Page 41 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 41
THE PHOENIX November 8, 1990 Construction Sparks Protest By Pat Blackman parking lot. "Why not forbid The reccru announcement by freshmen from having cars in- the administration of the con- stead of paving more of the struction behind Daniel MacLea campus?" questioned one frus- Hall of a building and a parking tratcd student. lot has touched off a growing Yet the situation was of mi- student protest movement at nor proportions until members WMC. of the Residence Life staff or- The announcement to stu- dered that a banner which some dents of the construction came of the angry students made to one working day before the area protest the construction be re- was fenced off. Many students moved from the outside of became immediately disgruntled Maclea. That was the last straw with the situation, which they for these students. percieved as inconsiderate on the Though they eventually were part of the administration. allowed by Joanne Goldwater to Tempers rose higher when leave the banner up, (the banner some students realized that trees was in form not unlike any ban- were going to be cut down and ner hung by Greek organizations A protest meeting organized by the Student Environmental Action Coalition and the Political the grassy area behind MacLea Action Coalition was held on Tuesday, October 30. or even by President Chambers would disappear to complete the from time to time), some of the Computer Center Construction Begins project. These students felt that students feluhey had confronted the project was unnecessary and of larger proportions. a situation the trees and grass were more The Political Action Coali- By Michael Kubacki a plaza between the computer computerized important to them than another See PROTEST, Pg:. 2 Col. I center and parking lot. According to Ed Sell, direc- tor of physical plant, "The phone Some of you may have no- According to Dean Sayre, center will be moved 1O the new Green Terrors Defeat Garnet ticed the big fenced area between "The fences will be like they are Daniel Mac lea and Rouzer for about one month, if all goes building during three days of Tide 15-14, Edge Closer to Halls. The reason for the fences as planned; then the only fences Christmas break, and the phone Conference Championship is the building of a computer remaining will be from Rouzer center room will be completed center, plaza. and parking lot. to the new addition." by January 2." By Matt Levy This isjusuhe Itrst phase of a The computer center will "If all goes as planned, the project which will change the contain the phone system which rest of the building will be com- "My heart was going through appearance of the WMC cam- iscurrently in Memorial, admin- pleted by January 31, and the Wesrem Marylandisjustsixty my mouth," Sprague said. pus. istrative computers, as well as offices will be moved over." minutes of football away from "Seeing the ball hit the turf and their first Centennial Football knowing that we had to just run There will be a parking lot the library terminal. in which the The computer center in made behind Macl.ea, as well as card catalogue system will be Memorial will become faculty Conference (CFC) champion- the clock out felt good." the Green Terrors offices. ship after Swarthmore 15-141ast crowd Playingbeforca 3,200, ParcntsDay defeated of over Western After this, the "Rouzer park- Sidelights ing lot will and it wilt have one Saturday. to 6-2-1 overall, Western 5-1 Maryland struck first. Follow- be repaved and The win improved ing a Kurt Reisenwcber fumble restripcd, Maryland quarterback Mike recovery, entrance instead of three," says Joe Rizzo of the Hillier Group. in the CFC. All the team has to Hamm found his favorite target Uni- How important do you think student Rizzo also says that "eventu- do is beat Johns Hopkins and the in the comer of the end zone. caught Andy Steckel versity the pass, this Saturday, rights are to the Administration? ally the Freshman lot will be conference title is theirs. Buck Hartzell kicked the extra- repaved, and there will bea loop road system on which you wi!! "It's a good feeling to be able point, and Western Maryland led beable lOdrivearound the whole to have your fate in own your 7-0 with 11 :21 left in the first campus internally, without hav- own hands," said Dale Sprague, quarter. Green Terror head coach. The score stayed that way ing to go out through Pennsylva- Fate was almost taken away until the opening drive of the nia Avenue." by the handsofSwarttlmore tight second half. The Gamet Tide 33% • The new plaza can be used to end Robert Ruffin. The Gamel took over at its own 37 -yard line, i2 drop people off, and ramps will Tide scored on a IS-yard pass D be installed, so people can walk and moved downfield on just [l from Chip Chevalier to Tim eight plays. The drive was to the second level of Decker Pcichcl. It cut the Green Terror Center. The hill which students lead toone, 15-14, with 3:031efl capped by a 24-yard scoring pass cut across to go to PELC from from Chevalier to Pcichcl. The EngJar Dining Hall, behind on the clock. Swarthmore head quarterback was rushed out of coach Karl Miran went for the the pocket, and somehow stayed MacLea, will be leveled off for win, but Ruffin could not catch inbounds long enough to find easy access to the handicapped. Sample size: 214 Source: Phoenix the two-point conversion at- Peichel (9 catches). Chevalier See CENTER, Pg, 8 Col. I tempt. See FOOTBALL, Pg, 6 Coil
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