Page 87 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 87
Search for New Coaches Nears Conclusion ED RIGLING ter the conclusion of the 1992 record over his seven year reign. which has selected six finalists that "the interview process is SU1/fR,p<>"., season to become the head According to a press release, for the interview process which probably more thorough than coach of the volleyball program President Chambers "reluc- began February 4 and will end anyone can imagine." He then The end of the Fall 1992 se- at Division I Clemson Univer- tantly accepted" the resignation on February 18. Dr. Carpenter went into more detail, saying mester also marked the conclu- sity. "After being a Division I and praised Coach Sprague's hopes to have a recommenda- that the candidates must meet sion of two coach's careers at player and assistant coach, r "commitment and diligence" to tion for President Chambers by with the search committee, the Western Maryland as both think Jolene has always aspired the football program. February 22. President's office, Admissions, Coach Jolene Jordan-Hoover to be a Division r coach," com- With the loss of the two When asked what the com- selected players, and any fac- and Head Coach Dale Sprague mented Dr. Richard Carpenter, coaches, Dr. Carpenter orga- mittees were looking for from ulty who wish to make use of resigned from their positions as director of Athletics at Western nized two search committees to the candidates, Dr. Carpenter the "open door" policy to meet coach of volleyball and football Maryland. "She got the oppor- screen and select candidates for replied, "we are looking for candidates. "The interview pro- respectively. tunity and took it." the positions. The volleyball someone with a strong commit- cess is designed to cover almost Since 1990 when she was Upon his arrival in 1986, search committee, headed by ment to the philosophy ofDivi- all personal and professional as- hired to assume the coaching Coach Dale Sprague inherited a Assistant Director of Athletics sion III athletics who has col- pects of each candidate," Dr. duties of the volleyball team, football team which was in the and former volleyball coach Dr. lege coaching experience." He Carpenter commented. Coach Hoover directed the Ter- process of an 11 game losing Carol Fritz, selected two candi- also stated that all eight candi- With the gruelling process rors toa93-31 record, including streak which reached 24 before dates and interviewed them on dates for the two vacancies are nearing its conclusion, Dr. Car- finishing first place in the MAC being snapped with a 14-3 vic- February 4 and 5. Dr. Carpen- experienced college coaches. penter also added that he appre- Southwest in 1990 and second tory over Swarthmore in the ter said that the committee "We want someone who under- ciates the bard work on the part place in 1991 and '92. In all 1987 season. After a 5-5 season hoped to have a recommenda- stands the role of intercollegiate of both search committees. As three years, the team was de- this year and increased friction tion by the end of the week end- athletics." for the quality of the candidates feated in the MAC playoffs by between Sprague and the play- ing February 13. When asked what areas were for each of the coaching posi- Juniata, the juggernaut of the ers, Sprague resigned from his Dr. Carpenter chaired the encompassed in the interview tion vacancies, he said "We're Southwest. Hoover resigned af- position, posting a 20-48-2 football search committee process, Dr. Carpenter replied goona do just fine." Freshman Swimmer Heads to Atlanta, Georgia The coacbes and AlexaOOer know that this is not going to be an easy accanplisbment. But Ihey have two more meets m Ihe oonf _'pionsInps will"" place lhe_ofMarch 11·13. mooty. "I have a lot ofstJRXX1 fran my friends, swimmers Alexander has been swimming since she was 8 yean; old andcooches,anditbelpsmea1ot. Everyooeontheteamkds She swam fix U.S.A Swimming clubs in bet heme of uptoeadt otberand cheers each otheroo. There is lots of team I...ancaster,PAinadditionlOherhighscboo:lswimleam. She suppat," says Alexander. says tbetminingJXOgJ3Dl.atWestemMarylaldisvay similar And in a spet like swimming with such a tremenOOus empha- to those that she was involved in at ilcm!. sis 00 iOOividual perfoonance, Alexander hasn't gotten lost in "When Ifirst came bere, Ididn't expect to be in tbe pooi_ her own accanplisbments. Teammate Buffy Burke beteves tion I am now," shesays. ..Asa freshman, Ijust wanted 1000 that Alexander is a big boost foc the team. "She works the the best 1couk1lO helpout the team" hardest out of anybody on the team but still has the least ego. But ccocbes Kim am Steve Eastetday knew what AIex- She doesn't let things go to her bead," says Burke. anrer was all about Sheba'lpmredlObealIlX!teampiayer. Hercoocbesandteam- 'We knew o:ming in what she was C2(QbIe of doing. We were just lq)!n.g sheoouklac- mates agree that the contributions she's lrought to the team in the \VaIerdon'tsurpass what COOlplish that and mere and help her get better," says Kim. she's troughtto the team as a whole. Andyoudoo'tgetmucb_thanlhi< Amoogalloflhenatiooal1y_limes,Karen "It's notenough tosay that she's 'a breath offresbair,' "says Kim Easterday. "She's isinthetopeightDivisioomwcmeninthecountryinherevents, Ifshefinisbesin tbetop been real good. for the team; she's so enthusiastic; she keeps everybody laughing. And eight at nationals, she will receive All-American boocn The last All-American swimnx:rto when someone can combine school and sports and excel in both of them, it just means caneoutofWestemMayIandCo&gewasDeniseFred!.in 1983blbe50-yll"dbackslroke. that much more, I think." Thoughts From Peanut Gallery (miagt .... t~ "At The Forks EDRIGLING guments forming about bow Case in point was last week's 113 West Main St .... t ·848·~ SI4/fR·PQ .... , these athletes are only being public cremation of Michael One of the many things paid in accordance to the de- Dokes by heavyweight cham- Specials .•. which has continued to amaze mand for their services. Yeah, pion Riddick Bowe. Everybody me throughout my life is the ut- you can say that. But how long knew it was a mismatcb, yet the Mil~~:~ Be's~=li?.!i~=~ans ter insanity of the "sport" that are people going to continue to media covered the fight in the Natural Light - $9"/case cans they call professional boxing. pay about $35 to watch one guy event that by some miracle Busch (Reg,& Lt) --$lO"/case cans The modem day equivalent of pummel the other for about Dokes upset Bowe. To keep in- Coors (LI., & Gold) - $l2"/"""" cans the Roman gladiatorial games, three minutes and then listen to terest up for the ftght, stories Bud (Lt.& Dry) - $12"/case cans the only difference these days is tbe commentators complain were written about how Bowe Keystone (Lt and Dry) $lO"/case cans that the gladiators get paid out- about what a mismatch the ftght was eight pounds heavier than rageous amounts of money to was and how the governing when he faced Evander knock the stufftng out of each bodies of boxing need to re- other. I can already see the ar- form. See Peanut, Page 12
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