Page 94 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News March 9, 1993 Page 6 Senior ROTC HOUSE OF UQUORS Cadets Receive "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & SeNice" Branch CARROll PlAZA SIIOPPING CENTER, WESTMINSTER, MIl 211S7 140 and Englar Rd:) (AI. 848-1314 Assignments Lotto & Lottery Headquarters FrNE WiNE & SPIRITS· /HE PERltCT GIFT FOR AU OCCASIONS By JENN1FER S. SCOTT CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! SIQjfWrikr Mllwaekcc's Best ..+ " " •••• " ." ,$7.791casc SIrO"', (Reg. and Lr.) ..........................•...... SLO.99130paCk After three and a half years of wailing and wondering what Miller (Reg. only) .•"...... ". . $IO.47/cMC cans their futures in the Anny would hold for them, the six ROTC RlbiIoIT VOdka (1.75 ltr.) t7.99IbOUle cadets assessed from the senior class received their answers. Mooschead "..,."." """"",$8,?'i112 pack NR r----~-, Cadets Jennifer Scott and Tanya Kabel will receive Regular St.PauJi Girl , _ $8.99/12 pack Nk Army commissions in the Military Ponce Corps and Air Defense r------, '"All prices good while supphes last!'" Artillery, respectively. r.------, Cadets Matthew Byrne and Matthew Gebhard will receive I lO%Off I INaturalLight I I Olympia I Active Duty commissions in the Medical Services Corps and Ar- mor, respectively. I Any Purchase I Cadet Peter White will join (he Transportation Corps and : $8.99: : $6.99 : Cadet Edward Larkin will join Armor. They will serve their : excluding sale : : case cans : commission on Reserve Duty. I items and I Icase cans I The assess ion process, a balance of grade point average, Ad- I I , vance Camp score, and position on the order of merit list, is used LI£.b!!!i'l2.l2.~\!£tu L _W.!.tll.!=IlllP,2,n_ .J L _W..!.~.2l'll2n_.J to decide where the cadet in question will serve after commis- sioning. This information is combined nationally, result- ing in an order of merit list which consists of over three thousand cadets. Generally, the higher up on the list one is, the more likely one will be to get the branch and com- mission one wants. This year, according to statistics published by the Army, 3622 cadets were assessed. Fewer than 800 cadets This Spri received the designation of Regular Army, 22%. Re- serve officers on active duty will be joined by 1258 new lieutenants, 35% of those assessed. The remaining cadets received educational delay in order to complete gradu- ate education (6%) before going on active duty or reserve duty (37%) and will serve one weekend a month and two weeks a year. WMC cadets, despite the small size of the program, go with__you assessed very well compared to the nation with rwo re- ceiving Regular Army, two Active Duty, and two Re- serve Duty. To find out more about Army ROTC, call Cadet Tanya Kabel at ext. 8396 or Captain Ruben Navarro at ext. 727. OpinionPoll: Majority Reads The Phoenix By JOSEPH STOFFA SI4/JW"MT A recent poll indicates that the majority ofWMC stu- dents do read The Phoenix each time it is published. Students were asked how often they read The Phoenix. Of the 100 students surveyed, 59% said that they read the paper each time it comes out, 30% said they occasionally read it, and 8% read it infrequently. The. remaining 3% said lhat they don't read the paper at all. ,-' Hoy Towson Town Center 410-821-9287 • Owings Mills To
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