Page 91 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 91
April 24. 1986IWeotem Maryland CollegelPage 9 ... Dan MoSkowIU: .. Mandatory testing violates player rights To simply say that there is a in a myriad of sports can be model and that the athletes drug problem in professional interpreted by some as a have a responsibility to lead sports is a misleadil}g under- direct assault on one's civil "clean" lives. Politicians, fire- statement. rights. If testing is to be done fighters, and actors are all in The fact is, drugs are a on the athletes of this country, the public eye as well. Talk of problem for our society as a why not, for example, make it drug testing does not come whole. However, the recent mandatory for politicians as up too often at political con- attempts to "crack down" on well. I'm not implying in any ventions or the Actors Guild drug abuse in professional way that there is a drug though. athletics has created a dis- problem in American politics, The athlete should be turbing situation. The publicity but that line of work surely judged under the' same raised in the drug related constitutes an occupation of guidelines that professionals investigations, tests, and sub- greater magnitude than that in other fields are _-under the sequent actions against play- of pro sports. Constitution. ers has left the professional The answer. You should not To insist on mandatory drug athlete in a precarious occu- test either animal, because to testing in various professional pation. Indeed, pro sports do so without proper legal sports is a serious discrimina- have become a business-like justification is against all this tion of the athletes who partic- police state, where the private country and its Constitution the powers that be in his drug abuse program. ipate in America's games. In" lives of the athlete and their stand for. profession. The seven year My point, the man was fact, it's a scary thought to rights, not as just athletes, but In the recent Pittsburgh Golden Glove recipient was granted immunity by the ponder, that a small group of as human beings, are infr- drug hearings, several profes- offered a choice of two United States Government to league officials, from different inged upon. sional baseball players were things. One, he could sit out a help put a dealer behind sports, have this power of League officials in various called upon to testify against year from baseball and try to bars. That same man is then arbitration over matters and sports are continuing their Curtis Strong, a suspected come back the following sea- sacked by the league officials issues that the Constitution efforts to put an end to drug drug dealer. son (after testing negative for who should be in support of already provides for. abuse -- without a doubt, a New York Met first base- drugs); or two, he could play him. Granted, the man was a Yes, there is a problem that good and commendable goal. man Keith Hernandez was immediately if he relinquished user. But he had cleaned up has to be dealt with in profes- But such efforts are only com- one of the players who spoke. ten percent of his earnings for his own act before the Strong sional sports. But until we find mendable if the tactics used Hernandez was guaranteed the year and performed com- incident ever took place. a solution that won't tread on to reach these goals do not immunity during the hearing, munity service in the area of The professional athlete is a established civil rights, man- cross the line of the rights of however, in the wake of the drug rehabilitation projects. public figure. Many will argue datory testing of athletes our nation's athletes. publicity of the Curtis Strong That ten per cent, incidentally, that being an object of the should be merely examined, r-M_a_nd_a_IO_ry_,e_SI_in_9_o_,p_'a_y_e_,s_c_a_se_,_h_e_w_a_s_sl_ill_a_rta_c_k_ed_;bY-,would also be allocated to the public eye makes him a role not enacted. ~'M-iJl 7JI.~~ ..~~~ 10% discount ~. with this ad on art~~~I:~sir.e'. . .....,....,IIf'.II~" 117 _owau ,....,.,.... JIIJ/t" . 0010 wa.coID FAN'S caESE'RESTAURANT =:;.~. .DownIown. $WW;SU.... MalnInIm.,IiIIIIIIr""St,."' PoIyneeIan . . 84&0919 Thke the American .' 87&.3166 plunge CockUIll aeMce QuIck8y lLfIch & Ceny Out· this 11 AM-10 PM Sun- 'ThuIa 11 AM-11 PM FfI.SaI. CeIeIlrlII!Dr ~. I'wtie8.Hors.d'_ summer. Sign up for Army ROTC Basic Camp. You'll get six weeks of challenges that can build up your leadership skills as well as your Carriage House Liquors body. You'll also get almost $700. But hurry. This summer may be "At the Forks" your last chance to graduate from college with a degree and an officer's 113 W. Main Street, Westminster commission. Be all you can be. See your Professor of Military specials this week... Science for details. Schaeffer $5.69/case with this coupon
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