Page 39 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 39
October 25, 1990lWestern Maryland College/Page 7 Kaufman Plans Ghostwalk Candidates Willis and Griffith Visit Campus By Andrea Covington the campus for years. pus, but is the only one who Betsy and Harvey are the haunts two structures- When Jim Kaufman was two ghosts that Kaufman has McDaniel Hall and the Gazebo. Ellen Willis, the local dents. 10, his aunt died. While he and According to Kaufman, Betsy Democratic candidate for the Griffith said that his op- his family were preparing her is believed LObeastudent named Maryland House of Delegates, ponent, Republican Larry house for sale, Jim heard some- Elizabeth who hung herself in and Jeff Griffith, the regional Haines, repeatedly uses "red one in big, heavy boots walking on the third floor of McDaniel Democratic candidate for the henings" and "smoke" in his across the floor in an upstairs in 1929afterbeing impregnated Maryland State Senate, visited campaign, and also implied that room. Buttheroomwasempty, by a student or a professor. She Western Maryland in a program Haines' volunteers regularly tear and Jim rememberes that, while is typically seen walking from sponsored by Alice Chambers. down his campaign posters. she was alive, his aunt wore big, the Gazebo towards McDaniel, Willis and Griffith, who When later asked about heavy boots. or standing quietly inside her are both pro-choice, were intro- these accusations, Haines said So does he believe in residence hall. duced by Karyn Strickler 'S3, a "I don't know what he's talking ghosts? "I believe in some- Harvey, who resides in pro-choice activist. The pro- about. He must be desperate," thing," he says. This belief has Alumni Hall, is more comic, gram, which was held on Octo- Both Willis and Griffith fueled his research for the sec- Kaufman said. He.likes to watch berS in the Forum, wasattended spoke on their pro-choice views ond annual Ghost Walk, sched- the playrebearsalsand play with by seven stu- and asked for volunteers. uled to begin on Halloween night i the tracx lighting. at nine o'clock in Rouzer Hall many Slops on the Ghost- Kaufman said he doesn't Wanted: Reporters for Residence Lounge. Several walk, think that the ghosts are con- fellow resi- sciousof The Phoenix! dence hall their ac- Meetings are Mondays at 8:30 p.m_ in the base- staff mem- dons.but that they ment of Daniel McLea Hall. arc "im- prints'tof people's BEAUTY BASICS mind s Beauty Supply I eft 10% Discount with Student J.D. fnmwtm the y were un- Wholesale Discount to the Public e n j o y s his pro- found the most information gram. "Everybody likes is forced to rely on the stories about. Betsy is not only one of ghosts," he said, "especially on and rumors that have haunted the few female ghosts on cam- campus. It adds a little excite- ment." iii I 848-3600 I I I I!!!. _ r-'-'~'-- - - -- -- COUPON--- - ----, : ij LARGE TWO TOPPING PIZZA : .I ~'S FREE6PACKOFCOKE(t20Z.C.l.HSI I $950 IWb. I FREE DELIVERY I 8411-3600 ONLY • PLUS TAX I lUmited A,ea. Minimum Requi,edl L.~ ~;~~.~'~_:.~~ :::""_~.~..~.:_~ ;_'I'~_j Fitzgerald's $'OOO~:L Carriage House Liquors Specials ... CHINESE REST AU RANT Earn up to $1000 in one Szechuan. Cantonese. American $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ week for your campus Bud, Bud Light, Bud Dry organization. Plus a chance ar TEL: (301) 848-0919 $12.29 case/Iz-pack (301)876-3166 $5000 more! Coors, Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold Draft $12.29 casel12-pack This program works! No investment needed. 59 West Main St., Westminster. Md. 21157 Olympia $5.99 caselcans caD 1-800-932-()528 Moosehead $7.99 12-pack Ext.50_
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