Page 88 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 88
Page 6/Western Maryland College/April 24, 1986 SGA revisions urged continued from page 1 ~~~~ryw~ileth~eS~i~ ~7s~~v~;' According to Miller, WMC has that the SGA is one of the had an "on and off" tradition oldest functioning groups on of student court systems. This campus, and that it grew out new supreme court, if imple- of the Honor System Associa- mented, would serve as a lion, he was not able to find hearing after the case has the constitution. . been appealed and before it Miller. along with other is sent for a final appeal to members of the SGA, be- the college president. Miller Reves that the SGA has to says that this extra step is "find its roots" and follow the needed to make the process original objectives of the SGA. more effective and to give a He thinks that the increased consistency to the decisions responsibilities will greatly made. The court would also benefit the school as soon as function as a check for the next year SGA, to make sure that it Though Miller does not an- operates within its bounds. ticipate running for a second , The reason behind most of term, he does acknowledge the changes is the fact that several qualified contestants the present constitution, rati- who will carry on his work. fied in 1965, is "completely Sophomore BlakeAustinsen,he unworkable." In fact, Miller says, is one strong candidate Dr. Raymond Phillips and Andrew Sapora discuss the foundingof Carroll County describes it as "vaguely for the presidential position in a mock print shop at the Baltimore Museum of Industry.Eileen Fisher holds idealistic," explaining that it "As a member of the Greek was a re-write of the original community, ROTC, and the the chalks while Dr. Robert Sapora directs and films the action.Due out later SGA constitution which was student senate, he has this year, the film will be used as an educational tool in Maryland schools. accepted on May 18, 1917. proven himself effective and -.Nancy Shaw _ Miller spent two weeks reliable. I think he under- searching for the original do- stands the need for constitu- rc;:::um;:::e=n=,~an~diriesieairc~h~ingF'h;;:e::::::'iolna;:::'=re=fo=rml'''iMii'i,erisijaYis~, ~Media makes unfair demands Human beings constantly struggle for perfection in their lives, and this forces them to suffer from a lot of unneces- sary stress. One of the chief contributors to a female's "hy- pertension" are the glossy, sophisticated women's maga- zines. These periodicals sport stunningly beautiful women on their covers each month, not to mention the thousands of photos to be found inside. Each of these images is paired with an article, or ':";".,..._",,1 sometimes as little as a ,"'--':::::::;=--~ ~ phrase, dictating how and why this look is mandatory. If you, for example, want to look Earn Up To $200 In fine for the model who is perfect, DON'T carry an over- stuffed briefcase. Well, that's ExtrilCredit! living and breathing her "port- but what about the folio," woman office worker whose career depends upon mas- Nowyoucanearncreditdollars-uptoa$200cash sive amounts of paper work? rebate- -with the purchase of an Apple. computer from an Is she supposed to rent a U- all of the women in my dormi- this March's Mademoiselle aulhorizedAppledeaJerbet~AprillandJune30,I986,It'scalled Haul to transport her docu- tory have carefully clipped out magazine has a feature enti- "AWie's Student Break." And all that's required is written ments just so she can look favorite, eye-catching layouts tled "Skinny girls ain't sexy - verificatlooofyourfulHimestatusasastudeniina tv.o-orfour- ravishing to and from work? and papered their walls with yearrollegeoruniversity.ltcouldn·tbeanyeasierthanthat Those last 5 lbs. - don't lose Or any more IWH'thwtiile. Because you can use your !leW Apple Furthermore, how many en- these coveted images. Even them, use them." So are we computer to research and write, organize and mate high-qualit)' sembles in Bazaar, Glamour, though they criticize the mod- supposed to be slim and fit, prese!ltatlons. And with access to hundreds ofedocational solrware Mademoiselle, and Vogue els for being "ugly" or "too or are we finally able to programs,you can increase yourkflO'Nledge in hundreds of subjects were made for the working skinny," they still honor them indulge in at least five pounds In fact, you 'NOIl't find a better leamingtool than an Apple woman? Instead, these maga- with wall space. These pic- of feminity? -""'. zines present lifestyles of lei- ture-clipping young women, in I find this entire scene sad, Or abetter lime 10 buy 01M!.See us today for funber details. sure and luxury. And if you particular, and perhaps all for not one of us will ever live by their standard, you will women to some extent, are match those ideal people that find the "perfect life" - a deriving some sense of image magazines are feeding us. theory too many of us waste and identity from these ideal Surprisingly enough, not even our time with. Oh, wouldn't it types. Not only is this alone those doing the portraying are be wonderful to never have to frustrating, but imagine the perfect people like the editors work, to weigh 105 pounds, to crisis when the idea of per- would have us believe. These be flawlessly beautiful, madly fection changes, or worse yet models have real lives, with in love, and of the jet-set when two images conflict. For problems and unpleasant sit- *Rebates of $75 with an Apple® Ilc, $150 with an Apple® Ile, crowd! Would that constitute a long time skinny was in, as uations, too. Certainly, the ...",._.....",."""......-~.,~c...,.-.,l_, $175 with Macintosh Tlt and $200 with Macintosh Plus a perfect life? I doubt it in the Twiggy look. Then perfect life does not exist, M-....u .............,JId_~,l.__,_iI .... __ _..,,___f{i#_. Yet so many of us sub- came the fitness craze, which except on those glossy ,.__ ...J scribe to this attitude. Nearly is still ensuing. However, just pages.
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