Page 45 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 45
November 8, 1990 Western Maryland College Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scotti Andrea Covington What do you think the goals of the administration are? Demetrios Dean Elaine Brian Jenny Lambros Philip R. Sayre Brunco Garfield Smith -Srudent -Administrator -Parent -Student -Student We have an To confuse To prepare [the To give all the They're definitely administration? everybody. students] for entry students a hard not environmentally into the outside time. oriented. Future world. students are more important to them than the students that are already here. LETTER, from Page 4 on calling Kuwait is "19th prov- vcruion in the Persian Oulf cri- uphold, ourselves, the ideals come, benefits, and a chance to Persian Gulf. This crisis has ince" with highly dubious justi- sis: Saddam Hussein should not which we arc trying to convince play in the woods. also set up broad precedents for fication. Furthermore, we did be allowed to "get away with it." ethers to follow. Butifwc huvo J do agree with Mr. Black- international cooperation not set up an army of occupa- Not only to contain any further not always done so, is that any man thatthehwnan issues of the through the vehicle of the UN, tion; although by treaty we have aggression by him, but also to reason to sit idly by and let an- violent death and maiming of a and it is to be hoped that the troops stationed in Panama, this prevent his actions from setting other and hugely more malig- multitude of soldiers and civil- trend will continue. is in no way comparable to the a precedent far others who might, nant aggressor have his way? ians in any war must be a prime Sadly, however, Mr. Black- Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. months or years down the road, I must differ, furthermore, consideration, much more than man is quite right in suggesting Finally and most tellingly, our see his success as perfect justifi- with the assessment that "the it seems to have bcccn lately. that we all too frequently fail to troops in the Panama invasion cation for their own advcntur- working class and the poor" arc But in abhoring war,one should live up to our own ideals, and were not remotely guilty of the Ism. In the world that is build- the only ones being asked tosuf- notlose sight of the fact that at consequently are guilty of some kind of crimes against humanity ing, there is no room for that. ferif war should break out. This times ius necessary to fight and, of the same things of which wc wich are bing reported by those Still, while we arc opposing is not the Vietnam era; there is yes, perhaps die for something accuse others. Mr. Blackman is fleeing Kuwait, and by those who Iraqi aggression, there is nodoubt no draft. Our military is 100 of sufficient worth I hope that brave in using the example of remain but arc able to get mes- that we need also to set our own percent volunteer, and forgive in the above paragraphs I have Israel to suggest that we support sages out. Rape, shootings, house in order. As Mr.Blackman me, but anyone joining the mili- succeeded in demonstrating that aggressor states who favor our hangings, and torture seem to be has so cogently pointed out, we tary must know that there is a there are worthy causes in this interests, but he is also correct. standard operating procedures have been and, unless we take chance they will be called upon conflict, even if they have some- I would not, however, agree among the Iraqi "liberators=who care, will be again guilty of fail- to fight! This is especially true times been concealed by the more with those who compare-for claim to have been invited in by ing to practice what we preach of the Reserve and Nauoant scnsauonal oncs suchasolt, And example--our invasion of Pan- the Kuwaiti people. If we are to enjoy any eredibilty Guard units, our "Weekend it is perhaps also worth rcmcm- ama with Hussein's invasion of Why, then, should we be in in the world, we must be careful Warriors," some of whom arc bering that, at times. it is pos- Kuwait, for a number of reasons: the Gulf? It seems clear to this reconsider our national interests bing brought up aginst the stark sible to do thc right thing, even for one, we did not seek toadd its writer that we have at least one in the long term and with a hu- realization that part-time mili- for the wrong reasons. territory to our own; Iraq insists clear, irrefutable reason for inter- man perspective, and seek to tary service is not all extra in- Thomas H. Harbold Dear Editor, of 14 trees. students a vote in the Board of the big decisions? Yes, for if any big decisions- the students arc On Friday, October 26, the The big issue is not the trees- Trustees' meetings (which only institution is to prosper and sur- left in the dark. Granted, there administration informed the Stu- considering they will replant 17 the Board itself can do). Under- vive it must reflect the norms arc some very supportive stu- dents of the destruction that was trees in place of the 14 cut standing this, I will focus my and valuesortbesrudems. What dent sympathizers on the Board to begin on Monday, October down-it is student rights, or views on the Board, not saying boner way to understand and yet this docs not support the 29th. To most students this in- lack thereof. Student rights do theadministrauon isclearcdfrom reflect the voice of the student weight of the student voice it- formation was a complete sur- not exist in the big decisions of fault because they arc not. then to gi vc them-a voice and a self. lt mcrely acts as atokcngift pnse. the school. Big decisions are Any political science major vote. which can be taken away as the This"construction"isallpart made by the Board of Trustees. will be quick to tell you that he Students already attend Board Board of Trustees members of an ongoing effort by the col- The smaller decisions are usu- who has no VOle has no power. of Trustees meetings to voice ehange(thcy elect themselves). lege to keep the school competi- ally made by the administration. Students need power if they are their opinions. There arc two If the Board were interested in tive as the pool of applicants Yes, the administration gave us to share in the decisions of problems with this statement I. the student's real voice it would across the country decreases. I a committee on Glar: yes, they WestcrnMarylandCollege. This these students have no vote and give the students votes. This have no problem with this point; give money to the SGA; yes, prem isc assumes students shou ld 2.thesc students arc appointed docs not even address the small however, we the students have thcygiveauentiontoCAPBoard. share in the big decisions of and not elected. These students representation of 3 students in many eonccrns about the issues Now, all of these are fine but WMC. have no vote therefore when push relation to 40 trustees. Students that lay underneath the murder they do not give the faculty or Should the students share in comes to shovc-whieh it can in See RIGHTS, Pg. 7 Col. 1
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