Page 100 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 100
Page 8IWeatem Maryland CollegelMay 8, 1986 Quiet Earth speaks softly, but ••• us a haunting stroll through of death. Indeed, the final by Jonathan 51_ an empty civilization, and an hour is literally crammed with eerie examination of a man philosophy, almost too much The Quiet Eanh will not driven mad by loneliness. so. make much noise in the thea- Aided by John Charles' Thus, The Quiet Earth is a ters. ghostly musical score and Though bits and pieces of Geoffrey Murphy's slowly thinking man's picture, some- thing which hasn't sold too this recent New Zealand re- flowing direction, the most well in the theaters lately. In lease are excellent, the disconcerting _. and there- fact, the worst part of this film movie's conclusion is some- fore, by the film's standard, is when the producers try to what of a letdown. And this, the most successful -- se- pack in a little needless ac- along with the fact that it quence is when Hobson tion at the end of the script, treats some very depressing charges into a church with a leaving the audience hanging themes, is usually enough to loaded shotgun, demanding keep the audiences away. God to show himself. Upon in ambiguity. What exactly happens? Who lives and who Let's hope it doesn't work that receiving no answer, he then dies? You kind of get the way this time though. levels the barrel at a statue of impression that you've just Set in the near future, Bruno Christ and blasts it to pieces. completed a fulfilling discus- Lawrence plays Zac Hobson, It's scenes like this that send sian with Socrates, only to • a computer technician who chills rippling through your have the honored philosopher awakes one morning to find body. jump to his feet, grab an anti- himself alone in his corner of Based on Craig Harrison's the world. Coffee pots are book also named The Quiet tank weapon, and obliterate a nearby fountain. Why must we boiling over, traffic lights are Earth, the second half of the still functioning, but no one movie becomes an allegory of have this incongruent action tacked onto the finale. Why? can be found. It's like they've today's national alliances. Why? Why? all vanished in mid-step. And With the introduction of Joanne diplomatic relationships that wafts through the film. In But save your questions for when he later finds out that (Alison Rortledge) and then today. And sometimes the addition there are some the theater. And the next time the company for which he Jater Api (Peter Smith), the mindless disputes of Hobson, heavy Biblical overtones, with you need to see something worked may have had some- other survivors, we begin to Joanne, and Api almost lead Hobson becoming a potential slightly more serious than thing to do with the catastro-- see the characters choose to murder, even though Adam and Joanne an Eve; as phe, the guilt he feels in sides in certain arguments, human life has become an well as a potent banner Pretty In Pink, catch The Quiet Earth. It doesn't make incredible. two ganging up against one, incredibly scarce resource. against high tech military too much noise, but you get Indeed, the first harf of the in much the same way coun- creations. We even get some the feeling it's thinking all the film is by far the best, offering tries establish and maintain But this isn't the only theme heady musings on the nature time. ~PDONE HAN W~~NSY!~~ .---.--.. WESTMINSTER, MD. 21157 • INoSTAllA1101l·)'QIR~s Sll.lS· RICH HALL 848-9518 House of Liquors .1 ICarroll Plaza Shopping Center ' Goebels $5.99 per c_!1se I B~ .-----. ••• I one case per coupon with this coupon• Sign up forArmy ROTC Basic Camp. You'llget six weeks of challenges that can build up your leadership skills as well as your Stanley H.1apIan body. You'llalso get almost $700. But hurry.This summer may be The SMART MOVE! your last chance to graduate from college with a degree and an officer's commission. Be all you can be. See your Professor of Military Science for details.
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