Page 85 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 85
April 24, 1986IWeolem Maryland CoUegeJPage 3 WMC Press set to Jimmy Dean opens publish campus writing May 1 in understage At the Kressmont five and And the play, it seems, is continued from page 1 dime store in small town in packed with subtlely. The set- Texas, childhood friends unite ting, for example, reveals a 'regular' books," stated Dill- for their twentieth reunion in stifling environment. For the man. the production of Come Back past· three years the small Furthermore, if the idea de- velops well, the Press eventu- to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, town has had a dry spell. The Jimmy Dean. The anniversary ceiling fan is broken, the air is aUywill consider acting as its authors' agent in submitting brings friends together to dry, and the lighting is dim. fully produced, classroom- catch-up with the present and During the flashbacks, when tested works to larger pub- reminisce about the past, yet there is stilt hope, the ceiling lishing houses for possible flashbacks of their youth re- fan is working, the air is is veal personal conflicts each moist, and the lighting adoption. character has hidden over the brighter. Dillman stated that they would also like to publish years. These characters have Come Back to the 5 & some non-textbook projects, been living ties for 20 years Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy which have prevented them Dean, which examines teen- such as poetry or scholarly works. 'We'd like to offer from growing and being con- age idol worship, will be pre- tent. One member of the cast, formed on May 1-4 at 8 pm students opportunities to study publishing and market- Julie Ann Elliott, commented in the Dorothy Elderdice that the dangers of being Theater. Tickets are available ing through internships or special studies." These stu- caught up in their deceptions at the College Activity Desk have held them back from and extension 599. Admission dents will work with WMC Mr 0 Richard Dillman, assistant professor of computer Press and try to find markets nurturing their lives. for WMC students is $1. for the books. science and technical director of the WMC Press piee The Press already has its Press is self-supporting. "The Tutu Issues first contract, with the Ameri- ant, stated Kennard. can Planning Corporation in "This is like a team project," money it makes goes directly continued from page 1 Tutu also believes that US Alexandria, Va, a designer of said Kennard. "I write one or back to the college. We businesses should divest their soft-ware packages. Junior two chapters a week and we [Regis and Dillman] use the ready to pay any price" to interests in South Africa, ex- Tracy Kennard is working on discuss my progress at our money to buy more equip- end Apartheid. Blacks would plaining that "oniycompanles the assignment for her senior weekly meetings. It's an inter- ment. We're an unusual entity prefer not starting a Civit War, worry about improving things project as a communications! esting project because it uti- within the college because we she claimed, but the ultimate when they see their profit systems analysis major. lizes my communications have a contract." decision for one "ties at the margins shrink." For Blacks, Through the guidance of Dill- major with a systems analysis Dillman believes that there feet of the government." she continued, "divestment is man and Ms. Pam Regis, program." is a lot of potential in the In addition, Tutu suggested seen as a feasible and desir- an English instructor, Kennard Although the writing is time Press. "We're just getting our- that "the price" truly has been able form of protest." is re-writing an entire manual consuming and often frustrat- selves organized this spring. paid by the South African Over 250 people attended for the User's Guide to a ing. "it's taught me a different We hope to produce two Blacks. The loss of human the presentation,most claiming computer system. Regis acts way to write creatively," said books next year, and two or life, she added, is the ultimate that they wanted to find out as the editor, while Dillman Kennard. three more in the year after sacrifice any nation can pay. exactly what Apartheid is. that." the Regis stressed that acts as the technical assist- r----- .. F10use of Liquors you don't get ICarroll Plaza Shopping Center I ~PBONE MAN What if into the specials ... W~~sy!!~~ grad school I I WESTMINSTER, MD. 21157 of your choice Beck's $4.29/6 pk saLlS' IN.STAlLA110Jl·J.E"U~.s with this coupon ,....... __ ........ "~===R=lCH==RML==========;;;:====M=~=~='=8~ Ofrourse. youmaygetinto another school, but why settle? Pre:parefor the LSAl GMAT, GRE. MeAT or any grad school Youhave an appointment entrance exam with the best test prep organization- Stanley H. , with PaulMitchell Kaplan. For nearly 50 years. Kaplaris lest-taking techniques have pre- pared over 1 million students for admission and licensing tests of 011kinds. 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