Page 95 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 95
May 8, 19861Weltem M"'11and CoUegeIPage 3 Vandalism up in '86 Survey results out continued_fr~ page 1 senior said, "Christianity "I think it's working really continued from page 1 never ends. There's always well," she says. "It encour- more to it!" ages people who don't com- Another issue brought out in Yet, as a senior biology mit acts of vandalism to either the survey was the general major stated, "There are discipline the people them- belief that most Christians are many different religions and selves or bring the problem to not challenged by their faith none can be proven. Many and seem to "blindly follow Christians I've talked to have someone's attention who will the patterns laid out by their put down other religious take care of it," Still, Held admits the policy parents." groups instead of allowing isn't a cure-all. By her esti- A junior dramatic art major people to believe in who they mates, in tact, damages have explained that "too many peo- want." probably increased this past pie believe without question- This survey project was year in Blanche, which now ing -- that is unhealthy. And to structured after a similar one houses both men and women. be expected to believe with- given by the editors of HIS "I don't think [the increase out Questioning is insulting." magazine, a Christian publi- is] because it's necessarily One freshman biology cation for college students. coed, though. I think it's be- major ,f__ thought the Their sample included stu- cause of the specific mix of The landing on the men's side of third floor RouZllf!lll most unappealing aspect of dents from three campuses: people we have," she says, Christianity was that there is Northern Illinois University, a adding that college "is a time seen two Sundays ago. too much suffering in the four-year state school; Col- when people try to do au the world to believe in a loving lege of DuPage, a two-year things they wouldn't be able Lambeth says that vandal- Blaine Doaks and Todd God. "With all the bad in the commuter school; and North- to get away with at any other ism cost the fourth floor Wilen, both residents of world, how can God be lov- western University, a private, time of their lives," For this around $900 during 1984-85. Rouzer, take a similar view, ing? Even if we did sin, we're four-year "Big Ten" school. reason, she suggests, the re- "But," he adds, "Rouzer has claiming that vandalism has being punished too much." The WMC project was con- paration policy is necessary. probably gotten better (this actually been on the increase However, more than a third ducted by Elizabeth Henry, Junior John Lambeth, RA on year]. He attributes this im- in their dorm since last se- of the respondents feel that Nicolle Gaines, Heather Has- fourth floor Rouzer, also be- provement to the new repara- mester. Christianity gives meaning tings, Roxanne Benjovsky, lieves that the procedure of tion practice as well as to "Now," says Doaks. "most and purpose to life, as well as and Kelly Connor. Their advi- charging all residents for de- tighter enforcement of the al- people just feel that when provides guidelines and stan- sor for the project was Greg struction must exist. He cohol policy. another incident occurs, 'Oh, dards for judging right and Baker, the Christian Fellow- thinks, though, that even more Not everyone is content with we have to pay.' Some even wrong. ship Inter-Varsity staff worker damage can be avoided by these arrangements, however. feel that they may as well A sophomore physical edu- for the college. A discussion creating additional coed housing. ~:~c::d~n:r~, ~a~~Sj~:tntfi~: [vandalize things]." ~e~~~~~USmi~o~yS~~d~~~ a~~ ;~ ~~ ~~~~etO~;~~~n~~:~~ people were touchy about the Wilen, in fact, blames some turn to God when I feel it's are interested in voicing their "In a coed situation, proba- policy. If someone was of the damage on the "con- necessary." opinions about religion, or bly integrating the males and caught doing wrong, he or stant absence" of the resident Other students responded interested in learning more females as close as possible she would be chastised and assistants, at least in Rouzer. that identifying with a religion about the survey results. Led will calm things down," he told to stop." But, he sug- "If the RA's were more re- gives one peace of mind and by Baker, the session will be explains. "The females seem gests, this attitude did not last sponsible," he says, "the van- helps one to relax. As one in McDaniel Lounge. to keep the males in check." rlo_n_g. d_a_1iS_m_W_o_U_ld__90__d_ow_n_:_·--,~==================::::::::::::::::~ Alumni The family of Tom Alban, senior class, wishes to thank the faculty and students sponsor and especially the Sociology Department for the considerations shown during his recent hospitalization. Our thanks for your support which was greatly appreciated. cruise Fred and Pat Alban The Alumni Association is inviting all Western Maryland graduates to participate in an alumni cruise from Acapulco, Roy Rogers Restaurant wishes all the 3 students in this region Mexico through the Panama Canal, to San Juan, Puerto students a fond farewell. We would will eam scholarshipsl Rico on the magnificent new like to say thank you for your cruise ship the Royal Princess in Jan. 1987. In addition to patronage and hope to see you next Valued from $250 the Panama Canal transit, five Carribean Islands stops are to $1000 this summer scheduled including Carta- year. SAVE 50¢ off selected items gena, Aruba, Martinque, An- Limit one item per visit. Exp. 6130/86 tigua, and Sf. Thomas. 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