Page 96 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 96
.... e 4IWeltem Maryland CollegeJMay 8, 1986 Editorial A Nvcl car Acc.iJ."f! ..... LJhaf Nvc./<.Qr Acci"(~,,f ? Forum insults report .. ~ - ~.' The President's Commission on Student Life has com- pleted its intended task: They have published their findings and students will, for better or worse, receive that document soon. Without a doubt, the commission did a wonderful job. They put 18 months of hard work into a study which will ultimately better the Western Maryland College community as a whole. Last Tuesday night, however, when faculty, staff. and students had a dinner with the commission to discuss the findings, the group spent two hours discussing just one sentence from the report. That sentence was from chapter three, "Residential Ute," It reads, "The Commission reccm- mends that WMC eliminate social (Greek) housing from the residence halls." Granted, some of the arguments in the discussion were very good, but some were not. In fact, Dr. Ethan Seidel, in 'his statement ,pointed out that he felt the commission "missed the point" with regard to Greek housing. We agree. Certainly, something is wrong when an entire evening is dominated by a single sentence in an 18 page report. Almost no mention was ever given to the other five chapters of the document. What the commission showed us is that the college is sensitive to the need for change, and is willing to begin a dialogue to facilitate that change. The commission recog- nized that they still have a long way to go before the final version of the student life report comes out. It is important to recognize that the commission was appointed to make --Letters to the Editor-- recommendations; nothing that is in the report is written in stone. It can not be denied that within the confines of student If only to the students. The basic the campus population come life the Greek system is important and needs to be considered. outcome of this meeting is to donate blood. That was But there are problems with many other facets of student life at for a day that Dr. Chambers is working very encouraging to me. Then WMC. Skip Fennel, Co-chairman of the Commission stated that on appointing an alcohol task one Red Cross Volunteer said he thought the status of the independent student on this force that will be useful from a that five percent of the total campus is poor, and yet there was not a chapter or Edllor., coordinating standpoint, as population donates blood to subcommittee set up to explore the problems that this majority well as help make the group sustain the whole. That really of students has encountered. As a pre-nursing student more resourceful in its effort shocked me. Luckily, that five The President's Commission on Student life is a grand here at Western Maryland with the alcohol issue on percent are very dedicated, College, and someone want- effort for this college. It wotild be a great shame if the good campus. This meeting ad- and are multiple donors. findings of the commission were muted by petty meanderings ing to learn more about Mar- joumed around noon. Once I was finished at the lene Clements' role as nurse and technical word games. President Chambers, you have the We then had about 10 min- Bloodmobile, I went to the results. Now we want to see the changes. We shall be and Director of Student utes before we met at the Pub Health Center to accompany disappointed if this is a "snow }ob" to push through plans that Health Services, as well as for lunch and our "reading Marlene through the rest of have already been designed. Disappointment will also occur if Marlene as a person, I signed group." I was sent an article her aftemoon. It was busy! only the most volatile issues are addressed and the others are up for the student-administra- on AIDS earlier in the week From the time she opened the left to rot. tive staff switch. This also that I was to read prior to this Health Center at 1:30 p.m., 19 quickly became a lesson in meeting, as was the Student students were seen before .------------------,. apathy, as only two students Affairs staff. This meeting time 4:30 p.m. That may not seem (Dan Nurco and I) out of the provided the chance to dis- like a lot to you, but based on The Phoenix entire student population the issue of AIDS, as based the fact that Marlene, Joan cuss on a phitosophical level signed up for this chance to Lusby, a physician's assist- learn and interact with the administration. on research and information ant, and I were working, and presented in the article. The that Joan was tied up with the The chosen day was Thurs- article acted as a springboard GYN clinic, that was quite a day, April 24. I knew it would for ideas and concerns about feat! And yet I am constantly Editor-in·Chief.... . Bill Mann be busy from the start. My Managing Editor Kelly Connor first class, Introduction to Art, the AIDS issue and the rec- surprised by the number of Copy Editor . Jonathan Slade was at 8:30 a.m., follOWedby ommendation from the Ameri- people who open the door to Production Supervisor C. Lloyd Hart Microbiology at 10 a.m. Fin- can College Health the Health Center, see one or Sports Editor . Cynthia SeMfer ishing Microbiology at 11 Association. This free flowing two people waiting, and Photography Editor Margaret Gemski a.m., I dashed for the Student exchange allows issues to be leave. During the experience and discussed, addressed Business Manager Eric Greenberg Affairs office where I joined without having to make deci- of working in the Health Cen- ter with Marlene, 1was able to Advertising Manager Linda Rippeon the Student Affairs staff and sions or policy out of them by Production Assistant Beth Jones Dan Nurco, who was switch- utilize my skills as a Certified Reporting Staff ing with Dean Sayre for the the end of the meeting. I see Medical Assistant to take this as a good way to keep Chuck Cruise, Patrick Dail. Chris Ginther, Ann Hallendorff, ~en day. The focus for this staff blood pressure, obtain a he- Hickson, Tracy Kennard, Dan Moskowitz, Michael Norkus, Tina meeting is the alcohol issue abreast of campus/student re- matocrit, check in supplies lated issues in a constructive, Paqficcchmi. Beth Spangler. on campus. During this meet- preparatory manner. ordered, and label speer- mens. ing I gained a real sense of It seemed we no sooner sat Once we were done seeing The Phoenix is a bimonthly student publication of 'Western how Marlene acts as Director down to have lunch than it students, I got to know Mar- Maryland College. The opinions expressed in columns and of Health Services outside her was already 1 p.m., the time I lene as someone interested in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the staff office in lower Decker. She had scheduled myself to give my plans to be a nurse and and Suzanne Oakley provide or administration. Editorials are the responsibility of the editor- blood. This was also a new helpful in pointing out refer- in-chief and approved by the editor!aJ board. The ~njx the freshmen orientation pro- experience for me, and as a ence books that will help me gram on alcohol, along with reserves the right to headline, and ec::tltfor length, ~laTlty,and pre-nursing student and as a nursing student. This libelous content. All letters to the editor must be signed and bringing about forced referral member of this community, I time was helpful to get to authorship will be verified. to the Alcohol Education Pro-- felt it vital to confront my fears know Marlene as a person, gram. Together with the whole about donating blood. It was and to learn something of her Student Affairs staff, Marlene a positive experience. and I Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, ideas and ideals in patient Westminster, MD 21157. coordinates these and health- hope to donate again soon. I care. She has a strength in related also and activities, 1- .. provides health .care services saw a wide variety and a large number of people from cantInued on page 5
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