Page 90 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 90
Page 8IWe81ern Maryland College/April 24, 1986 Terrors still alive in gave the visitors a 5-1 victory. bases and then first baseman by Cynthia Schafer Senior third baseman Mike Tad Webster also drew a walk Paglione went three-far-three to give the Terrors their sec- The men's baseball team in the opener, punching a ond run. Joe Broadhurst then has renewed their chances of single to lead off each the hit a sacrifice fly to end the gaining a Middle Atlantic second, fourth, and sixth in- scoring. Southwest Section title after nings. He finally. crossed the splitting four contests with plate to score WMC's lone run The Terrors got a six-hit section rivals Gettysburg April in the sixth on Denny Sny- complete game performance 8, and Lebanon Valley on der's single. Sophomore Matt by Smith in the win over April 12. They were defeated Green pitched a full solid Washington. Webster and by UMBC by an 18-0 count game even though the Green D'imperio each homered for on April 14, but rebounded to lost due to the errors. the Green. Fowler allowed just crunch Washington on April four hits in gaining his third 18, 10-3. The Green then Dave Fowler pitched a two victory of the year in the 2-1 raised their record to .500 by hitter in the nightcap and win over F&M. The Terrors taking a sweep of Franklin & gave up one-unearned run as scored a few runs in the Marshall by scores of 2-1 and WMC pulled out a win 4-1. nightcap, pounding out 13 12-5. The Green scored three runs hits enroute to an easy 12-5 Junior pitcher Larry Smith in the bottom of the first to victory. Webster had three threw a six hitter to lead the take the lead for good. Dan hits and four RBis, while Green past the Bullets, 5-2 in D'imperio was the Green's sophomore Paul Stumpfig the opener, but three Terror first base runner when he pitched 5% innings of three- errors led to six unearned drew a walk with one out. hit relief to gain the win. runs in the second game as Matt Green singled to send After ten games, Paglione G-burg came back for a 7-2 D'imperio to third, then DH led the Terrors with a batting win. Dave llewellyn ripped a sin- average of .444 and 12 hits. WMC played a sloppy gle to score D'lmperio and Broadhurst had one of .400 opening game against LVC put Green on second. Pag- and Llewellyn had one of Dave Fowler o;;'y gave up two hits to ';;ri 4-;OVer committing six errors, which Ilene walked to load up the .345. Lebanon Valley on April 12. Strong offense, weak defense puts women at 4-8 to score Pesik. Boyer later by Cynthia Schafer delivered a two-run homer to seal the game for WMC in the Through 12 games, the bottom of the seventh. Fresh- women's softball team has an man pitcher Tammy Kite went overall record of 4-8, and in the final three innings for the the MAC Southwest annals, a victory in the nightcap. Sulli- record of 2-6. The Lady Ter- van once again had a fine ror's have been producing on day punching out five hits in offense, but have not been both games, including a dou- able to contain their oppo- ble, triple, and a homerun. nent's scoring efforts. This is evidenced by the The Terrors then defeated Green's dropping three of York at home on April 17, 7-6. four contests the week of Sophomore Cherie Thompson April 9. Gettysburg swept a knocked a two-out single in double header from WMC at the bottom of the eighth in- home on April 9 by the scores ning to score the winning run. of 4-3 and 22-6. The initial Thompson and first baseman loss was a heartbreaker for Boyer each contributed three WMC as they had the game- hits in the contest. Dawn tying run thrown out at the Holman pitched the last 3V3 plate in the seventh inning. innings to pick up her first win WMC never had a chance in of the year. - the second game. Shortstop The Green then split with a Lisa Sullivan put in a solid doubleheader with Dickinson performance, though, as Get- dropping the opener 10-6, but tysburg accumulated four hits winning the other end 10-8. and drove in three runs. Boyer went 3-3 in the first On April 12 the Terrors split game against the Devils, but a twinbill with Lebanon Valley the Red was able to capitalize winning the opener, 16-15, on the nine free passes for and dropping the finale 14- the win. Pesik went 3-4 in the 12. Junior first baseman nightcap while Boyer and Sul- Cindy Boyer drove in the first livan each recorded 2 RBis. WMC run in the top of the first Holman allowed just six hits to inning to start things off for gain her second win in as the Green. Nicky Pesik drew many days. a walk to begin, and Jennifer At the end of nine games Bertrand bunted, pushing Sullivan had the second high- Pesik to second. After Sulli- est batting average with a van's fly out which put Pesik 433 effort, and Pesik led the <.. Steve Lutche takes a slice at a recent home game. on third, Boyer drilled.a single team with one of .517.
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