Page 93 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 93
March 14, 1985IWeilem Maryland CollegeIPage 5 6.0 seconds on campus _Sleven Rossma Do you think that the $1300 Trying to get rid I tuition increase is justified of you? Don't and if so, why? be absurd The first time it happened, it be THE ONE," In such a was innocent enough. Melvin situation friends usually come called me up to say he second. But if you loose your couldn't play badminton be- lover. then who do you have? - cause he had made "other Last week was a prime plans" with his girlfriend Mil- example of what I mean. A lie. Never mind that I had cut group of us were sitting on classes that day and spent the dining porch enjoying $75 on a nylon badminton suit each others company and with reflector labels. involved in pleasant conver- The second time, Mel and I saticn. Then George and had a dinner date in order to Georgette (lovers) sat at our discuss our plans for the table. From that moment on summer.Two minutesbefore I there were two eioee-us and left to meet him at the restau- THEM. H I'm paying $1300 I might be able to H Is a very large rant, he called to say he had "I think The Bill Cosby Show "an important doctor's ap- is just about the greatest out of my pocket, I understand a raise Increase-and It pointment." Okay...But at thing on TV. Don't you, want to know where In tuition, but I'm seems like there are seveno'clock on a SUNDAY? George?" No answer. (George and Severalweeks passed and I the money Is going. tired of having my a lot of places saw very little of Mel. Occa- Georgette were gazing into It Is understandable money spirited where money Is atonally.I would spot him with each other's eyes and holding Millie. Sometimes he would hands under the table.) to expect an In- away without my wasted-such as even nod in my direction. One "Actually, I think Cheers is 'crease In tuition but knowledge. heat going out the day, I decided to pay him a the best thing on these days," visit, but before I could utter said another friend. "Don't $1300Is a big Jump. windows and food two sentences, he said sim- you think so, Georgette?" being thrown away. ply, "I gotta lot of studying to No answer. (The happy Carrie Miller Dana Moylan Julie Winkler do tonight, catch you later." couple was now embracing ~~nu~~~~~O~~y~~Udft:s ~~: an~ilru~~~~Hn~~e~~endtried President's wife defends dean night of the SUP~R BOWL.. subtly to break the ice by What I have discovered IS saying, "Hey, you two love- Dear Editor, his humanity, not thought- are obstructing justice just as that when men and women birds! CHILL OUT!" no response begin dating: they give th.eir Absolutely lessly accused of "corrup- 'much as you seem to think friends the bIg KO (otherwise from the lovebirds. I am appalled at your lack tion," and having ulterior Dean Sayre was. You appear known as the big "kiss off"). We decided to take immedi- of understanding for your "motive" to save the college's to be so upset over his In order to find out the ~EAL ate action--weacted as if they Dean's actions during the re- name. Again, my supposition actions that you fail to point story, I asked several fnends didn't exist. Then, during an cent drug incident which is that rather than trying to out that the memo quoted of mine, who are presently intense discussion about the shows, ~believe, your lack of save the college's name, he from was stolen from Mr. "involved," about this peculiar extra ordinary intelligence feeling for the familial aspect was trying to save someway- Kimball's office. Theft is also phenomenon. Most of them needed to play Trivial Pursuit, of a college campus. Your ward adolescentsfrom having against the law. denied any such thing, two of IT HAPPENED. Someone self-righteousattitude towards permanent damage to their them laughed in my face and mentionedthe fact that it was your fellow students is dis- reputationsand their psyches. "eMxtYenPOuaitn,tngiSc,.trhceurmestCaanncebs~ one of them pleaded the fifth getting hotter outside these turbing. You say: "Whatever amendment. days. Suddenly, without any other extenuating circum- Anyone who has spent any in many law enforcement situ- Undaunted, I asked my warning, George and Gear- stances which may exist as a time on other college cam- ations. Law must be tem- close friend Merv who he had gette shoved the trays of food result of our status as a puses (as all faculty surely pered with justice and been ignoring me since he aside, jumped upon the table college have no relevance in have) know that campus ee- understandingor else we be- started dating. His reply is and became bodily entangled justifying obstruction of jus- curity forces are there for the come its tools; I am sure, as worth mentioning:"To me, the and lip-locked. tice." protection of the students. PresidentChambers affirmed, woman I'm dating is the most The members of our little Serious crimes, those involv- that WMC is not out to violate important person in my life-- group were at a loss. What This smacks of Orwell's ing bodily injury to another the laws of the state of Mary- but no matter what happens, exactly does one sayar do in 1984and McCarthyism.Have person, of course should be land, but setting up a police I'll always have my friends." such a situation? Say, "Ex- you no feeling for the very turned over to local law au- state with "Big Brother" Merv hasn't spoken to me cuse me, but could you pass special nature of a college thorities: but there is great watching you, ready to hand since then. This is not to say the salt?" Or simply throw a which is like a family all debate over the seriousness you over to the police if you that his philosophy is mean- table cloth over their bodies. working together in the edu- of the possession of marl- walk your dog without a ingless. Only a trifle mis- Since we were adults, how- cational process? Without juana. Yes, you say, it is leash, exceed the 55mph guided. If I am ignored often ever, we did the adult thing. having any knowledge of his against the law. Yes, I say, speed limit, or are in the room enough, my general conclu- We continued to ignore them thoughts or actions, I surmise but so is having a dog run with a friend who is trying a sian is that the person wants as emphatically as we had that Dean Sayre has this loose insteadof on a lead. Do "joint," is not - the way to nothing to do with me. I can before. feeling, that he looked upon you report to the police every improve community relations. understand this. After all, And you know what ELSE? the guilty students as family person you see walking with I would suggest to those friends come and go. This is Uh oh..look at the time. You'll members who made a mis- an unrestrainedanimal?I am concerned with law and order a fact of life. When you have to excuse me, I'd like to take, not realizingthe serious- a parent who servesan ceca- on the campus that you get graduate and get a job, that continue, but I just remem- ness of that error. Compare a sional glass of wine to my involved with your fellow stu- initial closeness you had is bered that I have a big test father who found his son teenage child. Should sorne- dents, help those whom you somehow'changed. It is not next month and I really should smoking pot in his room. one in my own household - feel are straying from law and better or worse; it is somehow study for it tonight. What? Am Wouldn't that father want to report me for servinga minor? order with 'sympathetic en- different. I trying to get rid of you? talk to that son, to handle the Do you report yourself to the couragementto change, not a Being in love, on the other Don't be silly! I merely have situationen famille rather than local authorities when your call to the authorltiee-and hand, can be quite special this important doctor's ap- running to the nearest law speedometer exceeds thank Dean Sayre for caring and wonderful--after all, the pointment that I have to go enforcement officer? Dean 55mph?That'sthe law. If you too much. Alice Chambers person you are dating "could to... Sayre should be praised for don't, by your standards,you
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