Page 47 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 47
Western Maryland College Page 7 Senior Football Players Honored the Bench for Athletic Commitment 8y Malt Levy coach. Before Saturday 's contest, the When this group of players 14 seniormembcrsoftheGreen entered Western Maryland in Who Needs the Extra Laundry? Terror football squad and their 1987 (except for Smith 1988), who for their were honored parents Iumaiain transferrcdfrom commitment to the school's the team was in the middle of a Ipity the disillusioned souls that make you look likea prime To tell the truth, I would be who spent the entire season candidate for orthodontal cor- ashamed tocall myself a mem- athletic program. long losing streak. The streak chasing after a litle white round rection, while also activating ber of the team if all Idid was Playing in their final home ended with a tie, and the Green thing with wooden sticks. Up your gag reflex - are manda- sprint around and sweat. games at Western Maryland Terrors won their first game in the field, down the field, back tory. But what about the rest Somebody obviously has to were; Chris Campbell, John almost three years versus again .... what's the purpose? of me? I would need a full suit do it, but I was relieved that Cionfolo, Pat Duncan, Scan Swarthmore. Just to produce a goal or two of armor to feel safe out there. the coach recognized my po- Dunn,MikeHamm, Chris Kane, For the next two years, the among the countless gallons Anyway, who needs the tential and assigned me tomore Ben Kling, John Pasquarello Green Terrors showed signs of of sweat? No.thank you. Give extra laundry? My practice responsible roles: carrying (injured), Adam Plummer, Daryl turning things around, but each mea comfortable bench under clothes could be recycled, first aid kits, guarding jew- Reisinger, Keith Smith, Billy season ended in disaster. 1989 my backside any day. since I never actually did elry, and sometimes even Stevens, Skip Tyson, and Eric sums it all up. Western Mary- Wilson. Think about it. What sane anything strenuous in them. fetching extra socks or run- land began the year 2-1, but lost "They are the hardest-work- person wouldn't prefer to kick (Another major benefit of away balls. Worthwhile tasks, ing group of seniors I have had their last seven games. Afterthe back, water bottle in hand, and benching: practicing the po- indeed. season, players quit and the the pleasure to coach," said Dale Green Terrors were picked to watch while two dozen play- sition played during games.) In return, I was provided ers pretend to be trying to And rather than needing to with a legal excuse for cutting Sprague, Green Terror head See PLA YERS, Pg_ 8 Col. 1 knock a bal! into a net? Espe- wash my uniform three times classes whenever r pleased ciaily after realizing that the each week, once at the end not to mention a topic to brag Panamanian Deaths "Not the Worst Part actual object of the game is to was sufficient for the entire about endlessly. Strutting of the History," According to Casteloro injure as many members of season. I must admit, I did around in a uniform does won- the opposing team as possible, perspire a little sitting out in ders for one's morale. PANAMA, from Page 3 program 60 Minutes recently as brutally as possible. You the sun for all those hours; the I try to overlook the splin- entation of historical fact was investigated the situation and think I want to be out in that? resulting tan was worth it, ters that I continually had to based on his class interest, and came up with estimates of 2000 Mouthguards - those things though. pick out of my seat 0 blamed instead time constraints or more civilians, most of them for his incomplete history. He poor and black, killed by Ameri- did, however, at one point men- can firepower. Claims like this FOOTRALL, from Page 6 see what happens." Twenty-seven years of frustra- to 300 yards rushing with 100 The last time Western Mary- tion can end Saturday in Balu- tion that he had watched some have been circulating in the non- brought back on penalties," said land won a football champion- events from the balcony of his mamstream media since the the junior. ship was in 1963 when the Green condominium in Panama City.a invasion last year. Panamanians Castcloro went on to say that "Wehave a better (offensive) Terrors were a member of the luxury many ______ do even if1.henumbers were higher, lincnowthanwe didthen. We'!l not-enjoy. He was also cited for con- "It's not the worst part of the sciously or unconsciously par- RI G HTS, from Page 5 Could the appoiruer be held rnents to be changed to general history." need a vote to be heard. Wi"th a captive to the administration's election. For on such an impor- ticipating in a coverup by the He urged that the deaths Bush and Endaraadministrations acciden- student votein combination with views? Could the appointer have tant issue as such, it is pertinent in regards to the number of should be considered and therefore tal, unavoidable, the faculty and trustee support ulterior goals other than select- that the student body, who can- the students' voice could truly ing the best qualified represen- not be easily swayed by certain Panamanian civilians killed by irrelevant in the face of Panama- be heard. tative, say maybe friendship pressures, vote for their three American rircpower. The offi- nian liberation. This leads me to my second positions? Is the appointee re- representatives who in tum will cal U. S. report declared around While he claimed he did not concern, whose voice? The voice ally qualified? Will he or she vote for the students at the trus- 202 civilians killed, while Cas- wantLO be "the advocate of the of the student? Wrong, the ap- take the lime to ATTEND the tee meetings. teloro claimed, "The most ob- Devil", (meaning the United report pointment of the Academic meetings even if at very incon- Very concerned over student jective 4()() dead." I have seen is States), he refused to classify the the as crimes against deaths around Committee of the Student Gov- venient times (which many rights, However, the CBS news ernment Association. These are ....maybeforareason)?Isme!l Thomas E_ Quirk Panamanian people. 0 appointments could be well a rat at the very basis of student President, placed and served yet, they could rights. It is time for the appoint- Political Action Coalition also be favored and biased. Before I search deeper into this I BEAUTY BASICS CHINESE RESTAURANT want to say that I am not attack- Szechuan. Cantonese. American ing the student visitors of the Beauty Supply Board of today, I am attacking 10% Discount with Student 1.0. Tf.L. 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