Page 44 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 44
Page 4 Western Maryland College November 8, 1990 Editorial:Open the Doors Dear Ednor: offered in terms of "justifiable So, if it's not about oil, what By Andrea Covington poiru tbem. I would like to take this op- war," etc., but who is to say that is the crisis all about? It's not Granted, maybe some of the portunity to respond toanumber they have any greater validity about democracy for Kuwaitis; This is my third year repre- trustees would act differently if of issues raised by Pat than those the United States of- as Mr. Blackman pointed out, senting the students to the Board they knew the press was listen- Blackman's "review or-critique' fers to justify certain actions of they did not have democracy of Trustees and it isajob that has ing in on them. Still, that could of the recent forum on the Per- our own, including Operation before the invasion, either. It its merits and disadvantages. On be agood thing. As it is, the only sian Gulf crisis. I am deeply Desert Shield?" should be mentioned, however, one hand, I get incredible time students are ever mentioned frustrated by the fact that I was With regard to the role of the that they were basically quite amounts of information during in the general Board meetings is unable to attend said forum, and media in the Middle East, it is content with what they did have- the meetings. The administra- when we discuss admissions. thus must rely on second-hand understandable that they should -the concept of American-style tion carefully briefs the trustees The Student Affairs Committee accounts, including Mr. chafe under unaccustomed re- democracy as the be-all and end- during several committee meet- isajoke, because ualwaysbreaks Blackman's, for my information strictions. However, it must be all of existence may be seen as a ings that discuss everything from down into bickering about the on the course of the discussion. understcodthat the "freedoms" certain degree of cultural arro- the budget to buildings and alcohol policy. In fact, the deci- With that caveat, Iproceed: I the press is used to in terms of gance. Realpolitik certainly grounds. Ialways come out of sions that really affect the stu- was impressed by the sincerity what, when, and how to print plays a role, but-forgive me if I the meetings knowing more than dents are made in the other com- and thoughtfulness that Mr. military orother sensitive issues offend=suggesting that the best Ididbefore. minces. The Student Affairs Blackman obviously brought to is a comparatively new thing. J interests of our, or indeed any, On the other hand, it really Committee, as far as I'm con- bear on the issues involved. The am reminded of a common slo- country do notor should not play rankles me that I can't publish cerned, is an inadvertent but ef- greatest enemies that the United gan of the wwn era: "Loose an important part in that anything that Ihear. I'm one of fective snow job. States and our way oflife have to lips sink ships." While this is not country's political decisions, thefew visitors to the Board who In all actuality, I don't think face are not Iraqis, Soviets, or as literally true as it was then, it exhibits a view point that might has the ability to inform the the secrecy surrounding the Panamanian drug dealers, but is common knowledge that the be interpreted as idealistic to a students en masse about what Board is really necessary. O.k., ignorance and apathy and Ijoin Iraqis' best intelligence source is fault. the trustees arc doing and how Iknow that the students will get with Mr. Blackman in applaud- CNN,apointilis well to keep in After having cast aspersions they feel. Unfortunately.I'm not mad when they see that they are ing the "sharing in an ongoing mind. on idealism, I am going to suc- allowed because the one time r rarely considered in making de- dialogue focused on. .deepen- The point is well taken that cumb to the same fault in ex- did write an article about what cisions and Iknow that they will ing our understanding" which oil is not-. or at any rate should pressing my belief that the re- the board was doing (the tuition get madder when they see that this forum represented. not be--the or even a major issue markable unanimity in the world increase article published last prestige is more important to the I do find, however, that I dif- in the conflict. We do not need over this issue is the harbingerof February) Igot hauled into Dean college administration than any- fer with Mr. Blackman's views Kuwaiti or Iraqi oil, and if our something broader. I have hope Philip R. Sayre'soffice. Later, I thing else. We can change that, on a number of the issues pre- esteemed Congress had not killed that the world is indeed entering found myself sitting in President though. We might even realize sented, and in that spirit of dia- a bill to significantly increase into an era of broader coopera- Robert Chambers' office with that WMC can gain more respect logue Iwould like to present not the mileage of American-made tion-cnow we just have to keep Greg Cherundolo (S.G .A. Presi- from being open and upfront. arebunal, butan alternative view cars over the next decade, we it up! Relations with the Soviet dent), Bob Brown (last year's The administration of West- on these issues. Ihope that doing would need even less oil than we Union, in particular, are improv- Phoenix Editor), and Dean Sayre. ern Maryland College wants to so will increase everyone's do-those who would make this ing in ways which far transcend As it turned out, I had to promise establish a "Life of the Mind" awareness of the breadth and crisis out to be an oil issue do so the regional agreements over the to keep my roles as reporter and here. Yet, the student body can depth of the issues involved, and for their own reasons. See LETTER, Pg. 5 coi r. representative seperate. It's a not aspire towards intellectual the wide variety of possible in- promise that I wish the admini- goals until it is better informed terpretations of the situation. Dear Editor, stration would release me from. and better able to contribute to I find it somewhat ironic, to I am appalled at the recent and callous destruction of cen- Notonlydor feel guilty about all the decisions that affect its own say the least, to reflect on the tury-old trees to clear the way fora project of dubious merit and thegood stories that Ihave tomiss existence. So open the doors, Islamic concept of the two necessity, but I am even more stunned at the police-state men- but during every meeting some because the only way that wecan "abodes" (namely, that of sub- tality that would conceal such plans from the students until the of the trustees inevitably ask have intellectual freedom is if we mission to Allah and that of war) last possible minute. This is hardly the sort of behavior I have whenastoryabcut the Bnard will arc secure inour freedom of self- come to expect from an institution such as this one, which ought in view of the actions of Saddam to, and in times past has, set a reputation for openness and pro- appear I always have to disap- determination. 0 Hussein himself, Moslem Arab gresstve aunudes. terrorist groups such as that call- The idea that students should have no say in whathappcnson ing itself "Islamic Jihad" and and around their campus is absurd enough to begin with, but the The Phoenix others, and certain actions of the notion that such plans must be hidden from them, like the guilty PLO in initiation and supporting secret that it was, is insupportable. For the first time since com- EditorĀ·in-Chief " ,.",.,,, ........ "" ..Julie Baile acts of violence and war. Ra- ing to WMC in 1983, I am ashamed of my college. Business Manager ...""" Andrea Covington tionalizations could no doubt be Thomas H. Harbold Layout Editor Constantine Frangos Technical Assistant to the Editor " Trevor Wysong Photography Editor """ Helen Lowe Sports Editorc., ", Ed Rigling Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Michelle Kloss, Kellic Marsh, Meeghan Ziolkowski Photographers "...... .......Bob Kirkendall, Jenn Scott Reporters .... ...."...Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, Andrew Krevolin, Mike Kubacki, Matt Levy, Jenn Scott, Meeghan Ziolkowski GLARticiist " Tessa Dominick Advisor.. . Terry Dalton The Phoenix is published bi-weekly hi-the above staff The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members or those of the administration at Western Mary- land College. The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. Letters to the Editor must beone page, typed, and signed. Please include a phone number for verification. Letters to the Editor are due one week before publication. Address mail to: The Phoenix 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Westminster, MD 21157
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