Page 95 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 95
News March 9, 1993 Page -: Campus Safety Beat Students were sledding at 2/18/93 - 5 PM, A student re- entrance lobby. Injuries: Harvey Stone Park and ported the theft of a practicejer- 2/21/93 - 12:59 AM, The fire 2/6/93-2:11 AM,Afemalestu- By ANNELlS..:SUUIVi\N SlnffWri,,,, drinking in public. scy in the locker room at PELC. alarm was pulled at ANW. dent was assisted with a dislo- 2/15/93 - 7:51 PM, A member 2/18/93 about 11:30 PM, 2121/93 - 11:39 PM, Offlcers on cared knee between Whiteford of the Campus Safety Staff re- There was some offensive mate- patrol spotted what appeared to and Blanche Ward. All information in this column ported that he had eight keys, a rial to women, gays, and lesbi- be a fire by the bathrooms of 2m93 - 6:22 PM, An employee has been supplied by Michael black J.D. case and a money clip ans, found on a resident's door Harvey Stone Park. There was injured himself in pick-up bas- Webster, Director of Campus Safely unless otherwise stated stolen when playing basketball in Rouzer. The RLC talked to one lit by the sixth hole and one ketball in PELC. Crimes: in PELC An estimated value of the resident and thc resident still lit by the men's bathroom 2nl93 -6:S4PM,Astudent was $10- 15. took down the material.(This 2/5/93 - 2 AM, There was an buill against the outside wall. assisted with an ankle injury. incidence of public urination by 2/16/93 - 2:08 AM, A student was reported to a phoenix staff 2/23/93 - 9:50 PM, A student 2n 193 - I:28 PM, A student was a male in the Englar Pool Park- was stopped with a forged park- member directly from an RA, reported she'd been followed assisted with a medical condi- ing lot. ing permit. not through Campus Sarety.) from the Fine Arts building past lion compounded by alcohol 2/11/93 - There was a theft re- 2/16/93 - 4:02 AM, A student 2119/93 - 2:28 PM, A student Hoover Library to Daniel abuse. ported from physical plant of was stopped with a manufac- reported vandalism to his door. MacLea. The Individual was 2/12/93 - 12:06 AM, A student grounds keeping supplies. The tured parking permit. The knob was bent and stuck in descibed as a white male in his was assisted complaining of witness contacted the city police 2/18/93 - 9:50 AM, The theft of the lock position. early 20's, medium build, me- swelling/irritation in the eye. and the person identified is be- a chair from the lounge of Up- 2/19/93 - 6:35 PM, Campus diurn length brown hair. The student was referred to ing processed. per Decker was reported. The Safety was called to ANW for a 2124/93 - 11:40 PM, Two stu- Smith House, 2113/93 - 11:59 AM, the win- chair was valued at $175. noise violation and found indi- dents reported walking in the 2/13/93 - 11:05 PM, A student 2/18/93 - The possible theft of a viduals engaged in throwing area of the Garden Apartments was found unconscious in dow on the third floor stairway chair outside of the Registrar's water balloons. Parking Lot when a white male Rouzer. Apparently as a result on the right of ANW was office on first floor Elderdice 2121/93 -6AM, A window was aprox. six ft. tall, medium build, of excessive alcohol consump- kicked out. 2/13/93 - 12:45 PM, was reported. broken in Blanche Ward's main 20's, with thick and curly hair lion. The student regained con- There was an alcohol violation. but it was cut so sciousness, became combative assis- short it stood blue and refused - 8:58 PM, A student ambulance's up, gBreak, dark Rouzer rimmed out He a was assisted - 9:29 with a head injury lance. wearing a jeans and 2114/93 jacket, assis- and refused the student glasses jumped from behind tance. Campus 2115/93 parked car and fled PM, Safety was called to assist a stu- up the hill toward the symptoms. park- dent with flu-like - 9:05 2/21193 PM, ing strongsuit, appaers to share de- a expressed by the city ambulance. in a lot. Campus Safety was called to assist a stu- dent who had been injured ora the descnpuon accident. guy who falshed The student sledding student off campus severe head and back in January. Also pain and was transported to the hospital fits the general - 10:12 PM, A student scription came susptsious male in ing of flu-like a residence of hall re- a 2/21/93 into the office complain- The symptoms. cently. Thematter student was evaluated by a ~isstilll1nderinves~lrained.EMT here, referred to tigation. Campus Smith House anl:ll1eclincd any Safety is working additional medical treatment. your size, shape or figure, Water Water with city police to - Remember, be safe, don't be compose sorry. compos- ere has a strong suit for you. Bikinis, Thongs, lies. e, Two-Piece, Mix and Match Separates. Campus e always over 2500 Safety Tips choose from. From Mike Webster People who are followed should remember to: I. Tum around and get a good look at the person 2. Walk toward areas where you know peale will be (Decker, Hoover library, The Commons etc.) 3. Stay out of areas lightly travcled( don't go into a deserted building thinking you're safe because you're inside) 4. A void shrubs and parking lots, any areas that pro- vide concelement 5. Call to report any susptstous persons on campus (,202) Safety walk alone at night. Campus 6. Don't Swimwear is our vides an eseort service for any where on campus pro- - use strong suit year 'round it. 7. If you're victimized, don't wait, call Campus Center 410-356-0280. Fair Oaks Mall 703-359-2943 Safety immediately.
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