Page 40 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 40
Page S/Western Maryland College/October 25, 1990 True West a Cynical, First Rate Production show. But Purcaro tumedin an support for the main action of Thanksgiving, watchinganother have great resources, his skill- equally energetic performance the play. family fight break out. ful direction is no doubt one of stands what is going on and they as the troubled conformist Thepoweroftheplaywas The technical production the reasons the play was so ef- eventually end up facing each Austin, and was a well-balanced enhanced by the fact that it was of the play was as tight as the fective. other down ready to kill each foil to Wood. performed in the understage to performance. The lighting was In the end, Ican only say other. Patterson's performance an audience of only forty. Since intense and the set was quite that 1 left with many thoughts All four actors did great as their mother, while a small there wasn't a bad seat in the convincing. Very little in the about many things Sheppard jobs with their characters. role, was pivotal and was full of house, I imagine many besides whole production seemed con- might have been trying to say, Wood, in a performance remi- weirdness of the greatest pro- myself in the audience felt, per- uived. as well as a feelingofbeing well niscent of his superb effort in portions. She left no doubras to haps uncomfortably so, sucked Director Steve Miller entertained by a first rate pro- ~,gavethecomi- whyhertwoboysweresocrazy. in to the craziness on stage. deserves a great deal of credit in duction. cally violent Lee enough depth, Grocki, playing the slicked-back Many times I got the notion I pulling the whole production mystery and energy to steal the Hollywood producer, is a great was home with my family for together. While he was lucky to Field Hockey Defeats Dickin- son, Goucher Continued from Pg. 6 son, again giving the Terrors all the offense necessary to hold off Goucher. The Field Hockey season is scheduled to end October 23 • on the road at Messiah. This is subject tcchange as the October 18 game against Lebanon Val- ley was postponed. Washing- ton, Md. as the last home game of the season. Happy Hour • Mon - Fri 4-11 pm Volleyball Has Including our Its Ups and FREE ITALIAN BUFFer Downs ITALIAN PASTA & SAUCE· ITALIAN SALAD. PIZZA [In Lounge Only) Continued from Pg. 6 HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS lie 15-11 and 15-13 to end the Draft Beer 75". Frozen Margueritas $1.95. Pitchers of tournament on an up note. Beer $3.95. House Wine 99'. House Drinks 2 for 1 The Flying Dutchmen of Must be 21 }ears of Age and Must Ha"'l' A-oper J.D. iAn)'lne under30 will be cardedr Lebanon Valley College came to Western Maryland and be- Enjoy Monday Night came the tune-up match for the North/South Classic last week- end. The Dutchmen's ship was Football at the in danger as soon as it docked in Westminster. With starter San- \ Olive Leaf Cafe dra Hoelz out with illness, the Terror game plan and offensive • This Monday- set-up was retooled. With start- ers in new positions and several !FOn Our Giant Screen T.V. freshmen seeing playing time, Palmer called the game "almost And Join Us for a practice game. It gave us a Redskins Football chance 10 work on the funda- mentals," which they did to the On Our Giant Screen T.V. ALSO tune of a 15-3,15-4,&15-10 thrashing of Lebanon VaHey. If you've been rapedor sexually assaulted, 75e $3 95 these people can help you. DRAFT Carroll County BEERS PITCHERS Rape Crisis in the Twin Arch Shopping Center Center vext to wets vlarket 829·9500 Rout ... 27 & Twin Arch RI):Jd. Hotline: vlouur Airy, vtarvlaud Z miles ~. 1lf'1-70. turn right into r-enter 857-7322 Also: Help Wanted! .Call 829-9500 and ask to speak to the manager. -.-----------~--- - --_---- ------~--'"
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