Page 89 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 89
April 24, 1986lWe.tern Maryland CollegeIPage 7 Track loses despite strong showing ploded for a first in the triple nate the field events. Rapley by Bill Desclak jump (43'3) and a second in won the shotput with a toss of both the long jump (20'W'), 30' 11" and took a third in the The WMC men's and as well as the 110 high javelin (80'1 "). Wallace took women's track teams regis- hurdles (16.0). Senior Tony seconds in both the shot tered fine performances Callahan flexed his muscles (27'8") and javelin (83'9%") under sunny skies at Scott S. in the discus, easily taking a as well as a third in the Bair stadium on April 19 first with a toss of 128'7" discus (68'6"). Although both teams came up Other fine performances were Although the 4xl00 meter on the short end against visit- registered by freshman Bill relay team got edged out at ing Franklin & Marshall, they Desciak. winning the 400m the wire by F&M, they did had many outstanding individ- dash (51.4) and taking a third manage to put themselves in ual performances. A lack of in the 200 (23.3). George the Western Maryland record depth, not talent, was the Marini took a third in the 100 books, shattering the old reason for the Green Terrors (11.9), as did Steve Kaufman record with a blistering time downfall. in the 1500. John Robinson of 54 seconds. The team The men's team took first garnered third place honors in consisted solely of sopho- place in eight events to F&M's the 400m (53.8), along with more standouts, promising a nine, demonstrating WMC's freshman Chip Rembert in the future for the Lady Terrors. need for more runners. Senior 800m (2:07), and Aarron They included Heather Mur- distance man Brian Russo led Zajec in the long jump with a taugh, Alice Swartzkopf, An- the way with a first in both the leap of 18'11". nette Rapley, and Sophia 1500 (4:06.6) as well as the The women's team put up a Welsh. Welsh also registered 5K (15:45) runs. Freshman tough fight before bowing to a second in the 200 (28.5) Jude Yearwood also was a F&M. Once again depth was and a third in the 100 (13.5) double winner, taking both the deciding factor. Sopho- meter dashes .. Freshman the 100 (11.4) and 200 (22.9) more Kris Twiford led the Sandy Metz captured a sec- meter daohes. In the pole Lady Terrors with a first in ond in the 1500m, .and a third vault, the dynamic duo of Bill both the triple (33'112") and in the 800m with a time of }.~ Hents (11'6") and Joe Monte- high jumps (5'). She also took 2:32. Freshman Kim Lohman leone (9') captured first and a second in the long jump added to the strength of the second respectively. Both with a leap of 15'2%". An- Green and Gold underclass- heights are personal bests. nette Rapley teamed with men, capturing a second in Brian Russo, out front, wins the 1,500 meter in Junior Darrel Guyton ex- senior Susan Wallace to dcmi- the 400m (1:04.4). 4:06.6. Lax men lose 2; tennis wins Women's Lacrosse WMC got doubles victories by Patrick Dall from freshman Beth Yingling The WMC Women's La- and Jennifer Manger, and crosse team continued their senior Julie High and Martin. Men's Lacrosse hot streak by downing Wash- At Elizabethtown, on April 8, ington College on April 7, 25- the team drop-ped a match of The Green Terror Men's La- 8; Hood College on April 10, 0-9. The Women's Tennis crosse team lost two games 20-5; and Johns Hopkins on team has a present standing last week, one each to Fair- April 15, 11-10. Senior Nancy of 1-6 overall. leigh Dickinson University at Hutchinson had the best Men's Tennis Madison, 14-9, and Franklin & game of her career against Marshall, 13-6. The loss to the Shareman, scoring seven The Green & Gold Netmen F&M dropped the Terrors into goals and assisting on three scored their first win of the second place in the MAC others. Freshman Sandi Stev- season, downing Dickinson 5- West conference. Senior cap- ens scored five times while 4 on April 12 after losing to tain Mark Carter scored four senior Alyce Harden and Johns Hopkins 7-2 on April 8. goals in the loss to FDUI freshman Cindy Montanye Senior Mark Johnson was vic- Madison while junior attack- each had three goals. Stev- torious in both outings, .while man Bill Hallett scored three ens scored six goals to lead I Lee Holmes and Barry Gold- times. Against F&M, Carter WMC past Hood with the help meier scored singles wins and junior Matt Jackson each of freshman Julie Katcef who over Dickinson. Johnson and scored a pair of goals while had her second four-goal Holmes combined for the goalie Bitt Brewster game of the season. On April clinching doubles win. This recorded 25 saves. The Ter- 15, Stevens again led the doubles pair scored the only rors scored a 6-4 toss to Ohio Terror attack, this time against win against Gettysburg, leav- Wesleyan on March 15. They Johns Hopkins. Hutchinson ing a final score of 8-1. The secured two wins by defeat- tallied a pair of goals as did Men's Tennis overall standing ing Gettysburg 7-5 on April 4 sophomore Stacey Bradley is 1-3. and receiving a forfeit win ~~~~ ~~~o~og~~~~~~derFran Golf from Lebanon Valley on the second. WMC got off to a The Terrors (423) finished quick start against the Bullets Women's Tennis second in a quad meet with by scoring twice in the first - Shippensburg (407), Dickin- five minutes. Senior Mark Car- The Green Terror Women's son (430) and Mount St. ter and junior Mark Wana- Tennis team won their first Mary's (463) on April 19; and maker each scored one. The match of the season, defeat- second in a tri-meet with visitors tried to make a come- ing York, 8-1, on April 10 Lebanon Valley (434) and back, but due to solid play by They won all six singles Wilkes (487) on April 18 with goalie Bill Brewster, who matches with straight set vlc- WMC posting a 444 team recorded 23 saves on the toties coming from senior Sue score afternoon, and goals by Car- Malkus, sophomore Karen The WMC teemen rode the ter and Mike Smith, they were Martin, and freshman Stacey strong performance of seniors unsuccessful. Carter became Greenberg. The streak was Gordon Digby and Jack Col- Kris Twiford claws through the air in the long jump. the ninth Green Terror to stopped at one by Dickinson tins to a tri-meet victory over She took second place in the event with a leap of score over 100 points in his as the Devils downed the Juniata, Urstnus. and Gettys- 15'2V2'. .career Terrors, 7-2, on April 19. burg on April 12
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