Page 94 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 94
Pace 2IWeatem Maryland CoUegeJMay 8, 1986 Prisoner finds release Schaefer speaks in his poetry and fiction ~ntiriUed from page 1 ~~~es~~'!ir:~~iS~e~~\f:r~n~~'~ critical need for increased keystone to controlled growth. by C. Lloyd Hart supplement an almost non- state support of secondary "We used to tum our back on existent income by stealing. I and higher education, a more tourists," says Schaefer, "but His name is Mayo Winston learned to do wrong for all the attentive eye toward tourism we must recognize the im- Turner, Jr. A 40 year old right reasons. My lone solace dollars, and the breaking partance of tourism. It is our divorced father of four from is knowing (that) without my down of regional barriers duty to help tourists spend Chicago, II, he holds a Bach- actions things would've been within the state that hinder money." elor of SCience from Southern harsher on my family." cooperation and economic Illinois University and is a In 1981 Turner was con- growth. In addition to economic published author of poetry victed of robbery and sen- Schaefer emphasized the growth and tourism, Schaefer and fiction. In addition, he's a tenced to 60 years in prison necessity of a positive busi- spoke in favor of increased former youth counselor, health at the Danville Correctional ness climate all around the state aid to education. The educator. and administrative Center in Danville, II. At the state, attacking Maryland's mayor often mentioned his assistant to a Chicago city time he believed his life had one percent sales tax in- desire to build more schools alderman. His writings reveal ended. "Prison environment crease as placing the state in and improve teacher salaries. his black heritage, education, appears designed in Hades a vulnerable position for at- "If I have a say, increased aid and deep hurt. to suffocate creativity, and tracting business. "We must for education will be a real- What is not so apparent, breed confusion. When a per- develop a good business ell- ity." however, is that Mayo Turner son finally leaves prison, it is mate all over the place, and Schaefer, who's personal is serving a 60 year prison not the small places he fears, work hard to attract more motto is "Do it now," believes sentence for robbery. it's too much space." business," or, warns Scnae- that the outlook for Maryland This February The Phoenix But the same spirit which fer, "we're going to be left in is strong and ripe with oppor- received a letter from Turner bought him out of the ghetto . the dust." tunities. "We can continue to asking that his message, an Mayo Tumar, poet, phi· to a respected position in the But not surprisingly, the lay back, which is not my appeal for correspondence, losopher, and prisoner service of his city would not man Esquire magazine called style, or we can move. [The be printed in the newspaper. let him quit. "Despite nearly I've "The 8est Mayor in America," state is] aUready, it's right on College and University news- stereotypical incarcerate. I insurmountable odds, up the to pick managed papers receive such requests "===================-: waste basket but then again, don't drink alcohol or coffee, pieces of a seemingly irrepar- and who for many symbolizes the brink." smoke, get high,. eat pork or often. Most end up in the ably shattered future and ac- r . utter profanities.' I enjoy life, And in May of 1984 Turner Free topp •• for eadt ..... pizza ' most don't include samples of laughter, children, sports and complish things," says Turner. the writer's poetry. This letter (am) an incurable romantic." received his 8S in University was different. All this he places up front to NEW YORK seems atypical of the men remind some "that all people Studies from the Carbondale sketch If the biographical of Southern Illinois branch in prison aren't bad, just as all University. and women in Turner's posi- J&P PIZZA tion, it is because Turner bad people aren't in prison." while preparing imprisonment, After his Turner's was childhood to resume himself is more than just a spent in urban poverty as the tittle out of the ordinary. second of eleven children. As work on his undergraduate . CI'OII8roads Square Shopping Center by mail, Turner emphasised, he explains, "due to my degree Turner turned to writ- In an interview conducted ing poetry. While he feels his Westminster, Maryland "You'll discover I'm not your mother and siblings being to continued on page 7 r felt obligated hungry FREE DELIVERY Degrees NOW AVAILABLE 'Remember Mother's 'Day with flowers awarded 30 MINUTES GUARANTEED continua,(troni page 1 IF WE TAKE MORE THAN 30 MIN. master's degree from Califor- ITS 53.00 OFF PRICE nia State University. Since 1981 MacDonald has served as president of the 876-5950 876-5951 American Association of the Deaf-Blind and is a member of several organizations dedi- 1- ,~~AIN Sr business and executive, Eaton, cated to providing services for handicapped persons. Thomas Howard grain environmental farmer preservationist, will receive DELI ~t the Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Western Mary- land. Eaton received his 8A Western Maryland 1927 1986 ~ $;*' SQUARE ~ degree in chemistry in from and is an honorary trustee of the college. In 1934 he joined SHERWOOD 6000 17 EAST MAIN STREET Johns-Manville, now Manville, where he was recognized for Breakrast • Lunch. Dinner his industrial engineering and 876-1802 production expertise. Since his retirement in 1969 he has 'SEE US TODAY· FOR THE,BEST "Call Ahead, We'll Have It Ready" lived near Easton. Md. com- Since last year's ."'6111 PIIIII11M Free Delivery Q) mencement, 272 students Western Maryland College Hours: Mon.-Frf. '-8PM; Soturdor '·3PM ($6.00 Minimum) have earned the Bachelor of '92 PennsylvanIa Ave. 848.7720 Arts degree, and another 131 students have earned a mas- Wemnln ...... Mel 876·6669 ter's degree in liberal arts, education, or science.
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