Page 97 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 97
May 8, 1986IWeitem Maryland CoUegeIPage 5 60 Seconds on Camp-us What do you think was the best part of May Day? The Christian Fellow- The fireworks David Naster, Skip Castro,the band The Sig-Epbooth ship piHBtlng booth. the comedian RodneyJoynar ate haH of my pie though. Don Burgard Kimberly Hoben ArilandaWanamaker Emily Baker Chris Morris .... T~cy Kennam r-----------------' ..Commission report steps forward Nurse continued from page 4 Tracking down a copy of knows the workings of the on women students, I was of the social environment, providing patient education, the Report of the Presidential college better than they do? disappointedto learnthat stu- which most certainly has its and has done a lot in this Commission on Student Life dents believe that "the faculty problems, but is not all that direction. She brings a variety was a real problem. But why I think that the topics which provides poor models." I am atypical of other college earn- of services and programs to was this 18 page booklet the commission addressed curious to know why this is puses. The suggestIon was her career as Director of Stu- such a hot item? After skim- were the most deserving so. made to have all members of dent Health Services. Includ- ming the findings in it, I have areas of attention: community The issues concerning the community strive for colle- ing addressing campusl to say that I was impressed. in diversity} residential I!fe, minority students were also giality; the next step would be student related issues on The efforts of 17 committee Greek life, and social environ- dealt with frankly and reelisti- to implement it. The first step health-related matters, treat- members produced some in- ment. Developing a greater cally. I never realized that "in in this process has been ment and follow-up of stu- teresting conclusions. Things sense of community on the order to survive at WMC, made and that was to con- dents' health needs in the , like improving the tempera- Hill is a positive suggestion black students are forced to duct a Presidential Commis- office and activities such as ture control of the library which most students never shed their racial identity and sian Report. At least, there is Wellness Day, and the blood (which I've always found an- really consider. The report identify with the white major- an effort being made to pressure screening which are noying) and carpeting Rouzer states that "it is clear that ity." The general remarks con- change the things which large, well run, well coordi- and Whiteford were included. faculty and students need to ceming women and minorities cause tension, and improve nated efforts. Thus, I saw Obviously the commission got spend more lime together." seemed representative of how the overall quality of life on health care as a team effort, down to the nitty gritty of what This is another valuable it really is at Western Mary- the Hill. provided by a dedicated staff, goes on at WMC. The 17 suggestion and hopefully fac- land College - people seem concerned for us as people, people who served on this ulty/student fund ions can be relatively satisfied with the The Report of the Presiden- as well as for our health. commission represented at- implemented in the future to environment. I agree with the tial Commission on Student _. umni. trustees, students, par- insure that this will happen. findings and the recommen- Ufe is certainly a step in the Joanie Colleen Cimmino ents, and faculty. And who With regards to their findings dation to continue evaluation right direction. L.. ---'
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