Page 86 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 86
Page 4IWeitern Maryland College/April 24, 1986 Editorial Pervasive malaise This past weekend the Office of Student Affairs con- ducted a series of workshops surrounding the theme, "In Search. of Hidden Leaders." The organizers selected their theme based on Price and Waterman's best seller In Search of Excellence, a survey of the best in American business Unfortunately, the title is all that our administration has applied from the book As one glances over the manage-ment strategies and performances of the most successful enterprises, it becomes all too apparent that we apply the antithesis of the formula that has placed these companies at the top. Indeed, Western Maryland College is a ship sinking under the weight of a bureacracy built on stifled, dissatisfied, and fearful employees; A DIM-WAlT APPROAC.H To GOOD governed by detached, disinterested, and unimaginative management. .MANAGEMeNT! In order to produce a top quality product, labor and management must each have mutual respect for the contribu- tions of the other, share a common unifying goal, and work in an atmosphere which fosters innovation and pride. We have none of the above. Our employees and students deride our -- Lettersto the Editor-- administrators. They have little faith in their abilities or authority. Employees expect and receive very little positive reenforce- ment, yet work in fear of a faceless power structure that seems That IS not to say that those designed to stifle innovation. Students often criticize the A note of thanks Forgotten again Americans who died in terror- bureacracy but they rarely think about what a pitiable condition Ed~Of, ist attacks are unimportant. it would be to w~rk where you know that you can do nothing Editor, On behalf of the Student Many friends and family mem- that Willmake a difference and, what is more, do not know who I would like to take this Government, I would like to bers were devastated by the can. Boredom, frustration, and fear hang like a black cloud opportunity to thank a/l stu- thank an of those students sudden and brutal losses of over the Hill. dents, faculty and staff for who helped to make the lead- their loved ones and this It is true that not all our middle and upper levels of their support, assistance, and, ership seminar such a suc- should never be allowed. management are the cause of this. Rather they too are victims. at times, perserverance while cess last Saturday We However, perhaps President They must manage in the image of their superiors or not WMC has hosted outside believe that it is essential for Reagan would be more effec- manage at a/I. Here, as in most organizations, there is one groups on campus. This aca- the future of this college to tive and realistic if his policies person who sets the tone and atmosphere that will affect demic year the college will develop strong leadership for concentrated on the undeter- everyone else. At WMC a made-to-fail attitude trickles down to facilitate 45 different "outside" today and tomorrow. Perhaps minable amount of mentally, students and to employees. But if you were to ask from functions, from athletic touma- with better leadership, those physically. and emotionally whence it comes, you may not get the same answer twice. ments to weddings and an- administration officials that neglected people in the US Indeed, we can rid ourselves of this dangerous attitude nual business meetings. failed to invite or notify the The thousands who live in by following three simple practices. First, our leadership must These outside groups have SGA to this seminar, will one poverty could use our tax clearly identify itse!f, and secondly, get out of the office and not only generated income for day be replaced by people money in the form of educa- back into personal touch with the employee. And finally, we Western Maryland, but also who respect the rights and tion and job-training programs must encourage new ideas, to the point of abolishing manuals created financial opportunities autonomy of the student citi- as well as better health care. of rules, regulations, and procedures that needlessly hold us for student organizations. This zen. Instead. Reagan chooses to back. Every employee must believe that he is a valuable, year $4,150 has been earned Michael Miller, President, SGA waste our money on weapons indeed an essential part. of a vibrant whole that recoqnlzes his by student groups which have to injure and murder innocent r--------------..:..----, assisted with some facets of Costly mistakes Third World people. Ideas and will reward him for independent thinking. service to outside these The sad part about this groups. Other important ben- Editor, latest effort of the US govern- The Phoenix efits of these types of pro- the fact that President Rea- ment to flex its muscles is that There is no small irony in grams include greater college the news media reports 70 and hosting pro- exposure spective students visiting the gan decided to bomb Libya percent of the American peo- campus. during WMC's Peace Week. ple agreeing with Mr. Rea- The objective of the market- The very purpose of Peace gan's decision to attack. It is Editor-In-Cniet . Bill Mann ing department has been to Week has always been to upsetting that people are so Managing Editor .. ......... Kelly Connor generate additional revenue make ourselves aware of the easily coerced into believing Copy Editor . Jonathan Slade while keeping the unsettling human injustices in the world that the only answer to such a Production Supervisor . C. Lloyd Hart impact to the campus com- and to participate in pro- difficult situation is to drop Sports Editor ' . ..... Cynthia Schafer munity at a minimum. There is grams that encourage peace- some bombs. Certainly. there Photography Editor . ....... Margaret Gemski no question that, at times this ful solutions to conflicts. are many alternatives to this Business Manager . . Eric Greenberg year, the impact on particular Unfortunately, Mr. Reagan age-old solution. But. per- Advertising Manager . ........... Linda. Rippeon students and faculty has not does not agree with the ob- haps, thinking up these alter- Production Assistant . .......................... Beth Jones been "minimal." I apologize jectives of the Peace Week. natives is a little too difficult. Reporting Staff for these circumstances and Clearly, Libya is torn with Chuck Cruise, Patrick Dail, Chris Ginther, Ann Hallendorff, Ben thank you for your under- internal conflicts that prevent The question that dominates Hickson, Tracy Kennard, Dan Moskowitz, Michael Norkus, Tina standing and cooperation it from exercising the power such a situation is "Has the Pagliocchini, Beth Spangler The overall concept of facili- of which it might be capable. US lost all of its imagination?" ties marketing is very healthy, A few scattered terrorist at- Have we forgotten how to and -the college benefits from tacks on American travelers think now that we feel secure '" of Western The Phoenix is a bimonthly student publication it in many ways. Unfortun- are upsetting, but are not with our superior strength? Maryland College. The opinions expressed in columns and ately, a period of trial and grounds for the sophisticated Are we, in a sense, bullying letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the staff error exists as we fine tune US weapons used to kill Li- the rest of the world without or administration. Editorials are the responsibility of the editor- this program. Your support byans and damage buildings. listening to the opinions of in-chief and approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix has been greatly appreciated Many of the airplane attacks others? We must try to dis- reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarity, and and has enriched WMC's may not be linked to Kadafy, cover the nature of libyan libelous content. All letters to the editor must be signed and image to our visitors. but he will allow Americans to antagonisms against our authorship will be verified. believe that they cannot leave country. Only through mutual their homes without the fear of understanding can we hope Address all mail to: The Phoenix. Western Maryland College, being bombed or shot. Presi- to achieve any satisfaction in Westminster. MD 21157. Barry L. Bosley dent Reagan has allowed Ka- our relationship with foreign Director of Marketing and dafy to play mind games with nations. Facilities Management him. linda Marie Ashburn
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