Page 97 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 97
Features Ann Landers Slams WMC 60 Seconds was being quoted ~lli~_,9ampus By SCOTI FRiEDRICH "A bad piece on Ann land- umn on February 16, O'Connell S"'ffWr;,u ers part. She owes an explana- spoke with a woman who iden- tion to admissions and the pub- tified herself only as "not a par- Ann Landers, whose advice lic Information office," accord- ent." "Until this morning, (Feb" column is known and respected ing to Sellman. mary 16), I did not know that nation-wide, recently criticized The most prevalent reaction the woman was with Lander's WMC's humorous advertising to the article was that of confu- staff and that' efforts. sion, according to Muller. "A for her column," said A publication, entitled "Pay- few people did not understand O'Connell. ing for College", was deemed why advice to write a chain let- '" think Ann Landers should inappropriate by a mother of ter was part of a financial aid have researched the issue more What do you think about Bill The Cat's affair twins from Edison NJ. The brochure When we explained in-depth," said Eva Hess, WMC with Socks Clinton? mother, facing the challenge of the context of the suggestion, director of financial aid. finding funds to put her daugh- people were pleased with what O'Connell agreed. "If she ters through college, wrote to we were doing." would have read the brochure, it Ann Landers seeking her opin- Muller has written to Land- would be obvious how much of Kevin Thomas '95 ion of a college thai would send ers in hopes that she will include the infonnation is the same as such "inappropriate material." her dissatisfied response in an that included in our previous "Looks like another Years of solving America's upcoming column. "The main brochure only prepared in a slick willie in the White monotonous domestic purpose of this brochure was to more entertaining manner." A House." squabbles may have stripped encourage parents to see an edu- meeting of the board of trustees Lander's of her sense of humor. cation at a small, private liberal on Saturday resulted in 100% "Humor has its place and litera- arts college-with its characteris- approval of the brochure, ac- ture acquainting the public with tically close attention to the cording to Chambers. a college should not be funny," needs of students-as a worth- "A sensible person reading her column said on Feb 16. while investment, and urge the brochure will not take the The brochure, now in its sec- them to enlist Western funny parts seriously," said ond year of publication, inter- Maryland's help in making such WMC President Robert Cham- Andrew "Zippy" twines humorous material with an education affordable," wrote bers. serious information related to Muller's response. "Life need not be made more Laporta '96 financial planning. "The new According to Muller, Land- serious than it already is. Col- brochure was meant to be more ers will receive several letters lege is an expensive investment user-friendly and to entertain as from disappointed parents, for parents. You must laugh well as inform," said Joyce Alumni and members of the your way through it. or it will Muller, WMCdirectorofpublic board of trustees. Already, an get you dawn. Any matter, this information. " editorial has been published in tedious and cumbersome, can The brochure was sent to the The Baltimore Sun. "You and be made less so by incorporat- parents of perspective students your correspondent, ing humor Into the with a cover letter that claimed Nonplussed in Edison, NJ., process," said Chambers. it included serious infonnation, should realize that humor can be Although Western Maryland as well as levity, according to a soothing balm," wrote the is not being glorified in WMC Director of Admissions, anonymous; "Carefree in Lander's column, the fact that Martha O'Connell. Carroll,"whose editorial_was WMC will be mentioned na- Since Ann Landers pre- printed on Feb 19. tion-wide in 1200 papers-can do sented her opinion on the col- Not only are many people at nothing but help the College, came ou,t-iJ"to-tl!e---tII~>l leges' humorous brochure, sev- WMC in support of the bro- according to Chambers. "Pub- open. " eral parents and alumnae have chure, but it received a distin- licity is publicity. This is free contacted WMC concerned guished award from the Council publicity. There would be no with the validity of the column. for Advancement and Support way to get this vast amount of "They [alumni] have no opin- of Education, according to publicity even if we paid for it, ion, but they are primarily curi- Mullcr. "WMC's brochures " said Chambers. "I can assure ous as to what Ann Landers have won probably as many if you that' lake financial aid very found so offensive, "said WMC not more awards than any other seriously and not for a second director of Alumni Affairs, private colleges," she said. docs it [the brochure] say that John "Merkin" Donna Sellman, Prior to the release of the col- financial aid is a trivial matter." Hovanek '96 A Quote from The whole watermelon. " "My cat can eat a Thinking Parents' Guide ~ ~~~~'(:t;~~'~~~::meed tbatuobody':-nottb.e even your John Leventon '96 federal Western Maryland, not four last~ditcb IDethods.(BUt you Undecided "'Sew:] ~ lettcrtQ.3QO people promls~og them good luck ifthey return. twob!Jcks and .send the "Who's Socks letter to}O ()ftheir lriends~.,trhe proceeds shuuld COvergradSCbool tuition, rco.) .Remind uem Clinton?" l~~~a!!u:!rtW!:~~;2~:~r(~:~~~in:~jct:!~{fV~da~~~SevenLotto, "Do your part to rcs.t()f'e America's confidence in the industry by opening yOUr own savings and toan. Use:~cre(litsar~, WtAAXe~~lthe major ones," -trom WMG.'$l'heTllinkitig Parents' Quidefrt PAYiNG FORCQILE-GE
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