Page 43 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 43
November 8, 1990 Western Maryland College Page 3 Focus on a Student: Wendy Ruderman Castel oro Discusses Benefits of by Jennifer Milstein in her hometown in New Jersey. "I would write for a tampon U.S. Invasion of Panama The skits were put on to help box if 1 had to," Ruderman Silting in the back hall of high school students deal with laughs. "Youhavetcstansome- by Pat Blackman lecture was intended as a his- Blanche Ward, smiling at her such problems asalcoholism and where." In a lecture in McDaniel toncat backround to explain sorority sisters as they dart in drug abuse. Wendy's advice to other stu- Lounge last Monday evening, the exploirive nature of and out of their rooms, senior Ruderman has performed in dents is to "take advantages of Dr. Alberto Casteloro, a histo- Panama 'srelauonship with the Wendy Ruderman happily dis- eight plays since she came to the opportunities the school has rian from the University of United Stales as well as how cusses the play she wrote and is Western Maryland College. Her to offer." Panama, declared that even Noriega eventually rose to now seeing come to life, "Play- performances include "What the Tickets arc three dollars for though U. S. foreign policy in power with the help of his things." Butler Saw," "The Hairy Ape," thestudentsandfacultyofWMC Central America has almost mentor Torrijos and the CIA. "Playthings," which will be and "Yerma." and six dollars for the open always left "the US with the He concluded his presentation performed November 9, 10, 11, As for the future, Wendy public. lion's share and Panama with with positive.statements about 15,16, and 17 at 8:00p.m. in the would like to go to San Fran- Some material in "Play- the leftovers," last year's in- (he U. S. invasion. Alumni Hall Understagc, is a cisco and start writing.and hope- things" may not be suitable for vasion of the small nation by However, during a ques- project Ruderman has been fully one day write fora sitcom. -,.'''''-~--- 0 US military forces was bene- tion and answer period, some children. working on for almost a year. ficial to Panamanians. of Castel oro' sci aims were dis- This is her first writing job. Casteloro argued that the puted and criticized by a few The play, produced by Ira invasion, named by the U. S. members of the audience. Domser and student-directed by governmentasOpcration "J USt Casteloro was cited for giving Scott Grocki, focuses on the Cause,"was clearly self-serv- an incomplete history which "complexities of human nature ing and only intended to clean was slanted towards the inter- and raw emotions," says Ruder- up the mess that the U. S. gov- ests of the Panamanian white man. emmemand the CIA had made middle-class. For example, "Playthings" has been entered by covertly and overtly sup- he madea point of noting that in the American College Film porting the dictator Manuel Guillermo Endara had been Festival and is the first student- Noriega and his predecessor elected by an overwhelming written play at Western Mary- Omar Torrijos. Despite this, majority of Panamanians in land College. Castetoro stated that the inva- 1989 when he ran against Nori- When asked what Ruderman sion was still best for the Pana- ega, but he failed to mention enjoys most about her play', she manian people because it freed until directly questioned that says "the comedy." them from the twenty-one year Endara does not enjoy wide- Ruderman started her in- "Time of the Tyrants" which spread support now. volvement in the theatre in high began in 1968 when Torrijos Casteloro immediately de- school. She performed in skits Senior Wendy Ruderman is enjoying her newfound success led a successful coup d'etat. nied that such selective pres- with the Mental Health Players as a playwright. ThemajorityofCasteloro's See PANAMA, Pg. 7 Col. 4 Three new ways to survive college. "/IJeMacimoshClaillc 71Je.\/acill/O'i;II.'/ With Apple's introduction of three new giving you another tough subject to learn. 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