Page 42 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 42
Page 2 November 8, 1990 Students Protest Construction Tessa Dominick's PROTEST, from Page I GLARtic.le tion (PAC) called a meeting to discuss the problem and decided that they felt that the real prob- lem was that the current Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho ... administration's priority was not students, but rather the improved It's Off to GLAR I Go! marketing of the college. PAC then held an open meet- Traveling LOGlAR has be- cacti? A vaster majority of ing for any students who had come more entertaining than students must have requested grievances with the administra- ever. Imagine walking out of that very practical, very aurae- tion. Around 50 students carne Despite several protests, the trees between Rouzer and Daniel your own backdoor and find- tivc Ience. to speak up and listen to their MacLea were cut down last Friday. ing yourself in the middle of a And then there are the se- pccrscompfaints. Concerns were with some requests for consid- ingis scheduledfor wednesday, major construction site. To- curity guards. I must say, I expressed over much more than erauon by the administration. November 7 at I pm between tally unexpected, but that's feel more secure after having the recent construction project. As of the deadline for this students and the Student Affairs what made it such a privilege. meta few of them personally. PAC took the grievances and story, tfuspcuuon isbeingeireu- Office to discuss student gncv- When I panicked and started Even though they sped off so listed them in a petition along Jared around campus and a meet- ances and requests. 0 to run-not through fear of rapidly-doubtless, to fight being in the path ofbulldozers crimc-I managed to thank Focus on a Professor: Lucy Moran and falling was trees; my only for one of them for slamming me concern late being between the door and the wall. dinner-my magnificent He just did it so beautifully. by Lauren E. Himmel Hergoal is to connect people adapting programs towards sprint was ruined by miles of with computers. She considers what people need to learn, and Maybe he was also on his way Have you ever heard of a computers to be very dry and assigning projects that interest metal barriers. Sorry, but I to dinner; in that case, I cer- poet teaching com- students. She don't seem to recall that being tainly understand his need to listed in the tuition contract. puter processing? wants to reinforce Why couldn't the administra- hurry away. lucy Moran ex- the fact that the tion have alloted the money Because when I finally claims "I am a poet computer is a tool manage to reach GlAR, the at heart!" She has that was created towards purchasing GlAR effort expended in the under- launched three sec- by humans and mints? Or bcuer yet, new t.akingalwaysscemsworthit.. tions of computer can be modified. processing with "I get satisfaction ample zest. Al- out of helping stu- Budget Cuts Result from ways considered to ject they consider Decreased Enrollment dents learn a sub- be a talented math student, Moran to be very diffi- Due to lower than expected needed a practical culL" enrollment this year, Western was decreased by the amount way to make a liv- Her outside in- Maryland College has cut its necessary for 1222 students to for 1[72 necessary ing. She did not terests include budget for the 1990-91 fiscal the amount (the average of the two students think being a poet wnung poetry, year by $950,000, about .09% of semester's enrollmeru.) would suffice, al- playing tennis, the budget. WMC also had to defer though she docs an swingdancing, According to Ruth L. Tho- planned improvements to col- abundance of writ- and playing rack- mas, Director of Financial Plan- lege properties, including a ce- ing on her own ciball. Tennis is ning, enrollment has dropped ramic studio for the Art Depart- time. her favorite sport from 1222 tast semester to 1197 ment. lucy Moran has and she has this semester. Enrollment is a bachelor's degree played since she expected to drop further to 1147 Thomas said that the total in English from was thirteen years this Spring. budget this year is still above last Grinnell College in old. Moran also The budget cut also affected year's, but that the increase was Iowa. Shercceived thoroughly enjoys not as great as planned. Aid, but, ac- Financial a master's degree in swingdancing, for Student to Art Wisner, Director "We arc a tuition driven col- cording [bero-American she considers it to of Financial Services and Treas- lege," Thomas said but added studies from the be great exercise urer, the College only cut finan- that WMC also receives money from of Maryland, the State University of Wis- and very relaxing. cial aid by the amount slated for and investment consin. She also lucy Moran is the students who never came conferences income, gifts, to the in addition has a master's degree in com- docs her best to make them fun enjoying her first year at WMC here. it makes puler science from George and interesting. Her tactics 10- and wants to continue teaching In other words, financial aid small profit and golf course. from the 0 bookstore Washington University elude being overly enthusiastic, here in (he years to come. 0 $IOOO~:L FREE SPRING BREAK TRIP! Earn up to $1000 in one EARN COMMISSION week for your campus organization. Campus Vacations seeks enthusiastic, responsible student to market Spring Break vacations to Mexico, Plus a chance at Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida (7-10 Hrs/Week). $5000 more! This program works! Call Bill Gazes at: No investment needed. OFFICE Campus Vacations (800) 786-7377 call 1·800·932-0528 57-7322857-0900 Ext. SO
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