Page 37 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 37
October 25, 1990IWestern Maryland College/Page 5 How do you think the three credit decrease in the professorial teaching load has affected WMC? Jay Taylor Angela Tremain James Martin Dino Frangos Sugimoto It's better because I think that, basically, I think it'll help pro- I think it'll be good It will allow teachers they can afford to it has had no effect fessors to keep their because the profes- to concentrate on the take care of as many on campus this year research current and sors can concentrate classes they are students in three but that, in the future, bring more to the on each class more. teaching, but I guess classes. it will help to attract classroom. it will require more more research ori- teachers or fewer ented faculty. classes. Letter to the Editor: News in pean and American traditions plaining why relations between tiona1 events. professor of willberepresentedbyitemssuch the U. S. and Panama Castillero, are so Brief as a Sen ufo African mask, a importantforbothcounrnes.and Latin American colonial and Continued from Pg. 4 mural-size painting on cloth how they have been shaped-c. nineteenth-century history at from eighteenth-century north- primarily by the Panama Ca- the University of Panama, has of the the middle defense comractors, the usual Gallery One to ern India, and a newly-restored nal=-stnce century. Hethenwill also taughtcourses at Stanford suit of Japanese He is armor. nineteenth and Yale uruversitites. merchants of death, have pow- The exhibit is rounded out by a concentrate on the effect of the the author of several books on erfulalliesthistime. Sponsor Recep- display of Egyptian funerary Noriegaregimeontbatrelauon- the political and economic The war will costa billion tion, Show of pieces dating back to 1900 B. C. ship, up to and including the U. history of Latin America. a day. Let's make Big Oil pay and a fine collection of Native S.'s military overthrow of the •••••••••••••• for it with an obscene profits WMCArtwork American beadware, pottery, regime and its subsequent in- The Food Service Com- tax. Let's make Big Auto pay and weaving. stallation of a new government. mittee invites students to join. for it with an insufficient mile- An opening reception on Tues- The show will run through In the concluding portion of his The next meeting will be Oc- age tax. day, October 30, from 7:00 to November 16. GaileryOne will lecture, Castillero will place the tober 25 at 5:30 in the Pub. Nothing, however, will 9:00 p.m., will inaugurate the be open for visitors from 9:00 Panamanian denouement in the Please contact Mary in the pay the human costs. ByMarch, show of "Memorable Selec- a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Mon- perspective of current intema- Dining Hall before coming. the footage will have soldiers tions from the Western Collec- .............. Mary- Friday. day through returning with bodies half- land College Private burned away by fuel bombs and tion" in Gallery One of the faces distorted by mustard gas. Fine Am building. Panamanian The rat-infested veterans' hos- The exhibit will highlight a Lecturer to Ap- pita1s will again fill up, only to number of objects which have suffer another Reagan-style recently been. given to West- pear on Campus budget cut. The sexism of the ern Maryland College, includ- Near East will make women ing anumberoffineprintsand 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER. MO 21157 casualties especially tragic. engravings by artists as varied "United States - Panama- 848-2844 876-1330 Ad mortem te. Exxon and as Dali and Daumier. nian Relations" will be the topic Services Provitled GM! You have long extorted The collection also contains of a lecture by Dr. Alfredo Cas- our money. You have exported works by some of the great tillero, Fulbright Scholar-in- QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES our jobs to Mexico. You have artists of the Western tradi- Residence at the College of TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING retarded our access to solar and lion, including an etching by Notre Dame in Maryland and a BOOKS MANUALS hydrogen. Your spills have ru- Picasso, a tiny watercolor by J. well-known educator in Pan- BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS inedourenvironmenl Andnow M. Turner, and a brilliantly ama, on Monday, October 29 at TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES you want to grind up our chil- colored seventeenth-century 7:30p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. SIJ11IeflJay Service On QuicR_Print Orders dren. We are tired ofbeing your Limoges portrait enamel of St. Theeventis free and open to the Pick Up And Delivery Service Avallable serfs. Weare not going to sup- Margaret, with her emblem, public. 21 ~ars oj serving the community port your war. the dragon. Castillero will begin his Cultures outside of the Euro- overview and analysis by ex- J.A. Hoage
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