Page 88 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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• Page 12 ~,n4 ...,i;..'hW$###PW%_& fi!J.r"V:"~:/';:B<'''''·--"*,W7,.,.d""'.~=-~, J;;:;, v:tJ2J§ Welch is an exciting player to watch, the beginning of the season, we lost Men's 8-8all Stuck in with a fluid style that is aggressive at the some team but we've and worked some to- unity, to be a team same time. He has proven consisttency. Disappointing Season leader In the Terror's first meeting emotion- with gether to produce Terror head coach both and statistically as a team." Both players ally. credited Gettysburg College, Welch keyed an Nick Zoulias with keeping spirits 86-79 victory with a season and career- high and on an even keel. "He's re- DA VII) N. MILLER 12.6 points per game, and Pawlowski high 36 points. Along with Young, ally kept us up in low times," said 5pQn,Co_.dilOr was tallying 10.1 points per game. Jun- Welch has been the saving grace on an Young. ior Tony Jenkins' injury early in the sea- to im- has four more chances WMC team. The Western Maryland Men's Bas- son also removed a starter and an orr-the otherwise inconsistent that it does feel great prove their record before the close of the Welch admitted ketball team is mired in a disappointing -bench threat in the Terror's arsenal. to be one of the top players in the MAC, 1992-93 season. three of which are con- season after losing its last six games (as "Injuries have been a big problem," but he hasn't really thought about it. "I ference games. The team is hoping that of February 12), but hopes to end the said junior guard Pat Young. "With just go out and play, and try 10 help win it can regain its confidence and play at a season on a positive note in its last four Paul, Scott and Tony being gone, we each game," he said. higher level than it has all year. "When games of the season. lost a lot of our offense." Following a disppotming loss in a we are confident," said Young, "we can The 4-16 Green Terrors (t-g in The shining star of this season has tight game against Dickinson on Febru- play with any team in the conference." Middle Atlantic Conference-Southwest been forward Rolando Welch. With a ary 3, and two straigbt losses on the road Welch also pointed to improving ball section play) have been riddled by alag- scoring average of 19.7 points per game, against Moravian College and SI. control as a goal: "Turnovers in the past ging offence and numerous player inju- Welch leads the MAC·Southwest sec- Mary's (MD) College, morale would few games have killed us." Defense ries. The injuries of senior point-guard tion in scoring, and has proven to be the seem to be a problem for this team. will also be a key ingredient in Terror Scott Lyon and senior center Paul key in the few WMC victories so far. However, the Terror's have kept their victories. Pawlowski removed two starters, and The 6'3" junior also leads the team in heads up. The Green Terrors face Gettysburg the third and fourth leading scorers, re- rebounds with 100 offensive and 161 "The team morale is still high, and College at Gettysburg on February 17, spectively, from the squad. At the time defensive boards overall. and an aver- we've stood together," said Young. and will play their final game at home of their injuries. Lyon was averaging age of 13.7 rebounds per game. Welch agreed, "With all the injuries at versus Muhlenburg on February 20. Woman's 8-8all Winds Down to Four Games KENDRA WEIBLE Spangler leads the squad in rebound- Sp6r.. C<>-~di'6' ing with 8.3 boards-per-game followed by Head with 6.6 and sophomore for- The Western Maryland women's bas- ward Andrea Romich with 6.3 per game. ketball team is winding down their sea- Head is the leader in assists as well son. They will be the hosts of three of contrihuting a 3.7 average while sopho- their last four games. more guard Christa Mose is dishing out Mter the 67-51 defeat to the confer- 3,0 assists a game. ence leading Franklin & Marshall. the Junior co-captain Marie Pawlowski, terrors' record stands as 7-11 overall who bas been troubled by injuries, feels and 2·5 in the MAC Southwest Section. the squad took a while to get used to one rumor guarc cue neac reecs toe rer- anomer lOIS season. we are JUSt sian- rors in scoring with a 13.6 points per ing to mesh," she commmented. game average. Sophomore guard/tor- Pawlowski believes the team will come Tired of living in the same dorm room? ward Krista Shaffer is second on the back strong next year since everyone will team in scoring with a 10.9 points-per- be returning. game average. Sophomore Denise The Terrors face Lebanon Valley in Tired of going to classes? Spangler posts a close third with a 9.7 their last home game and close the sea- scoring average. son on the rood at Elizabethtown. WMC has an extension: Peanut Gallery FromPage11 Holyfield and that Dokes might have cracked ribs. In the end, Bowe steamrolled him all the same and col- lected a nice little $7 million paycbeck. Not bad for a couple minutes of work. Of course the papers and TV reports on Sunday and Monday talked about the horrible mismatch and cried for reforms in the governing of the sanctioning bod- ies for boxing. Never let it be said that the sportswriting body contains some of the people with the best 20120 hindsight vision. The point that they are all miss- ing is that the governing bodies of box- ing don't care what the sportswriters think. In fact, tbey probably enjoy all tbe press they are getting. It will make it that much easier for them to bype the next big fight And until the sportswriters realize that boxing is no longer a sport (if it ever was) and stop giving it so much atten- tion, more mismatches of the reigning champion versus the overweight over- the-bill punching bags of the month will continue to occur. As long as they sell tickets, wby should tbe governing bodies of boxing fix wbat's broken if everyone will still pay to sec it?
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