Page 87 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 87
April 24, 1986IWeotem Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on CamP-J,!..S. How do you feel about the U.S. bombing of Libya? I , I don't believe in We can't just sit I think it showed It was a very unin- I didn't like the idea bombing countries,' back and watch Li- we're aware of their telligent move. It of Reagan killing in- I' but Reagan was put byan terrorism take terrorist actions and will trigger other nocent people. He that over. under pressure. are a world we powers and should have used stronger power than nut cases to re- other measures. they are. spond. Gerald Sullivan Debbie Dean Susan Allen Carol Gauntlett Andre White ... T~cy Kenna~I .. If we're going to do it, ·Iet's do it right Apathy, Greeks, tuition, video class which is designed In turn, this meant that some more trouble than it is worth? ment out of. the fear that the housing, and the administra- to teach rudimentary filming crews (like mine) had the Quite frankly, I am embar- college would start looking tion -- we always seem to techniques. This is a require- equipment at the crack of rassed to admit that I'm a like a high tech training rehash the same campus is- ment for all communications dawn (6 am) and other crews communications major and school and leave behind its sues. This week. though, I'd majors and is open to any had it in the middle of the yet so uneducated about liberal arts ideals. The contra- like to address a new con- interested student. This se- night (3 am). Let's face it, not video production. If I were to diction here is that we live in cern. mester there are 64 students too many people enjoy crawl- pursue a career in video a high tech society. The students of WMC are (two sections) enrolled in the ing out of bed before the sun (which I'm not), odds are I'd constantly bombarded by the course. The students are div- comes up, and others have probably lose out to someone My point, then, is that I marketing that the college ided into eight crews of eight class in the morning and with the same degree from a really- do not think buying does to promote "the liberal people, and most of the work would like a good night's more "equipped' school. If more video equipment will arts," A liberal arts education is done on an independent sleep. Western Maryland could lessen the value of my liberal teaches you how to think basis _- that is, outside of the In the course of producing channel some funds in the arts degree. In fact, I think it creatively, solve problems, regular -class hours. Western the first video, the equipment direction of this course, it will only enhance my educa- and interrelate disciplines. Maryland College owns a broke down several times. could be a very beneficial tion. My high expectations for And most people would agree camera, a tripod, a monitor, a (Remember 64 people are learning experience. This this course were most cer- that this is the best kind of power pack, and an editing using the equipment around course should either be elimi- tainly affected by WMC's lack education. machine. The high demand the clock.) The delays and nated as a requirement or of equipment. Lately, however, I've be- for the course meant design- headaches caused by this "done right." And there are at least 63 come frustrated with my lib- ing a schedule whereby each made students contemplate other individuals out there eral arts experience as a crew could use the equip- the value of this class. Is the Rumor has it that WMC has who will most certainly back result of a basic film and ment for twelve hours a week film and video requirement not bought more video equip- me up on this.
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