Page 94 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 94
Women end season with .500 record Not since 1979-80 has the scored at a 11.4 clip for the Western Maryland women's year. The 5-9 forward finished basketball team been at.500 fifth in the MAC in field goal at the end of. a season. But percentage (.537) and sev- the 1984-85 squad closed enth in rebounding (10.3). with an 11-11 mark after an Bawiec led WMC in field goal 80-72 overtime upset of Get- percentage connecting on 53 tysburg in the season finale. per cent of her shots. Head Coach Becky Martin's Freshman Lisa Sullivan was Squad finished third in the a pleasant surprise for the Southwest Section of the Mid- Green and Gold avera,ging die Atlantic Conference with a 10.4 points per game. She 6-4 slate and missed the led the Terrors in steals with playoffs by a single game.. . 38 and finished second in WMC was led the entire assists with 66. Sullivan also season by sophomore Cindy pulled down 4.8 rebounds per Boyer. The 5-11 center liter- contest. ally did it all for the Green Senior co-captain Laura and Gold. She led the Terr~rs Winner led the team in assists in scoring (19.5), rebounding (75) for the third consecutive (12.1), free throw percentage season raising her school (.742) and blocks (28). Boyer record in that category to Lacrosse plans season finished first in t~e 24-team 254. ~AC. in re:boundlng p2.~), WMC finished 5-3 at home, Sixth In sconng (20.0), eight In 5-8 on the road and 1-0 on by Andrew P. Jung will be the line of Bruce hored by Bill Brewster in goal field goal percentage (.526), neutral floors Three of the Kracke,Matt Krozak and either fifth in free thr~ percentage losses came at the hands of The mens lacrosse team is Mike Biront or Eric Hummel and a close defense of Cole Younger, co-captain Jamie (-.775). She. talll~ a ~eason- teams that were invited to the approaching this season "one who will share the third spot De Grafft and freshman Bill high 33 POints In a Win over NCAA Division III Tournament day at a time" according to on the line. The other line will Balestra. Dave Dante and n Albright a~d pulled dow: ?2 __ Gettysburg Susquehanna, head coach Mike Williams. be Mark Wanamaker and Kevin O'Connor will also see rebounds m a loss to Dlckln- and Elizabethtown. Williams added "this is the freshmen Steve Knite and time on defense. ~'ree other Green Terrors G~~~~:~~rtG~I~e~~~ ~~a~~~ !f~~he~tn~e'v:e ha~~~l~ 10~~ John Cassock. scored double figures for the as WMC loses just Winner pleased ~ finish with a.5OO The attack will be lead by The team overall is young season. Junior co-captain and Templon to graduation. If record." junior co-captain Mark Carter, but showed enthusiasm in Nancy Hutchinson shot 48 a point guard can be found to The starting ten according Matt Jackson and freshmen their first three scrimmages. per cent from the field while complement Boyer, Bawiec, to Williams is "as good a John Giza with Rob Ellin and They scored 39 goals but, averaging 11.9 point~ per Hutchinson and Sullivan, the nucleus as we've had in a Mike Smith also seeing time according to Williams, still game. She tallied 22 points m Green Terrors should be long time but our biggest on attack. need work on defense. The a win over John Hopkins. among the favorites in the problem will be our lack of terrors face Villanova here on ;:So:::P:ho:ll1O=re=l:in:d:a=B:aW:i:ec=Sou=:th::w:es::t::s::ec:ti:on:·===~d re~p__th_.'_'_Th_e_k_ey:_m_id_fi_,e_ld_er_s_T_h_e_d_e_fe_n_se_w_iII_be_a_n_c-__ Sa_tu_rd_a_y_a_t_2_p_.m_.__ I 1H~PRESS PROfESSIONAL lYPING & WORD PROCESSING SERVICE also available ·typlng for term papers, leHers, resumes and manuscripts Quick and dependable service. Sandra Walker (301)848-8387 CAMP COUNSELORS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FOR Camp Airy for boys Camp Louise for girls Locat~m 1~1~~:~~~t~:a::~land whl~e working at camp $T. PATRICK'$ DAY Male Counselors needed lor archery, wreslllng, arts and crafts and plano accompani~t lor shows We Will Be Interviewing At Western Maryland College On: Tuesday, March 19, 1985 from 9:30 A.M. 'til 2:30 P.M. Near The Bookstore Call 301-466·9010 to set up an appointment All Green Pepper Pizzas or Just to stop by. (Not good with any other offer. St. Patrick's Day only)
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