Page 99 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 99
May 8, 19861We.tem Maryland CollegeIPage 7 Golf team finishes sixth Poet awaits parole continued from page 6 continued from page 2 ~hnede~~~~?r:!~+u~nn:r. the season on the upswing by "My writing often reflects my taking the second game on audience is the "empathetic regurgitating the bile of rae- the Mount St. Mary's double- and compassionate of every ism because 'to be Black and header on May 1 11-20.This ethnic origio," he considers awarein America is to be in a brought their record to just himself a Black writer. "My constant state of rage.' You'd. under .500 with a S.9 record experiences primarily inspire have to live the Black expert- • overall. They fell in the first my poems and short stories, ence to comprehend (this) game by a score of 3-5. (and while) I am not as fully. I believe in the demo- Previously, the Lady Terrors cynical as my poems may cratic precepts of America, had won four straight,defeat- seem to indicate, pain in- and hope they'll someday be- ing Dickinson 10-8 on April spires." Turner feels that his come applicable to all her 19, beating Notre Dame 13-9 prison environment, combined citizenry." on April 22, and finally crush- with the burden of poverty, For now Turner has dedi- ing Washington College in a account for the running cated himself to obtaining an twinbill on April 26 by the themes of irony, bitterness, early release from prison, and scores of 29-1 and 13-3. In and disappointment in his is confident that his sentence the opener, sophomore writings. "Each day my soul will be reduced. Meanwhile Cherie Thompson fired a one- cries out, 'Give me a break,' there is waiting. ~~~~ ~i\~eW~;:~nhe~~~ Keith Berlin, number 19, steals second, April 26 ~~ ~~k~~IYd~:~~~ ~ r~~~~~~ w~~~e~e: ~~~ t~~ki~g.!~~~ sively, WMC pounded out 21 against Muhlenberg. heart, broken promises re- me to be with my family," rr~~d~~~nij~~~rC~:~~~~~,~~~ ~p~~~~r?!n ~;~ia:r:~~i~:' ~;:~ T~~r.~~~~~~ ~~d ~i:1 sophomore lisa Sullivan, .475 batting average which Championships last April 26- I'm not dead, but I exist "you don't have to volunteer combining for 10 safeties and included 28 hits; three RBis 27. Sophomore Chris Conklin devoid of most stimuli which to join the endless ranks of six RBI's. Thompson went 3-3 and four homeruns. First was the low finisher for WMC, make life enjoyable." the lonely here. Rooms are with two triples and four RBI's baseman Cindy Boyer had an posting a Slf-hole score of Tumer accepts full respon- cheap, but the rent is high. in the nightcap to aid the average of .440 on the year. 240 for eleventh place. Senior sibility for his predicament, Handkerchiefs and towels are three-hit pitching of Dawn Pitcher Dawn Holman came Gordon Digby recorded a 253 but maintains that he is a free-you've paid for them in Holman. Peisk out did herself away with a perfect record of while senior Jack Collins and victim too, of "a criminally advance." with two homeruns in the 4-0 and an ERA of .503. sophomore Ben Watson racist judicial system. The While he is slowly acclirnat- twinbill. scored 261 and 262 respec- travesty of justice is in her ing himself to prison life, tively. WMC posted a fourman continuing policy of dealing Turner says he will never get Pesik was honored for her GOLF score of 1016 to finish behind harsher with minorities and used to it. "How can you be accomplishments by being F&M (937), Scranton (955), poor folk. My peers ." are the satisfied being alive when you named to first team ALL·MAC. The Terror teeman finished King's (971), Ursinus (994) malcontents, the incorrigibles, dream of being free." She ended the season WWli;th~a:,,=Si:xIt1~O:ut~O:f~2~1~te:a:m:s~a~t;M:A~c..:a:n:d~G:e:tty:s:b~Ur~g~(~lOO:l~).__ ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ _Dan Moskowitz. All-star faculty 'dream team' chosen 100 mph and is the reliever's Intercollegiate sports are fi- Griswald was at his best best pitch. The veteran, who nally coming to a close for the when in pressure situations. made Cosmopolitan's 10 Best 1985-86 year and to be hon- "When it gets tough out there, Dressed Athletes list, showed est, The Phoenix has made a you gotta dig down deep and extreme poise in tight situa- serious error. find something" explains the tions, and was named arm of In our tireless effort to bring scrappy veteran. the year, "circa 1986." the students of WMC com- Another fine outfielder who Many expected a fine year plete coverage of our school's received all-league honors from last season's MVP, third teams, we have overlooked was Dr. Eleanor Schreiner, basemen President Robert one of the lesser known, but the "dream team's" teft Chambers. This season how- very important athletic clubs fielder. Schreiner played with ever, the "dream team" was that the college fields (or at precision all season, catching forced to play without his least should field). all kinds of stuff. services. Chambers had ap- Yes, I am speaking, of And then there was Dr. peared on opening day when 'course, of the Terror faculty Charles Neal, a true standout. a local politician was present ~ baseball team. Batting over .300 with 57 to throw out 'the first ball, but No. I am not talking about RBI's and 12 homeruns, he hasn't been seen since. that anemic (but lucky) faculty was a threat to the entire Chambers' whereabouts are softball squad, but a real league. His offensive ability, still uknown. WMC "dream team." together with his golden glove Finally, rounding out the And, although this "dream defensive skills, helped make "dream team's" all-league team's" season has come to the "dream team" successful performers was coach of the a close (if indeed it ever had in '86. An Eddie Murray look- year, Dr. Ronald Tait. Tait one), several key personalities alike, Neal also led the team volunteered his services as stood out (or would have) and in stolen bases with 33, a coach of the team after suffer- thus deserve recognition league record. ing from a severe case of here. On the mound, ace starter tennis elbow in the off-sea- Seldom was a ball hit into Dr. Del Palmer continued to son. Tait's ability to mold all • centerfield that Dr. Earl "The shock the league. Palmer these wild individuals into a Gris" Griswald didn't run went 10-1 in '86, often striking fine tuned machine was un-' down for an out. His mobility out ten or more opponents. canny. His analytical prowess and range was remarkable at Palmer attributed his success Evergates would put an end year, however has been over- made him a natural in the shadowed teammate by times. this season to his latest and to any threat. Darcy. Darcy, or "Doctor 0," coaching field. Griswald performed well at most damaging pitch -- the Evergates, or "The Gentle And there you have it, a the plate as well in '86, screwball. Stopper," as he has been just tore up the league. The quick glance at a WMC team southpaw driving in 90 runs and crunch- called, chalked up an impres- hard-throwing 110 batters en that deserved a look, or at struck out ing 41 homeruns. Griswald When the going got tough, sive 3-1 record with seven least a thought, and some of says that his bat was once though, and Palmer fell into saves and 49 strikeouts as route to a shocking 14 saves the key players who made, or • used by Atilla the Hun to trouble, there was little doubt the righthanded reliever in and a record of 4-0. would have made a great Darcy's fastball (with a capi- butcher peasants and it gives that the relief pitching combo 1986. tal "F") has been clocked at team. his swing a little more power. of Drs. C. Darcy and T. Evergate's performance this
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