Page 92 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 92
Editorials March 9, 1993 Page 4 Vulg~r Comments What Is It Like to Chat At iMovie Cause with the Governor? Rage BY REBECCA Ed,,,,,-tmd.cIIl,/<=iSpon.&iilo, run together in a low mumble. We had to Al'o'D DA VF. MIUER KANE lean towards him to understand and even then comprehended only half of the words. Its not every day that four college stu- Somehow, even with this voice, he was dents, let alone four WMC college stu- able to convey to us an attitude that he re- dents, get invited to the State House in An- ally wanted to help. Not the typical "politi- napolis to chat with the governor. cian concern," but a real-life human caring. Passing the sign that read "No Tourists The governor commented on the articles Allowed" and heading up to the second that are constantly written about him in the floor for the interview was quite exhilarat- newspapers, explaining in a rather defensive ing. We were almost waiting for the guards voice that they are nor true. It kind of makes to come over and stop us so that we could you wonder where the truth lies. Is it in the explain that we actually were not breaking newspapers, the politician's speeches, or the rules. However, they didn't budge. none of the above? Maybe they knew we were coming. At one point he made a joke about his At the top of the stairs, we were greeted press secretary who was in the room, call- by a journalist who had talked with many ing her a "reformed journalist," She had a of the state senators and members of con- nickname for him too: "The Do-it-Now gress but had never seen the governor, let Governor." She said the scheduling of this alone interviewed him. interview was a perfect example. Before long, we were swooped off and The image of the governor that will al- guided down a long corridor. The hallway ways stick in our head did not take place in was decorated with pictures created by the meeting room. Instead, it happened children from all the counties in Maryland. rather by accident. On the way out, we hap- We ended up in a room where awards pened to see him standing in the shadows of seemed to cover every square inch of the the hallway waiting for the elevator to open rather high walls, intimidating us a little up. He was hunched over with his back to further. us. How unpleasant it must be to be gover- A special side door swung open and the nor and to work such long hours with such governor made his dramatic entrance at little positive recognition. How sad it must exactly 5:30pm, right on time. With a wave be to be placed in a position where decisions and a greeting of "Hi. Hi. Hi," this small, have to be made that will always hurt one but solid locking man sat down in a large group or another. throne-like chair at the head of a long, We hope the thoughts, opinions, and re- finely finished wooden table. alities \l{e were able to share with the gover- His gentle blue eyes, which seemed to nor and his staff will only be a beginning. convey a spirit of warmth, open-ness, and Maybe now that we've exchanged ideas on concern, contrasted well with his staunch, .the state level, next we can get to the bottom rugged jaw. Contrasting with our image of of higher education dynamics on a national the normal speech-making politician, he level with President Clinton. Stay tuned was rather quiet at first and looked tired. this semester for further adventure with The When words finally came, they seemed to Phoenix. Why Is WMC Missing A Data-Net System? By MARK GEARY cal community colleges and the Uni- puter systems would include such a useful system would bea real advantage to the stu- SJa/fWriIU versity of Maryland have such sys- source of infonnation, but it has not, and dents and to the school. Students have been wondering tems. the question is why? Why do students of a liberal arts school why the computer labs aren't hooked The University of Maryland uses a Rumor has it that fear of computer vi- not have access to such asystcm? Was there up to a data-net system. On the prior- system called Internet, an interna- ruses destroying the machines was one of ever even a debate/discussion about this? It ity list, this may seem to be a minor tional information network, which is the reasons. Another fear was that students would seem that with the remodelling of item, but at a liberal arts school, relatively inexpensive. Internet offers would use such a system for purposes be- Hoover Library and the new lab, why not should not all forms of reference ma- a fast and easy way of gaining infor- sides the school's purposes. Also, the fear broaden the database that extsts, giving stu- terials be available? mation. Many students of the said uni- of Hackers using the system for personal dents more sources of intormauon. With A data network is an on-line com- versities have agreed it is a trernen- and illegal uses seemed to be an honest students paying over $18,00{) a year, and puter service that provides updating deus help in gaining needed research concern. However, considering that such alumni conutbuutons. it is hard to under- source materials, as well as being a materials that are current and orga- systems have safeguards, the benifits out- stand why students do not have access LO means of communication around the nized. I assumed that the remodelling weighed the problems. The use of such a such a system. Where is the money going? world. Other univcrstues, such as 10- of the Hoover library and the com- The Phoenix Editor-in-Chief _ Rebecca Kane'94 Managing Editor _ "" _ TBD The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Business Manager ..._ .,.,.__._._ _..__••_" _.._"...•._Michael Beckens '95 Phoenix staff members, the faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College Advertising Managers .Alicia Moore '93, Chris Marshall '93 The Phoenix welcomes free-lance submissions on Macintosh disk in most word processor formats. The Layout Manager .... _ " Deana Villani '96 editor res.erves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. and will be publis~ledas space permi.ts. Letters News Editor __"._.......... • S.A. Sommer '95 to the Editor that ar~ one pag~, typed, and double-spaced are guaranteed publication ill the next Issue. The Editorial Editor .._ _ ".._.."".,.. .".".Rcbecca Kane '94 editor reserves the nght to.edit for libel and length Features Editor .._ _ _..... . Ranee Deyo '94 All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be Arts & Entertainment Editor ._.,..,,,,, _., ,,_,.,,Kristin Vick '95 returned Sports Editors " _ : David Miller '93. Kendra Weible '93 Photography Editor _"...leff Sharp '94 Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by discretion of Cartoonist .••_.." .._ .Margaret Ochlers the&!itor-in-Chief. Copy Editing Staff Lisa Benecke '116,Elaine Bucher '93, Address mail to The Phoenix Sandy Ellman '96, S.A. Sommer '95, Beth Webster '93 2 College Hilt Western Maryland College Faculty Advisor, _ _ .....cTerry Dalton Westminster, MD 21157
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