Page 46 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 46
Page 6 Western Maryland College November 8, 1990 Terrors Handle Moravian, Gettysburg, Reisenweber Named But Fall Short Against Juniata in MAC Playoffs CFC Defensive Player of the Week By Ed Rigling last two games as Juniata took FOOTBALL, from Page 1 their tenth MAC championship then caught a two-poiru conver- After finishing the regular in as many years, proving they sian pass to give Swarthmore an season with a 31-7 overall rec- are still the team to beat. 8·7 lead. ord while going 5-0 in divisional After the tournament, cap- With 7: 17 left in thc game, play, the Western Maryland tains Diana Palmer and Kim S1. the Green Terrors found them- volleyball team was seeded sec- Clair expressed some frustation. selves deep in their own terri- ond behind Juniata in the MAC When asked about the final two tory. Sprague wemto hisbag of playoffs' round-robin schedule. games, Palmer replied, "We just tricks and caught Swarthmore With Moravian College as their couldn't score." S1. Clair added off guard. first opponent, the stage was set that "We played hard to get the Rob Johnson took the hand- forthc Terrors' drive foran MAC ball back, but then we couldn't off, pulled back, and threw a championship. score on our serves." wobbly pass to Chris Kane. It The Terror team looked fo- The season may be over for was good enough for 34 yards cused yet relaxed on Thursday the weary Terrorvol1eybalJ team and got Western Maryland out night. They came out smoking as an NCAA bid appears to be a ofa hole. as they worked to a quick lead faint hope. "It would be disap- Threeplayslater.Hamm, who But Moravian fought back to back, we have a lot of options, vatc Western Maryland's move pointing not to get one," Palmer struggled all day, found Johnson make it 8-7, and the Western which is nice. We started out astheyplayedtoughthefirsttwo explained. "BUl we hurt our- open. Maryland team looked shaky. last night with Diana in the games, losing the first by a nar- selvesearlyintheyearwithsome "We faked a blast to Frees Coach Jolene Jordan called a middle for the first two games, row margin but taking the sec- poor tournament play (in the and the corner bit up on it, and quick time-out to calm the team, then we switched to Sandra as ond game to even the set. Un- Mary Washington ColJege Invi- Rob got behind him," said the and the only scare of the night middle hitter and Diana at out- able to capitalize on any Juniata tational)." StilJ, there is always senior quarterback. wasavcrtcd as the Terrors seuled side hitter." mistakes, the Terrors fell in the that small hope. 0 "I got the ball there, and Rob down and proceeded to thump When asked who she would did the rest." Moravian outoftheplayoffs with prefer to face in the finals, her Old Hands, New Faces Look Not all the rest. Johnson was a three-game sweep, 15-10, 15- answer was emphatic. "I would aided by a tremendous block on 7,15-4, What started out as a rather play Juniata. They bring Forward to Ice Hockey Season a Swarthmore defender by Kane. close match ended in an offen- out the best in us and I think we By Ed Rigling The 40-yard scoring play, and sive clinic given by the Terrors, have a good shot in a best-out- Kingsbury. He added that the conversion pass from Hamm to with senior Diana Palmer teach- of-five series." No matter what turmoil may team will vote on rejoining the Kane, gave the Green Terrors a ing most of the lessons, with a As fate would have it,shegot have occurred the season before, Mason-Dixon league at the end 15-8 lead with just over five fifteen-kill, nine-dig night. her wish. The MAC semifinals the Western Maryland ice of the year. minutes remaining in the game. Seniors Kim St. Clair and Alice pined Western Maryland against hockey club always seems to Following some scheduling Then, it was just a matter of Smith contributed their own ob- Gettysburg College and Juniata stan uic new year with optimism. difficulLies, the learn began prac- holding on against a tough Gar- servations on how an offense agai nst Susquehanna Universu y . This year, the return of some ticing a week ago and looked net Tide squad. should work with four kills, nine The Terrors' momentum carried veteran players coupled with the good. Kingsbury called it "the "Swarthmore was the best, digs, and twoscrviccaccsaplccc. through from the Moravian addition of several talented new best team we've had since I've by far, the best team we have The ,Jordan assessed match as they rolled over Get- freshmen has the team in good been here." The squad is still played this year," said Sprague. the game and her playoff game tysburg in straight games, Juni- spirits. looking to addafewmembcrs to Tailback Eric Frees finished The team has several changes plan. "We started strong against ata beat Susquehanna, and the in store for the year, including bolster the roster for extra stam- with 153 yards on 19 carries, ina late in the games. them [Moravian]. In the middle Terrors were slated to face Juni- breaking the Western Maryland of the first game, we panicked a ata in the finals. new uniforms. Having worn The squad's schedule for the single-season rusbi ng record that little, but came together. Alto- Going into the final match, yellow, black, and whitc jerseys first half of the season includes the junior set last year. Frees has years, the team has for several gether, I would say we played Juniata was a volleyball dynasty switched to the school colors of last night's home game against fol- 1,321 yards, good enough for University, Georgetown really strong." with a record of ninc consecu- green and old gold. lowed by matches against Johns fifth in the nation among Divi- "With Sandra [Hoelz] out of tive MAC championships, look- The Terrors are not aligned Hopkins University (November sion III runners. the lineup for a while, we had to ing for the decade this year. In with the Mason-Dixon league 14) and the University of Mary- Defensively, juggle positions, like switching fact, the Juniata coach did not this year either, choosing to go land - Baltimore County (No- the Green Terrors Reisenweber led with 22 tack- Diana [Palmer] to the center," bel icvc the Terrors to bemuch of independent. vembcr28). les. The sophomore Imebakcer continued Jordan. "WithSandra a threat. This seemed to moti- "Our main goal this year is to Home games are played at also recorded a sack, a pass the Northwest Icc Rink in Balti- Smooth Start for Swimming Squad stay together and build upon the more on Wednesday nights from ery breakup, that and the fumble Western recov- good stated we have," nucleus to led By J. J. Boggs last year, DirectorofHockey Affairs Todd 11:15 p.rn. to 12:45 a.m. 0 Maryland's first Score. Reis- The men's and women's Despite 18 returning swim- enweber was named the CFC swim teams had a smooth and mers and 8 additional members, Defensive Player of the Week promising entry into the start of the teams stilllack the depth that for the second time this year. the 1990-91 season. Already the many of the other teams in the .,._.--,..""""-,._. Junior Danny Moore returned men arc looking to improve on conference have. Thus, coach .,.,.,...-- ..-........... ~, to the lineup and registered 16 'Loo->,......,_..._. ___• __ their satisfying 6-8 record from Kim Easterday depends on both . """"_ _"-'.'""""""-_. tackles. Cornerback Mike last year, while on the women's SCIS of co-captains (Mark Bur- _____ .'N•...u._.-. Robi nson intercepted two passes, .... side, the focus is to have an even roughs, Helen Lowe, Matt Cook, ._-.,,__, ...._ ......_.._. and senior Keith Smith picked "_.--,, ...- greater showing at conference and J.J. Boggs) to motivate and ~ __ ... _, u. _, off one Chevalier pass. championships. encourage determination. Now, archrtvat Johns Matt Cook, the men's co- Coach Easterday explains her Hopkins stands between West- captain, adds, "The main goal of outlook so far, "The teams have emMarylandandtheCFCcham_ the season for both teams is to made rapid progress since the pionship. The game will take gear toward MAC's rather than start of practice three weeks ago, place in Baltimore where the focus on individual wins." In and I look forward to seeing the Blue Jays play on artificial turf. addition to improving their own results of the potential that's de- Frees, who rushed for 184 yards best times, the teams look for- veloping as the season unfolds." at Johns Hopkins in 1988, is ward to seeing sophomore Rob The Green Terrors will start off looking forward to running on Newman back in action. New- the season with their first home the turf again. man emerged as the conference meet on November 17 at 2:00 ''Two years ago, rgainedclose championship high point scorer p.m. against Widener. 0 See FOOTBALL, Pg. 7 Col. I ,--- ---- - ---_--- ---
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