Page 89 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 89
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Sledding on the "Hill" Can Be Dangerous Bv Af'I>'J",'ELiSESUI.UV AN alJy hard." So bad in fact. she that she strained and pulled commented. Will you do it prohibit anyone from doing it injured her back. "As I was muscles in her back. Do you again soon? "I don', know because, "They've been sled- walking back, it got worse and think there should be a warning about that," she replied. ding out there since dirt was in- Sledding on "the hill" on the worse," she said, "It hurt to sign on that hill? "Ithink cvcry- MichaelWcbster,directoror vented." Western Maryland golf course breathe it was so bad." She said one knows there's a risk in- Campus Safety, seems to think Tom Steback. director of is fun but don't ask Tcaeuc that when she got back to valved in sleigh riding," she there are far too many accidents Personnel Services/Risk Man- Louderback to do it again any Whiteford with out on that hill agement, didn't seem too wor- time soon. her friends she and that there ried about the hill because Louderback was injured on asked them to get maybe should through the insurance company the hill last Sunday, February her to a doctor be some sort for the college, Royal Insurance 21. According to her, she was and her friends of sign put up Company of America, their li- sledding down the hill (on the called Campus wammg. ability insurance is covered for south end of the golf course) in Safety (the right "The college three million dollars and they a two person toboggan, she was thing to do). Ac- has a duty to have an "umbrella policy" over in back, and she and her friend cording to Cam- ~ warn against that, that"s an additional $ 12 had been given a running push pus Safety, they '""~ ~ foreseeable million in coverage. This insur- to start. They had managed on then called the ~ risk," said ance covers anything, a slip on previous runs to avoid "the city ambulance S Webster. Un- tbe ice, fallon the sidewalk, and hump" but this time they "hit it. and she was taken s fortunately, yes, a sledding accident. Ac- and went airborne." to Carrol County l Web s t e r cording to Steback, college caJ~~~~~~~~e s:~~~~:~:~ Ge~r~u~~Pi~~~ An airborne sledder enjoys the snow at WMC, ~I~nsn't t!~:l~ policies ares~~g~~~~~~~. :~ WMC Sexual Assault I Problem No Longer Behind By DAVlIl RAOOSF.VICII a person's condition indicates 'Forcing a woman to have SIO/lW.,,,, clear and imminent danger to sex, no matter how much the person or others, money was spent, still cquars-' With reported cases incrcas- According to the Center for rape, IOSlstS Webster ing recently and more emphasis Prevention of Campus Violence Furthermore, Rape Crisis being placed on awareness, the at Towson State University, Intervention Services of sexual assault problem at West- four in 10 undergraduate Carroll County report that one ern Maryland College is no women will be sexually at- in every 12 college men have longer hidden behind closed tacked in their college years, In admitted to committing acts doors. addition, over 90 percent of all that meet the legal definition In the last 10 months, three attacks involve the use of drugs of rape. others don't," the offender can't hurt anyone date rapes on campus have been or alcohol. The Center reports The college has defined its In order to educate people, else," said Lamas. However, reported. According to Mike that only one in 10 survivors sexual assault policy in the Stu- some believe new ideas are the college does everything to Webster, director of Campus will report the crime to law en- dent Guide and Datebook, "The needed. '·We need to be innova- help the survivor through coun- Safety, none of the survivors de- forcement agencies, college came up with a written tive and have quality programs seling, even if they do not want cided to prosecute the incident Furthermore, the Center re- policy to say that sexual assaults because more programming to press charges, added Lamas. on or off campus. One incident ports that over 60 percent of should not happen, will not be isn't necessarily better, but The college aims to help the happened in late October, and date rapes involve a member of tolerated, and will be dealt with quality is," said Goldwater. The survivor gain a sense of control the other two were reported last a Greek fraternity, a sports in a serious manner," said freshman orientation program over the situation. "l have to be May. Both May survivors have team, or both, "Education GOldwater. There was no writ- provides one opportunity to concerned with the welfare of left campus, while all of the al- needs to teach men both sides of ten policy until four years ago, educate new students. the survivor and with the wel- leged offenders are still on cam- it. It is nor an action that can be she explained. The college is currently at- fare of the community. So I pus, Webster said. tolerated:' said Joanne When Susan Glore came to tempting to give a baseline of would urge them to go through Webster, in his second year Goldwater, director of Housing. WMC in 1988, she chaired a information in several the prosecution to remove these at WMC, sees a trend starling [Q Webster defined stranger committee with Rape Crisis In- ways. Rape Crisis is invited to offenders from our campus form. ·'We are seeing an in- rape as "forcible, carnal knowl- rcrvcruton Services of Carroll both the freshman orientation community:' said Lamas. crease in the number of date edge, without consent: Date County, administrators, faculty. and RA training to discuss Although none of the most rapes reported because of in- rape, on the other hand, is where and students to write a policy. sexual assault. In addition, recent cases arc being pros- creased awareness, more trust in a relationship exists between the Although sexual assaults were RA's do educational program- ecuted, the college
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