Page 36 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 36
1990 Editorial:Who Needs a Leader Anyway? By Pat Blackman Dr. Hunter S. Thompson wrote during the early days of the '88 presidential campaign that George Bush has the instinctsof adung beetle. Well, Lee Atwater and a few other GOP wizards helped make the "old" Georgeover from a scandal-soiled, political "wimp" to a shining image of presidential leadership. But with Atwater out of the current picture, the Republican leadership in a shambles over GLAR enters the a shameful budget debacle, Bush's own flip-flopping on tax issues, a burgeoning recession, a ~~~tcal MiddleEast policy and a possibly extended stay for U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, theknight Entertainment Industry In shining armor seems to have fallen from his horse. Bush's approval ratings among the American people in the polls have dropped dramatically in the past month, as have the hopes of the American people for strong leadership in this time of crisis. Whoever designed that serves recognition. ,Inall fairness, we can't fault George Bush for being like most every other self-serving, greedy, napkin comment board de- Allow me also to men- babbling politician in Washington. Congress is faring just as poorly in the polls as Bush; and why serves a round of applause; it tion the "Requests for Mints" shouldn't they? Today's Congress is only a slightly laughable caricature of the citizen legislature almost provides as much enter- series. We should all realize envisioned by the founders of this nation. Neither party is offering usa progressive vision of the future tainment as the cacti did, once the high cost of living these nor are they effectively leading us in the present. They're too busy arguing petty ideological differ- upon a time .... Now Iscurry days. Correct? Sowhattypeof ences and dooming the poor and middle class to economic slavery while making us believe that taxing offtoGLAR more merrily than unthinking individual would the rich is bad for the economy. But these are subjects for another time. before - not just for the dis- dare ask GLAR to waste hard- No, I won't blame George for being greedy. But Iwill blame him for being blind. (Maybe that's playsof culinary skill, (i.e.: the earned money on food with no a prerequisite for any President.) superb instant mashed pota- nutritious value? Especially It's said that Ronald Reagan gave us renewed pride in ourselves and our nation. George Bush toes), but for the sheer joy of after taking into consideration inherited that legacy and tried to enhance it by giving us a vision of a "kinder, gentler nation" bright- witnessing the power of ration- the minimal amount that we ened by a "thousand points of light" representing a new compassion and volunteerism on the part of alization at its peak. pay for board. Now, really. the American people. But where is Bush's vision now? It's been flushed down the political toilet, Take, for instance, the The halitosis sufferers will have just like his promise of no new taxes. person who expressed concern to continue to suffer, and the And what do we really have tobe proud about anyway? What did Reagan help us tocreate? What over finding a live bug in his' rest of us along with them - did he leave Bush that we need a thousand points of light to brighten up? salad. (He must not be familiar but for a perfectly legitimate Look around. Homelessness is growing by leaps and bounds. Health care is dwindling for those with the riddle that asks, reason. Mints are just so ex- who need it most. We sell arms and give economic support to some of the most repressive regimes "What's worse that finding a pensive. We understand. in the world. Our brothers and sisters are ready to fight a war which can only hurt the middle class spider in your doughnut?") Even more outrageous and the poor by keeping us dependent on an environmentally degrading resource which reaps great Why didn't he realize that the was the request for more fresh profits for only the wealthiest in our society. David Duke, a former Dragon of the KKK and self- vegetables are washed in a fruit. GLAR is a cafeteria, admitted white supremacist, almost won a seat in this nation's Senate. Our prisons are overflowing solution specifically designed after all. Why should they be and our schools are substandard and even dangerous places. Our city streets are bathed in blood and to awaken hibernating insects? expected to justify something littered with crack vials. AIDS research is a federally funded joke. Censorship is mushrooming and It would hardly be fair to bite like that in the budget? (This it's almost chic to bomb abortion clinics. Our nation's environment is degrading faster than ever, and into a steeping bug. is not intended to be taken as a government enviromentaJ policy is something akin to a free beer program for recovering alcoholics. I also enjoyed the com- rhetorical question.) Icould go on (and on ... ) but the point has been made. As a nation, we don't have a hell of a about the amazing Jello P.S. Anyonereadingthis lotto be proud about. But I'm not trying to be a pessimist or a doomsayer. through to the end deserves to i:fI believed that George 'Read My Lips' Bush really meant it when he talked about his thou- be told that the answer to the sand points of light vision, I' d beright behind him. And the fact that Idon't believe him doesn'tchange ~~~~hnut riddle is "half a spi- the fact that I share that vision and I believe that we, as a people, have the power to make it real. If we want something to really feci good about as Americans, then we need an effort to realize a just and equal nation to rise up within each of us. It's not enough to vote for and lobby politicians (how many of us even do that?). We need to start taking radical steps as individuals and privately organized groups to alleviate the crises which we all face. Sooner or later we have to face the problems around us, and itcomes down to the question, "What can Ido?" The Phoenix Ihope we can find the courage to face the issues and find ways we can do something; Idon't know any other way than to find an issue and confront it, educate ourselves about it, and then get down and dirty with the pain we feel and tum it into the energy we need to try something new. Editor-in-Chier. ยทยท Julie Baile So what if George Bush can't lead us effectively? Idon't know if .il!!.Ypersonor institution can Business Manager Andrea Covington do what it ~ takes to make this a nation or a world where everyone is truly free and equal. Technical Assistant to the Editor Trevor Wysong This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Well, guess Photography Editor Helen Lowe what! we're the people! I know you're greedy, I'm greedy too. That's human. Butifwe'renotblind Sports Editor Steve Harlan to what's going on around us, then we know compassion is part of the picture too. Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Michelle So let's get to work (and forget about George). Kloss, Kellie Marsh, Keith St. Amand, Meeghan Ziolkowski Letter to the Editor: Don't Fight a War for Big Oil and Big Auto Photographers Bob Kirkendall, Jenn Scott Pat Blackman, Andrea Reporters Covington, Wade Fannin, Phil Heavner, Andrew Krevolin, Editor, cents aspire to self-sacrifice in could put another 100 million Mike Kubacki, Matt Levy, Ed Rigling, Jenn Scott, Meeghan In November, the desert holy wars. Womenarevote!ess, into hydrogen. Ziolkowski gets cooler. That means the six under-educated, second-class Exxon and GM are frown- Paper-Picker-Upper Emeritus Jon Marsh o'clocknewswillsoonbeshow- human beings. Parliaments and ing. They want us to stay de- GLARticHst Tessa Dominick ing footage of returning body a free press are repressed. Can pendent on foreign oil so we Advisor and Spot Reporter.; .......Terry Dalton bags and quadraplegics. We we remain dependent for a vital will stay dependent on domes- won't know how to fight in the commodity on states so subject tic oil as well, and put both The Phoenix is published bi-weekly bi-the above staff. The desert any more than we knew to fanaticism? Should we con- kinds into big cars. Big Oil has opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix. how to fight in thcjungle. Sand tinue to enrich states that are regularly been buying up and staff members or those of the administration at Western Mary- land College. will get into the machinery. autocratic and so incurably then sitting on every new patent What will happen in March sexist? for an a1ternativeenergy source. The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Leuers to the Editor. when the desert gets hot again? Mr.Bushhasmadeasmail Big Auto has always opposed Letters to the Editor must be one page, typed, and signed. The world needs to fast start toward independence. He higherm.)'l.g.requirements. We Please include a phone number for verification. Letters to the become independent of Near is putting 35 million dollars into could right now be driving cars Editor are due one week before publication. East Oil. The rational and solar energy. He should put 100 that get 70milcspergallon. The Address mail to: The Phoenix. moderate will never prevail in million. We need big batteries 2 College Hill that part of the world. Babies to store the energy for use at Western Maryland College westminster. are weaned on hate. Adoles- night and on cloudy days. He- Continued on Pg. 5 MD 21157
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