Page 93 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 93
ThePhoenix Vandalism plagues halls, reparation rule disputed housed only women at this by Michael Norkus time, had the lowest repair bill on campus at $905 Sunday, April 27. 2:30 am. Regardless of the amounts, Several residents returning to however, college policy is to their rooms on the top floor of charge all residents on the ROUZer dormitory were floor for destruction that oc- greeted with a wave of water curs in their area,' unless spilling out of a men's bath- those who actually commit the room and surging down the vandalism are caught. And hallway. Four sink drains had this practice, instituted in been clogged and the faucets 1984, seems to be working, turned on all the way. The says Mr. George Poling, As- water, which soaked a num- sistant Director of Residence ber of carpets and personal Life. items, left several angry resi- "In 1983, when I came here, dents in its wake. it (vandalism] was a severe Vandalism is not dead at problem ... Since the policy, it WMC. has decreased," he explains In fact. the college spent "a "Making students more ac- little over $13,000" to repair countable for their actions has destruction in dorms during helped." the 1984-85 school year, ac- Junior Fran Held, Hall Coor- cording to one resident as- dinator in Blanche Ward, sistant, with Rouzer topping Fran Held. Hall Coordina- agrees. the list at $3,053 in damages. Blanche Ward Hall continuedon page 3 Mayor William Donald Schaefer spoke during a lown Blanche Ward Hall; which lor. meeling on Monday. The evenl was sponsored by Guests to receive doctorates WMC and held in Alumni Hall. WMC will award three hon- US, Canada, South America, vocate for deaf-blind individu- Schaefer examines orary degrees during the Europe, the Far East, Aus- als and computer specialist, school's one hundred and tralia and the Caribbean. will receive the Doctor of MD tourism, schools sixteenth commencement cer- While attending Crane Law Humane Letters degree. Mac- emonies on May 25 at 2 pm School in Chicago, Calloway Donald has led a distin- in the Physical Education began moonlighting at a guished career in computer Schaefer is the decided front- Learning Center. Southside nightclub, first as a programming with the federal by C_Uoyd Hart runner in the upcoming Mary- . "The Hi-De-l-le Man," Cab master of ceremonies and government developing com- land gubernatorial elections. Calloway, will receive the later as a singer and band- puter training programs for Though he refuses to admit Schaefer spoke before a Doctor of Fine Arts degree leader. He gave up plans for deaf-blind persons. He gradu- he is running for governor, partisan crowd of citizens and from Western Maryland. One a legal career to lead popular ated from the Perkins School Baltimore Mayor William Don- local politicians Monday in of the twentieth century's Chicago group The Alabami- for the Blind and earned his ald Schaefer tends to pre- Alumni Hall. In his 45 minute show business greats, Caller ans, whose success led him SA degree in philosophy at cede all his answers with "If I address, the mayor concen- way has entertained audi- to headline Harlem's legend- SI. Anselm's College and a have a say..." And while he trated on what he sees as a ences in major nightclubs and will not make predictions, concert halls throughout the a~~~~i~~ fl~acDonald, ad- continuedon page 2 most observers believe 'continued on page 2 Sideliahts: hat effect will the Christian fellowship accident at Kiev have on the American nuclear power indus- polls religious attitudes try? by Kelly Connor students were asked what did cal" and "stuck-up." Others felt that Christians no effect and did not appeal to them in are too pushy and constantly relation to religion. Of 92 try to force their beliefs upon surveys distributed, 80 were - growth give "the rest of the campus" stated, "Some people get too of others. A junior English major returned. The results should spur Increase In research - caught up in it and become a chance to examine their slow technological preachy and judgmental understanding of religion, and others." how it is perceived by others. A sophomore political sci- When asked why Christian- undecided "Some ence added, major people don't try to improve 21 responded that it was too exclusive and does not rec- [and instead adopt the atti- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ity does not appeal to them, themselves or do their best ognize that there are "many Number of people ways to God." The second tude that) 'God loves me the way I am." most chosen response was source: Phoenix that too many of the Chris- tians they met are "hypocriti- continued on. page 3
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