Page 98 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 98
Page 6IWeatem Maryland CollegeIMay 8, 1986 Track travels to championships Iby Bill Desclak ~reshman Bill He~iss ~ur- pnsed everybody, including The Western Maryland himself, when he vaulted for a men's and women's track career best of 13 feet. Heniss, team packed their bags and the first quality vaulter West- headed to Ursinus for the ern Maryland has had in the Middle Atlantic Conference past five years, did not even track and field championships clear the qualifying height of on May 2-3. The competition 12 feet until his last meet was about as stiff as the against Gettysburg. A positive blistering wind which pers- attitude going into the MAC's isted through-out the trials, proved to be the difference semis and the final races. A as he proved to the confer- total of 14 Green Terrors qual- ence that he is a force to be ified for the meet reckoned with in the future. The Terrors were led by Other competitors qualifying junior standout Darryl Guyton for the MAC meet for the who propelled his way into a Green Terrors were Kris Twi- third place finish with e' leap ford, in the long jump, high of 44'32". The effort was a jump and triple jump; Annette personal best for Guyton, who Rapley, in the shot put, long was an underdog going into jump, and 4x100 relay; Sandy the event, but managed to Metz in the 800mand 3k run; raise a few eyebrows with his Alice Schartzkopft, in the Sophlomore Cheri Thompson pitches a winner against Washington College on fine finish. 4xl00 relay; Heather Mur- April 26. Senior distance-man Brian taugh in 4xl00 relay; Kim Russo ended his prosperous Lohman in 400m run and career at Western Maryland 4x100m relay; and Susan Men fall to Swarthmore; with a fifth place finish in the WaHace in the shot put. For 5k. Russo, in the midst of a the men,Jude Yearwood qual- bumpercrop year of distance ified for the 100 and 200m women's lax gains berth runners, consistently showed dash; Chip Rembert the stee- the poise and instinct to make plchase; Steve Kaufman the him the leader of this Green 10K; and BiHDesciak the 400 by Patrick Dall were named to second team In the tournament pool-play, Terror team. and 200m. ALL-MAC. Carter scored 34 WMC finished 4-1 to advance '----------------, MEN'S LACROSSE goals and eight assists ,iO'the to the semifinals where they year, and Wanamaker had a turned back UMBC, 9-3. The The men's team finished total of 25 points. Green then defeated George- their 1986 season, losing to town in the title game 14-12. Swarthmore, April 26, at home WOMEN'S LACROSSE Sandi Stevens and sopho- 16-9. Freshman Bill Hallett more defender Laura Clam- had a pair of goals and a pair The women's team won the bruschini were selected for of assists for WMC, while Maryland College Women's the first team All-Maryland, senior Mark Carter recorded Lacrosse State Tournament while junior Cindy Robey and two goals. Junior Bill Brewster and a berth in the MAC sophomore midfielder Stacey chalked up 23 saves in the playoffs for a successful end Bradley were named the sec- goal for the Terrors. The over- to the 1986 season. The ond team. Senior Nancy all record for the season was Green's overall record was 10 Hutchinson, WMC's leading 6-9, and they chalked up a 3- and two, but they lost an point scorer, was honored by 1 record in the Middle Atlantic important MAC match to Get- being named to the first team Conference West Division. tysburg on April 23, 18-8, to ALL-MAC. Hutchinson netted Mark Carter, Mark Wana- weaken their position for MAC 32 goals this season to close maker, and Cole Younger all playoff contention. out her prolific career. Cerveny throws no-hitter by Cyndl Schafer four runs in the sixth inning to raise his record to 5-2 on the BASEBALL the season with the 4-2 vic- tory. Keith Lutgen also threw Freshman pitcher Ned Cer- well in the second game, veny became the first West- picking up a 2-1 victory. ern Maryland player to throw Senior third baseman Mike a no-hitter in six years on Paglione led the Terrors in Friday April 25 as the Terrors batting this year with an aver- defeated Mount S1.Mary's, 5- age of .355. He recorded 13 1. Cerveny walked six batters RBI's and only two strikeouts and struck out six in record- all season. Tad Webster fin- ing his fine performance. Mike ished with an average of .324, Gosnell was the last WMC and Keith Berlin with one of pitcher to pull off this feat .291. Dave Fowler led the when he did so in 1980. team in wins with five and the Junior second baseman Steve Lutche had three RBI's in the second highest ERA of 2.56. He fanned 28 batters and Mount game to give Cerveny all the support he needed. allowed no homeruns. The Terrors ended their SOFTBALL season on an up note by until late in bofh games, but it Men's tennis finished up their season with a 4-5 taking out York in both ends was enough to hold off the The women also ended their e., of a double header at home Spartans. Dave Fowler picked record. on April 30. WMC didn't score up the win in the first game of continued on page 7
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