Page 92 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 92
~------ --_ Page IOlWe.tem Maryland College/April 24, 1986 Off-beat Legend wins Free topping for each large pizza NEW YORK with special effects J&P PIZZA by Jonathan Slade may not be Cruise, Sara, and Horror Picture Show and Tim Curry (who plays the Clue, he handles his role as Crossroads Square Shopping Center The first thought that streaks leader of the dark under- the ultimate heavy with the as Rob Battin, befitting as much his character. finesse world) Westminster. MarYland through the mind of the audi- who developed the special The cumbersome horns on his make . up for the assorted ence upon watching Legend head and his elongated chin can be slightly misleading. elves and goblins; Nick All- never seem to throw him as FREE DELIVERY ber, who masterminded the he slithers about the set, "This flick is too weird for his lines in an elec- NOW AVAILABLE my blood," one viewer next to magnificent special effects; delivering deepened voice that and Alex Thompson, the di- tronically me said, But sit back for a rector of photography whose oozes pure evil. His perform- 30 MINUTES GUARANTEED while, stop wondering what selection of camera filters 501- ance could even give adults a IF WE TAKE MORE THAN 30 MIN. mind-altering substance the nightmare or two, and it'll concession stand slipped into scare the hell out of little kids, ITS $3.00 OFF PRICE the popcorn, and give the Perhaps the worst thing movie a chance. II is certainly about Legend, though, is the 876-5950 876-5951 the most innovative piece of prologue which scrolls by in celluloid to enter the theaters the first thirty seconds of the since Walt Disney's Fantasia movie. In an attempt to save Starring Tom Cruise as viewers the trouble of think- ~=================~Jack, an innocent forest child ing, it proceeds to spill the r who must rescue a guardian film's plot. setting, and theme unicorn and save an early all in a couple paragraphs. earth from eternal darkness, And in prose so hokey it Legend wastes no time de- likens a Harlequin romance, claring its surreal intent. In- the summary even tries to deed, the opening sequence explain the forthcoming rela- flows from the festering pit of tionship between Jack and the film's satanic antagonist to Lily. Yes, they are in love, Any the ffuffy-light fields through dope can see this. We don't which Jack and his lovely Lily need to be told ahead of (Mia Sara) skip, The movie, time. Viewers should do them- then, begins as if it is a selves a favor and read as dream and manages to main- little of the introductory pas- tain this ethereal nature sage as possible. throughout, sometimes jump- tens the Edenic scenes into Despite this, however, the LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MARYLAND ing abruptly from a "daytime warm cotton and transforms movie succeeds, and the very SUMMER UNDERGRADUATE COURSES fantasy" to a sordid night- the underground sets into weirdness that repels at the Account;ng Management mare. And so, director Ridley dank asylums suffocated with beginning is that which enter- Chemistry Mariceting Scott has succeeded in tak- shadows, tains the most near the end. Computer Science Philosophy ing a mythical story and teIJ- Cruise and Sara, then, sub- The audience, it seems, even- Economics Physics ing it without the iron chains mit mediocre performances, tually comes to accept the Engli~ Political Science of reality. which is especially ironic Ethics PsycholOSY film on its own dream-like Finance Sccjologv since Universal Studios is terms and not those of the French Statistics This is not to Imply, though, trying to sell the film to the standard cinematic produc- Geology Writing that the plot is difficult- to teenaqe audience as a "Tom tion. You've been forewarned: History Theology follow. On the contrary, Wil- Cruise Picture." Luckily, This is not the same old Mathematics liam Hjortsberg's script is sim- Two sb-week sessions ple (almost too much so on though, the script does not mush, slash, or Hollywood June 2·July 12 and July 14·August 23 occasion), thus allowing Scott demand great character ac- rehash. It is innovation at its Three credit courses to concentrate on the stun- tors, and these two at teast best may even do not really end up harming Indeed, Legend ning visual imagery instead of the picture in any way. deserve to attain that status Easy admission and registration procedure for vi~iting~tudenb· Bring Iet- a mess of burdensome Tim Curry, however, is ex- which its title so brazenly ter of permission for COUfM!(S) including a statement of good academic dialog. In fact, the stars here cellent. A veteran of Rocky suggests. standing and an official copy of your transcript to the Advisirtg Office. Maryland Hall. Room 225. Monday·Thursday 8:30 a.m 9:00 p.m.. Fri day 8:30 a.m .. 5:00 p.m. Regular Registroltion- W.ST.RN MARYLAND COLL.OIi Session I to May 30 OEiPARTMBNT OF PERFORMING ARTS Session It to July 11 late Registration _ Come Back to the Session I' June z rc jone e Session II July 14 to July 18 5 & Dime, For a summer schedule, contact the Office of Admissions Jimmy Dean, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.·9:00 p.m. (301) 323-1010, ext. 2252 (301) 323-1010, ext 5050 Jimmy Dean GRADUATE PROGRAMS b, Master Degree Programs Me offered in Busin<:,~sAdminIstratIon. Proff'~ A COMEDY_DRAMA sional Accountancy. Finance, Education. Engineering Science: Computer Science. Digital Svstems. .Modern Studies. Pastoral Counsehng. Ed Cn""yk Psycho'OSY. and Speech Patholosy/Audiology For a summer schedule, contact the MAY 1,2,3 & 4 Office of Graduate Admissions 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (301) 323-1010, ext. 5020 8:00PM or write: Loyola College in Maryland 4501 North Charles Street PHON. B48~7000 X159B Baltimore, Maryland 21210-2699 Tickets: $1 Campus $3 Off Campus
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