at 8 ian and/or beach outfits. Prizes The events featured empha- ebrating this week in concor- dents, Participants will not be pm in The Forum, with prizes will be awarded for the "Loud- size the message-to be re- dance with over 600 national allowed to communicate, ei- awarded to the winners. Mem- est Shirt," Best over-all dress, sponsible where alcohol is con- BACCHUS chapters In the ther verbally or non-verbally; it bers of the faculty, staff, and Hula-Hoop champion, and cerned-and encourage every- United States alone, as well as will bring home the message of administration will fill the 9 Limbo champion. Bar Man- one to participate. "It's to let with others in Canada, the horrors of drunk driving squares. Students wishing to ager Bill Yankosky stales that people know they don't have to Mexico, and Europe. with someone you know dying participate will be asked to sign drinks will feature those of the drink over Spring Break to Ghost Day will kick off the immediately as a result of up prior to March 10. A draw- Hawaiian and Tropical nature. have a good time. If they do week's activities on March 8, drunk driving. ing will be held at the start of BACCHUS invites all to and that is their choice, do it according to coordinator of The next activity is a Pool the game to determine the con- participate with a safe and responsibly, there are people Safe Spring Break Week. Party which will be held at 8:00 testants. happy Spring Break. No Problems for Dear Danielle in Crisis Corner No Problem Too Big Or Too Smail ... Danielle answers them alii!!! By RANEE DEYO in for Danielle Slanders since and into The Phoenix? and the guilty," thecolumnistchose "It can be a lot of fun or it can F'Q,"",/M.i_ her first column appeared in the "I guess people have always 10 hide her true identity. From the be serious. It depends 011 what Got a problem? last issue. been drawn to me for advise," said "outrageous stuff" to the "worst people want," the writer said. Need some answers? Out with Dear Abby's stale lbeanonymousWMCjunior. "It's thing you've ever done," this stu- Anyone who wishes to submit a Now they are easy to find in advice and in with fresh ideas is something that Iwanted to do for a dent is ready 10 battle the problems letter for possible publication to The Phoenix located at the one ofWMC's psychology ma- long time and was never given the of both student and faculty in an "Danielle"atthe~ CRISIS CORNER. jors' advise. What brought this chance," she admitted. unbiased, objective, and informa- rlliR can send it via campus mail The letters have been rolling psychology major out of the lab To "protect both the innocent tiveway. tobox 221. Newsweek Crisis Corner: Publishes Article by WMC Student Dear Danielle By SCOTT LEE SJQ/jll'ril.tT How would it feel to be a foreign-exchange student stranded in Dear Danielle, the United States and unable to contact your family living in the Lately Ihave been noticing many changes inmy (limilY'slife, ilia! I can hardly concentrate 0 war-ravaged Yugoslavia? My older-sister, who lives with her husband and I 6 month old baby, is havingproblem$ i WMC's Naida Zecevic answered this question for the world in bet bome. Her actions are not normal and tbey may iodi<:atedepressi:on.Sbe doesn't seem to run be her article, "Willi Ever Go Home Again," which appeared in the home in anY$eruleoforder.lfeel S()ffy for themz-Llovc.them both. I'm e~lPcciaUy worrfedabour th March 8 issue of Newsweek. baby. 1teel ner husband dOeSn't respect her anymore because sne sets no means of stamlity for bet Zecevic, a freshman mathematics major, completed the article family. What shoutd 1 do or say? 1 would never want to hurt my sister. And, ( would be crushed t with the help of Chris Hart, assistant director of Public Intormauon. see them pan. so I fee] J need to trY tosa-ve them. Please. please what.should I do? "When Chris Hart and r finished the column, we were convinced it was interesting," commented Zecevic. "We expected it to be Love. published." AConcerned arul[,oviog Sister Zecevic discussed the reaction to her article: "On campus, many people told me they liked it a lot. Elsewhere, many people appreci- ated the information I gave about my native country." Dear Concerned and. Loving.Sister, "I'd rather write about Yugoslavia than talk about it," explained FitStofall. ~tsounds like your brother-in-Jaw has $01l;lC growiri~ up tb dQ. I realize we all like to g. zecevtc. OUtand have full. with our ftittJds, but really, DOUI'$ In from of tbe T,V, ptayiag Nlmendn ... at tlis age Zecevic pondered her future: "If I get a chance, I will probably Maybe he should have held offbnnngthatgame until bisson is pklenough to experience it with him write more about Yugoslavia." She continued, "I want to go to Let's see ...your stster .•.I tnJlyappreCiate the role of motherbood and how eying a baby ca~be or graduate school if nothing else happens to my family." one's daily activities:. Maybe your .sisterisfeeling. a IlttIe bit trapped. Constantly at bome~ith tb bab-y, dOing the cooking and the cleaning; etc. f sbe needS to get out of the bouse at least one a week and get involved. withsometbiog.. Maybe your brother-in-lawca~ pitch in and cook a mea bereOf there. CooperatIOo is thekey, As far as wbat you can do: let your s~sterknow you love!ler n matter wb~tand tell her 8i)OUtyouq:pncemS. If youare wonied abouta break-up., suggest marriag counseling. there-are manygO:
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