Page 38 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 38
Page 6IWestern Maryland College/October 25,1990 TerrorsGive Devils Hell Continued from Pg. 1 Dickinson and tied the that Reisenweber recovered So why did Western Another reason was the wasn't just some fans, it was a game with a trick play. Half- with 2:35 left in the game. The Maryland defeat the two-time beliefWestem Maryland had in chorus. The emotion it brought back Alex Plomaritis took the Green Terrors had the ball on defending conference champi- themselves. Thathasneverbeen was just amazing." handoff and ons? Field their in the past, buras the game Amazing is a good word threw position went on and the huge crowd todescribe Western Maryland's touchdown for start- encouraged them, the belief first touchdown. After a score- pass to Jack er sv- rh e became bigger and bigger. less first half, and five stalled Melusky. G r e e n There was no stopping Western drives between the teams in the Two Green Terrors Maryland from winning their third quarter, the Green Terrors Terrors de- average first Homecoming since 1984. had the ball on the Dickinson fenders had start of "We'reproudofour play- 14-yard line. The play was a Mel u s k y each drive ers;" Sprague said, comment- reverse to sophomore Rob covered, but at ing for his staff. "Our kids have Johnson. At first, the wingback the ball their own put the football program not as lookedstopped,butthemanwith found its way 4 5 - Ya r d a hunter but as the hunted." a thousand moves eluded Red into the wide line. Dick- Just a few years ago, the Devil defenderaandgotclose to receiver's inson be- Green Terrors were trying to the end zone. hands. 6:20 ganauheir end one of the nations longest "".More defenders were left in the 24. In the winless streaks. Now they're coming from the back side, so I game, 7-7. rust quar- battling for first place. tried to leap and stretch the ball In past ter, the "When we were in the to get it over the line (of the end years, West- Red Dev- losing streak, a win was a re- zone)," Johnson said. ern Maryland would have folded the Dickinson 37-yard line. ils started their three posses- lief," Sprague said. "This feel- The mission was accom- after this. However, 1990 is a Frees and Johnson took turns sions at their own two, six, and ing was being able to take a step plished as Western Maryland different story for the team, and running the ball down the Red eight-yard lines. When Dickin- not only towards respectability, took a 7-0 lead with 1:44 left in they were about to add another Devils'sthroats. From one-yard son turned the ball over, the but a step towards a conference the third quarter. Just 16 plus chapter to this incredible tale. out, Frees scored the winning Green Terrors were in great po- championship." minutes left for the upset. Carter forced the fumble touchdown. sition toseore. Terrors Volleyball Peaks, Field Hockey has Ebbs and Peaks Again close victories over Dickinson, Goucher By Ed Rigling coming out on top, putting lost their first two matches Susquehanna's back to the wall. against Eastern Mennonite and After placing second in Susquehanna never said die, Greensboro, winning only one By Ed Rigling game, providing all the goals the Juniata Tournament, Ter- though, as they fought hard only game against Eastern Mennon- necessary for the stingy Terror rors Volleyball regrouped to fall to the better Terror of- ite and losing in straight games The path to a winning defense to shut down the Red against Susquehanna in a four fense l S-l I. Co-Captain Palmer to Greensboro. But, as is so season is a long one, but the Devils. Freshman Sherry Al- game set that co-captain Diana praised the team, saying "we often said, great teams are great road seems that much easier bright has carried the load for Palmer described as "a good worked hard and definitely only when they have to be. The when a team has the confidence the Terrors in goal, posting a match to watch." should have won." Terrors awakened against necessary to win the big games. .903 save percentage over all. Each game of the set was Following the close Guilford, beating them in Terrors Field Hockey proved The Terrors have only allowed a close battle as Western Mary- match, the Terrors came home straight games (15-12, IS-B) they have that kind of confi- twenty goals this season with land took the lead in the first and creamed Washington, Md. to become the only team to do dence with back to back home founeenofthemcomingagainst game, 1614. SUSQuehanna came in straight games (15-0, IS-I. so in the tournament. Western wins to improve their record to MAC South division foes. back and won the next game 15- 15-4). Perhaps it was too easy, Maryland went on to beat Catho- 6-4-2 with three games left in On Homecoming Day, the 9, tying the match at one game as the team then struggled in the the season. field hockey team won another apiece. Game three again was a Gallaudet Invitational Tourna- On October 10, when close game as they beat Goucher 16-14 score with the Terrors ment that weekend. Volleyball Continued on Pg. 8 most of the campus was gearing 3-2 to bring their record to 6-4- up for Homecoming Weekend, 2. Junior Dina Comuzzi scored Help! the field hockey team was wag- herfifthgoaloftheseason, eigth. along ing its own personal Livingstone's with So- war against Dickinson. SophmoreJodiLiv- phomore Beth Longenecker (Help us to serve your hair care needs in our full service salon!) ingston, the leading scorer on scored her first goal of the sea- 'Ihe 'Esquire Salon. the team with eight goals for points, 83 'West !Main Street, 'Westminster sixteen Alexander and scored freshman Continued on Pg. 8 Vicki in the I WMC Students Only I Five Stylists I I !Seniors! Serving You! I I Complete $2.00 off I I Haircut and Style Appointments I The Esquire Salon I : Crossroads photos will be taken on October 30,31, Watch your mail- Available. I I 83 West Main Street I I : and November 1 in the Forum. If the time assigned card. : box for an appointment Westminster 848-2820 I I • to you is not suitable, stop by the Forum on those I I : dates to make an alternate appointment. Hope to L Good Through 1990 --------------- _j : see everyone there!
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